I have recently e-mailed Surrey Police about vehicles on the road without insurance,tax or M.O.T.The end result of the contact is that as far as they are concerned the problem 'is not a police matter'.
As one of the reasons given for my motoring costs being so high is to cover the monies lost as a result of the large numbers of illegal drivers on our roads, I find this answer unacceptable.
How are we to rid ourselves of these parasitic motorists?
I agree, insurance premiums paid by us honest drivers are higher than they should be because of said parasites.
Integrating the various DVLA/PNC and other computer systems would help. Of course the output from any computer system depends greatly upon the accuracy and currency of the information that goes into it.
Cameras that can read registrations could connect to such a system so that the authorities would have evidence of untaxed vehicles being driven.
It may be more difficult to work out if a car is insured.
Then there's the problem of MoTs.
It's not an easy one to fix, but it certainly goes against the grain when the police aren't interested in dealing with it.
Just one more excuse by plod to sit scratching their hairy arsé and do nothing. Mind you, they do very little to catch muggers and burgulars.
Very soon we will see a huge backlash at the general inactivity of the police on these issues. Meanwhile, they spend an inordinate amount of time sat in very expensive police cars dishing out ticket to the 'real' villans in our country today.
Do you know that police forces think nothing of shelling out over £9million on new EC135 helicopters to fight crime? That wouldn't be so laughable except for the fact that most of these police helicopters are used to tackle car related offences.
Absolutely incredible, no disgusting really.
Went clay shooting today and got talking to a friend who has a small car repair garage.It turns out that since I last saw him his unit had been burgled and his tools nicked and a customers car's cd player nicked.All taken away in an Astramax belonging to him.
Apparantly him and a mate find the van parked up and while looking round it a women came out from a house and asks them what they are doing.They tell here that it was stolen whereby she tells them that she knows who stole it because she has seen him driving it around.It was her next door neighbour who is a "druggie".
My mate informs the police and to his astonishment is told they can't do anything as there is no evidence !
Its no wonder that public faith in the police is disspearing fast.
My mate did say that he would arrange to get his own back,make of that what you will .
I heard of a very similar instance reported on the radio.
The guy told plod just as in the above example where the stolen vehicle was. PC plod told HIM to just 'go get it himself' then!
Went clay shooting today My mate did say that he would arrange to get his own back,make of that what you will .
I sincerely hope that the two statements above are not connected...
No connection at all !We shoot clay pidgeons for fun,nothing else,not even those pesky real ones(pesky ,if your a farmer I should add)
Funnily enough, I've experienced a simular thing myself.
It encourages us to take matters into our own hands, of which I told the police and of course they came out with the usuall turd!
For once I am not going to remove a swear word. I have a little difficulty in understanding somone who either has such a limited vocabulary that it needs to be supplemented with crudeness or is so desperate to make an impact, that they will go to all the trouble of using a special character to avoid the swear checker.
Watcher - this is a habit of yours. In future you will lose the whole note if you do it again. Do it too much, and you'll have to go elsewhere for your kiddy games.
Mark (RLBS)
Moderator at Work
What a gift for you Watcher - a ready made platform for you to attack the police again.
Oh I forgot you are not anti-police are you.
So we are not allowed to criticise the police in your eyes?
The daily persecution of motorist by the police grows all the time yet when we need the police to help us ie recover stolen vehicle not to mention house break ins etc they are nowhere to be seen and rarely lift a finger other than to issue an incident report!
What a strange sense of priorities you have. May I ask do you think it reasonable for Police forces to be shelling out £9million each for the latest model EC135 helicopter when their current fleet of AS355's and B107's do the same job perfectly adequately while many real crimes go undetected?
And yes, if the police deserve to be criticised for doing nothing, then I will criticise, thank you very much.
I had two plods at my door at the weekend asking if I had abandoned my car in another part of town. It has broken down and I'm arranging for someone to help me take it to a scrap yard. The car however is insured, taxed and MOT'd. It is sitting on a public road in a parking space.
It turns out that a resident of the street had complained. Two policemen probably spent a couple of hours investigating my car and contacting me for no other reason than some nosey parker complaint.
I sometimes wish that my local constabulary would take the "Not a police matter" attitude.
Shark Ahoy!
Recent readers letter in Chronicle & Echo (Northampton local paper). Northamptonshire has 1,196 police officers, where are they?
Article on opposite page, 5 police officers to spend Saturday handing out gay awareness leaflets in Northampton town centre. I kid you not.
I read your post with some interest as when I was active routine checks on drivers not only produced documentation offences i.e. insurance/Excise etc and hopefully a deterent for not having, but also covered crime in recovery of stolen vehicles/property.
Not believing what you wrote and to get ammunition to knock you down, I too EMailed the CC Surrey to ask what their policy was. I received a very non commital reply to say the least so I am still in the dark.
However, hope springs eternal and having had a word with Ploddaughter I can tell you that checks are still being made up North in relation to these things.
At least Wally also shows Plod is still digging other than Surrey?
IMHO the current policy of running down the traffic dept. activities and transference of units to other duties is inevitably going to affect the general level of success in solving crimes of all descriptions. We should not forget that the capture of the Yorkshire Ripper was not achieved by any fancy detective work by CID but traffic man checking licence plates outside the chippy.
Happy Motoring Phil I
IMHO the current policy of running down the traffic dept. activities and transference of units to other duties is inevitably going to affect the general level of success in solving crimes of all descriptions. We should not forget that the capture of the Yorkshire Ripper was not achieved by any fancy detective work by CID but traffic man checking licence plates outside the chippy.
Although they CID had interiewed him twice.
Which suggests that random trafic checks are more effective than interviewing the culprit.
Which is clearly not the case. In Toads humble opinion.
These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
Sorry Toth. Got the wrong scrote. Memory cracking up as well as other things. Was the guy who kidnapped and murdered Leslie Whittle.
Phil I
Traffic caught the Ripper as well.......something about a stop/search because of a dodgy number plate....he was on the way to top another.
Which makes my point even more pertinent. Would a £9million police helicopter have caught the ripper? A big fat NO I think.
The only sure fire way to catch/deter those who drive sans insurance etc would be to increase dramatically the number of road checks carried out by the police. If carried out conscientiously this would probably lead to the deterence/prosecution of other crimes since most criminals don't walk.
The down side is having to live in a police state and the cries from 'law abiding motorists' about police persecution and having nothing better to do...etc
Sadly, the police tend to be "damned if they do and damned if they don't". Most police officers I know work very hard and have a commitment to their community. However, they are brow beaten and stymied by political correctness, bureaucracy, poor management, the interference of politicians, inadequate numbers, and crime that is spiralling out of control.
Which is why ANPR sytems, both mobile and static are sucha cost effective way of doing it. Insurance and Tax details are already carried on PNC and "by 2004" MoT details will also be included on it making producers almost redundent. I rekon that the next ste will be the compulsory carrying of Driver's Licences.
I was stopped by a mobile ANPR crew last summer in my (then) newly imported Defender. I had just been to the LVLO to valaidate the final hurdle of getting it registered in the UK, stopped off at Halfords to get its plates and drove off merrily home. Got stopped as the index hadn't yet "reached" PNC. I had all the docs with me but it didn't stop them dipping my diesel tank though. I had no issue with being stopped and whole process took about 10 minutes.
Ermmm what's ANPR and PNC?
So ANPR and PNC revealed no TWOC and I bet you weren't OTPL either. Not even a VDRS for VRM plates unfixed.
No if that had been Watcher bags of AOABH at least?
ANPR = Automatic Number Plate Recognition
PNC = Police National Computer