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SID display for Saab 9-5 - Mike H
Has anyone got a good SID display, i.e. without the missing pixels, for a Saab 9-5 at a sensible price? Also need the climate control display but this isn't so urgent (yet!).

Just for interest, I am pursuing the possibility of finding someone to fix them, as there seem to be an awful lot of 9-3 and 9-5 owners having problems with these in relatively young cars. The next possible step is to form some sort of pressure group to get Saab to accept more responsiility for the abysmally short functionm life of these units - which incidentally retail new at c.£400.
SID display for Saab 9-5 - Mike H
No luck on the fixing front, spoke to an engineer who assures me it isn't possible.
SID display for Saab 9-5 - big al
Yep, I just bought a Saab 9-5 and the SID has started to lose pixels. The car is 4 and a half years old. Incidentally, does anyone know of a decent independent garage for Saabs in and around Edinburgh?
SID display for Saab 9-5 - PB
>>which incidentally retail new at c.£400.<<

Is this fitted or just the part do you know?
I've had a 90k miles 9-5 with no display problems, and now a 5yr old 900 conv with no probs. But at Saab auction last week a couple of the 9-3s I looked at (out of about 8-10) had the same problem, one had barely any working pixels.

BMW had this issue on the 7-series and will sell you a recon unit at about half the regular cost. How/if they recon them I don't know.
SID display for Saab 9-5 - Mike H
This is just the part at £400, but the actual fitting is about 3 minutes (just pulls out & unplugs/replugs).

I think that Saab might sell one at a discount if pushed, but it would need some heavy leaning on the Customer Services team at head office to achieve it. I understand they aren't repairable.
SID display for Saab 9-5 - Mark (RLBS)
Moved from Classifieds because it seems like an interesting conversation;
SID display for Saab 9-5 - PB
I would be writing a firm letter to the Saab UK MD if it were me!

Try www.parts-asap.co.uk/ (Saab parts) otherwise, maybe they can help.
SID display for Saab 9-5 - Mike H
Yes, thought about the letter. I think it is scandalous that, where the part is known to be faulty by the manufacturer, that I should be expected to foot *any* of the bill.

Thanks for the tip re used spares, I do know of parts-asap and lots of other places, but paying £100 for a second-hand item which may develop the same fault in a few months time is not necessarily a good investment IMHO. I have some other routes to try for a cheaper replacement.
SID display for Saab 9-5 - SaabDriver

I too have experienced this problem. I've spoken to my Saab dealer in Germany (I live in Germany), and they're going to try and get this repaired free of charge for me, even though the car is 4 years old. I find it a bit of a scam that in the UK, the dealers are charging over 400 pounds, a new one in Germany would cost around 300 EURs, which is about 200 pounds, including fitting. I've noticed that the problem only occurs when the car's interior temperature has reached a certain level, usually, around 23°c.

On the other hand, you don't see many Saabs here...only about 8000 registered every year in Germany. Having said that, I think these cars a great value for money. You won't get a decent merc or bmw with all those extras for that price.
SID display for Saab 9-5 - Armitage Shanks{P}
You are right but some would say that, compared with a Merc or a BMW, a SAAB is not a decent car! The old 9-3 was based on the Cavalier and while the new one is streets better, although not available as a hatchback, it has lot of catching up to do on the image front! What is this battye advert with the reclining stick insect/man going to for people's perception of the thing as a serious product? It is image that sells a lot of cars IMHO.
SID display for Saab 9-5 - Mike H
The old 9-3 was based on the Cavalier and
while the new one is streets better, although not available as
a hatchback, it has lot of catching up to do on
the image front!

Agreed, the 9-3 was Cavalier-based, and was not a classic.

But why is image so important to you? I need a car that is safe, reliable, comfortable & quiet. If it happens to be trendy, that is a definite downside for me. IMHO, the 3-series BMW is claustrophobic & cramped although it (probably) qualifies on most of my criteria, and would never figure on a shortlist. Now, the 5-series, that would be tasty - had a 525d auto for assessment for my next company car, I could have lived with that....

It's worth pointing out that BMW, Mercedes and Saab are all amongst the top few for customer loyalty, so they must be doing something right, they are just different interpretations of the same theme. So, what do you drive Mr. Shanks?
SID display for Saab 9-5 - SaabDriver

I too have experienced this problem. I've spoken to my Saab dealer in Germany (I live in Germany), and they're going to try and get this repaired free of charge for me, even though the car is 4 years old. I find it a bit of a scam that in the UK, the dealers are charging over 400 pounds, a new one in Germany would cost around 300 EURs, which is about 200 pounds, including fitting. I've noticed that the problem only occurs when the car's interior temperature has reached a certain level, usually, around 23°c.

On the other hand, you don't see many Saabs here...only about 8000 registered every year in Germany. Having said that, I think these cars a great value for money. You won't get a decent merc or bmw with all those extras for that price.
SID display for Saab 9-5 - Mike H
Interesting thought, it's worth a drive to Germany to get one on a day trip! I think I'll check the price in France, as I live 20 miles from Portsmouth & a day trip is easy. Thanks for the idea.
SID display for Saab 9-5 - SaabDriver
The air conditioning normally requires a software update, I've just had mine updated, becaue the calibration wasn't working properly anymore.
SID display for Saab 9-5 - DaveSm
Try looking at this site, it sounds a lot cheaper than a new unit. www.users.waitrose.com/~randmwilliams/index.html
SID display for Saab 9-5 - Mike H
Yep, someone else told me about this site. I've tried it but it made only a small difference. I've contacted the owners & they suggested denser foam. It completely cured the problem for my informant. Thanks for the tip anyway.