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HJ Radio - Dogbreath
Wouldn't it be great if there was an HJ radio station dedicated to cars and AOR? I would listen to it. Imagine the phone-ins - all those reps on the road.
HJ Radio - volvoman
Me too - radio can get to places TV and internet can't.
HJ Radio - blowpipe
What, another excuse for a rep to get on the phone at 90mph juggling the steering wheel and a bacon sandwich in the other hand?
HJ Radio - volvoman
Do they need an excuse ;-)
HJ Radio - Ian (Cape Town)
>>Imagine the phone-ins - all those reps on the road.

"And today's first caller is George, phoning from somewhere on the M25... what do you have to say, George?"

"Well, HJ, I'd like to discuss this silly matter of mobile phones distracting drivers ... I think it is a lot of old- " [Screech! Crunch! Shatter! Bang! Crash! Wallop]

"Hello George? George .....? Well, we appear to have just lost George. News just in, a massive pile up on the M25...."
HJ Radio - Baskerville
It's called BBC Radio Two.