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Sump plug valve - Dave N
Anyone out there know where you can get those valves that replace the sump plug to make oil change easier?

I know aeroquip make them for small plane engines, but can't find any for cars.
Sump plug valve - cos
why bother when its just as easy to undo the bolt?
Sump plug valve - Dave N
'Why bother?'

Well, low ground clearance, poxy undertray, hot oil on hands, oil on block paving.
Sump plug valve - Galaxy
Rather sounds like the sort of thing that Frost Auto Restoration Techniques might sell. Now there's a company with a good sense of humour!

Have a look at: www.frost.co.uk

Sump plug valve - rg

I do recall something about this discussed on the old site. Check the archives.

Alternativly, I do recall a discussion on peugeot-L@yahoogroups.com. Again, use archives.

Then you could always use old carpet to catch the drips and spills. And an oversize drain tray such as the bottom of a deceased Hamster's cage. It works for me.

