At what point? - Old Navy
After all the snow tales of woe, at what point do you say "It's too deep / icy / slippery / dangerous to drive.
At what point? - maz64
After all the snow tales of woe at what point do you say "It's too
deep / icy / slippery / dangerous to drive.

Depends on why you're driving - if you're going out to 'rescue' wife (as I had to last night) then you might be prepared to take more (perceived) risks.
At what point? - Armstrong Sid
Depends on why you're driving - if you're going out to 'rescue' wife (as I
had to last night) then you might be prepared to take more (perceived) risks.

Agree with something like above; but otherwise I'd not go out if I seriously thought I wouldn't get to my intended destination. (or get back again later)
At what point? - dieseldogg
When it starts to drift deeper than say ??? depending on vehicle
At what point? - Altea Ego
I have a slight upwards slope on my drive.

If I cant get the car from the drive to the road, that is the point to give up. It hasnt happened yet with the Altea last winter or this.

At one point last winter however I did turn round. I was on my way north and the radio was bleating warnings about blocked roads in the area i was heading to. Its not the snow or the conditions that stimies you, its all the other drivers who cant cope and block the roads.

At what point? - JH
"Its not the snow or the conditions that stimies you, its all the other drivers who cant cope and block the roads.". Yup. That's what the news is showing. I've been out in rwd in relatively deep slow with no problems. Keep it steady, keep a bit of "way"on, watch out for anything remotely resembling a bend and it's amazing what you can get through. Until someone gets in the way :-(

At what point? - Armitage Shanks {p}
My partner took 2 hours to do a normally 10 minute journey in the Reading area last night. Gridlock as a spin-off from the the M3/M4 problems I'm guessing. She has decided not to go to work today as, although the traffic is better the roads are not, and the 400 yards from her house to the 'main' road are glazed ice.
At what point? - piston power
When the fridge is full of beer there is no need to go out.!
At what point? - SpamCan61 {P}
Having managed to escape Basingstoke before gridlock set in yesteday afternoon, I was going to head for the office today, but just for once in my life I saw the local TV news during breakfast, Basingstoke and Reading littered with abandoned cars, so I'm staying put. Gnerally if I can get on to a main roud without major grief, I'll head for my destination, but that becomes problematic if, liek today, your destination has had far more snow than your startng point.
At what point? - Steve Pearce
I tried to get from Guildford (where there had been no snow yesterday) to Tadley via Basingstoke. I tried three different routes but turned back due to traffic. It clearly wasn't going to get any better so I headed back to Guildford and stayed in a hotel overnight.
At what point? - Altea Ego
Basingstoke and Reading took a pounding last night. The trains were mostly ok tho.
At what point? - Glaikit Wee Scunner {P}
If can not stop the car and it turns into a sledge.
At what point? - FotheringtonThomas
When I can't get through.
At what point? - Old Navy
When I can't get through.

Ah, so it's you blocking all the roads, FT. :-)
At what point? - FotheringtonThomas
No. I have a reverse gear - and there are normally opportunities to "go about" anyway.

Frustrating this morning driving along in tailbacks caused by people driving with exaggerated slowness - but then again, if they can't confidently go a bit faster, it's better that they plod on, rather than cause a smash and block the way. I wish they'd pull over occasionally, though.
At what point? - perro
I usually take the mutt out at 6-30am but when I stuck my nose out of the door and saw the ice & snow I just kicked him out into the garden instead.
When I put the local radio station on I heard stories of doom & gloom on the local roads - ice, snow, black ice, accidents, and the oft repeated warning of "Don't venture out "etc., etc.
So, come 7-55am I ventured out onto the ice and snow - used my 38 years driving experience, and covered 28 rural A & B miles sensibly and returned safely.
Re: At what point, well - I nearly didn't go, I could have 'dodged the column' but decided to give it a go anyway and all went well.
Some have mentioned the eedyots, others have mentioned the numpties - can I just mention the thicko's as well :-D