Subaru Impreza - rocks verges - izzyf

I have a neighbour who has put rocks on the verge of my drive, and the land does not belong to him on his site plan for planning. Every time i reverse out of my drive i have to negotiate them, and when in a hurry i have bumped them, they are below site line so i have to guess, as have friends. I have emailed the council, because they state do not put rocks on verges, i do not want to confront him legally where do i stand?

Subaru Impreza - rocks verges - bonzo dog

Hi izzyf, when you say "verge" are you refering to a grass verge in front of your neighbour's house?

Subaru Impreza - rocks verges - LucyBC
It is up to the council but you would be better to phone them rather than email as the phone call is harder to ignore.
Subaru Impreza - rocks verges - izzyf

i have spoken to the council today, they say that rocks on verges are the bain of their lives. The verges in question butt his garden fence and my drive, the verge runs on the inside of my drive and then there is a gate at the top of the drive, his garden is behind a fence and on the other side of the verge. I have seen a copy of his deeds and the land does not belong to him, i rent my property off a large rural estate and they cannot find the deeds, therefore have asked the council to see if they can assertain the owner, he has planted a rockery and put very large bolders on the edge of the verge and mows the land, which is very in my space and confrontational. But hey ho he does not work or go out and has all the time in the world to curtain twitch and plan his next move on his neighbours. In the meantime my car has numerous scratches as do friends who visit and we have no come back, or the law does not protect us, he is aware of what he is doing they were here before we moved in, but it is the only power he holds.

Subaru Impreza - rocks verges - bonzo dog

Hi again; I asked my question as to where the verge is, because it is a subject close to my heart. I used to put rocks on the grass verge in front of my house, as did many of my neighbours to prevent inconsiderate drivers from churning up the verge which was then repaired by the council at my (& other taxpayer's) expence. The council told me they prefered these rocks rather than going to the expence as mentioned. Unfortunately someone (we know not who) kept complaining so the council removed the rocks as an obstruction. C'est la vie!

In your case however the ownership of the land is in question. If it's not council owned then it's up to the owner to take action against your neighbour, if they so choose.

One final point (& I know it's slightly confrontational, but I don't mean it sarcastically) why do you feel it's in order for you to drive over this land that isn't yours but it's not acceptable for your neighbour to maintain it?