The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - wotspur

Tonight, I had the misfortune of travelling along Seven Hills Road - In Weybridge - to anyone who knows it,it is a very busy main road, and almost pitch black.

I was unfortunate enough to find a pot hole that removed the air from my wheel in a nano second - I managed to join the 4 others within 50 yards who had done the same - one poor guy had both tyres taken out.

I was fortunate in only 1 tyre being affected -a roadside assistant (who had just dealt with 2 others) company came along, knocked out the massive indent and reinflate it - it seems to be holding ok - but should I insist on a new wheel tyre - from the council - because within 15 mins there appeared a council truck - who said it should/had been filled in earlier - its was about 18" long and at the worst 6-8" deep . - They also revelaed a similar situation occurred in Banstead
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - Altea Ego
the roads of surrey took a severe drenching over the weekend with much deep standing water. Haudraulic power (cars compressing water) has opened up many weeks spots locally.
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - Lud
surrey took a severe drenching over the weekend with much deep standing water.

Yes, but only the aquaplaning kept us innocent transients out of those sharp-edged, rim-bending potholes that seem to afflict your manor at the moment...

It's an ill wind, eh? Hope your green wellies are watertight.
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - barney100
Yes, shocking is right on the bit of surrey I pass through. Once a week I go on the Hog's Back and the road is like driving over corrugated iron or maybe an ancient Brit in his chariot would not be happy with the quality of the ride. Its a pityl that all that road tax we pay (or some of us who obey the law) dosen't have more a beneficial effect on the roads.
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - Martin Devon
They also revelaed a similar situation
occurred in Banstead

If they've go to it before you can log the problem then just log the location. Return in daylight if you can and photograph the offending part made good or otherwise. Also, if their repairs are anything like ours here then within 3-4 weeks the hole will return.

The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - boxsterboy
I encounter too many bad roads in Surrey to list. Now you know why so many of the school mums drive off-roaders!
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - idle_chatterer
I usually try to avoid any comments which could stray into the realm of political debate but doesn't Surrey have one of the highest council taxes but receives one of the lowest government grants per capita ? The money is sent to other regions I'm afraid.... so does somewhere else in the UK actually have good roads then ?

Plus if it's a local road (and I don't think the OP's road is) then it's down to the local and not the county council I think.

Edited by idle_chatterer on 08/12/2009 at 00:22

The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - Niallster
The state of the roads in Surrey is indeed shocking. The Hogs Back is the way it is due to its use by wildly overloaded foreign HGV's which exasperate all issues and have cut tram tracks in to the surface. The same is also true but worse on the Oxford bypass.

If only we had some sort of force that could lets use the word 'police' these roads we could give them uniforms and cars and gold plated public sector pensions... well so much for blue sky thinking. It'll never happen.

However I live in Northampton and as well as equally shocking roads we have speed bumps the size of tank traps EVERYWHERE. The ones on the Blackmills estate are so huge that amy low slung cars like say a TVR simply can not pass.

Its tough all over.
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - drbe
Don't worry.

Seven Hills Road will be shut soon for twelve weeks!
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - ifithelps does somewhere else in the UK actually have good roads then ?...

'Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire.'

And that was in 1967.

We were told then the holes were 'rather small', but I bet they're a lot bigger now. :)

Edited by ifithelps on 08/12/2009 at 06:46

The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - Martin Devon
'Four thousand holes in Blackburn Lancashire.'
And that was in 1967.

By George, you're right!

The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - Altea Ego
'Four thousand holes in Blackburn Lancashire.'
And that was in 1967.

They were called "coal mines" I understand. I wouldnt worry they were all closed.
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - ifithelps
...They were called "coal mines" I understand. I wouldnt worry they were all closed...

A local councillor in Blackburn was concerned about the state of the town's roads and asked the public works department to estimate the number of pot holes.

Back came the reply: "About 4,000."

The question and answer was sufficiently unusual to be picked up by the press and a few lines appeared in the Daily Mail.

This was at the time The Beatles were recording Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

One of the studio staff later confirmed the Daily Mail was one of the papers read by the (real) band.

The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - boxsterboy
Don't worry.
Seven Hills Road will be shut soon for twelve weeks!

You're joking!? It's going to be carnage!
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - Altea Ego
You're joking!? It's going to be carnage!

No joke. It was going to be 7 months, but now its only 12 weeks.

All of it, the entire length.

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 08/12/2009 at 13:13

The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - L'escargot
Ring the council and report the matter. Our council has engaged a company which has a team specifically to deal with minor road surface repairs and problems with adjoining hedges/verges etc. Action is swift. It's no good just moaning on here about it. Take the initiative and report the matter to the council.

Edited by L'escargot on 08/12/2009 at 09:18

The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - henry k
Surrey - I always call call 08456 009 009. (This is the number for reporting Elmbridge potholes.)

Surrey County Council page on potholes

Online reporting

I am off along the Hogsback this morning so will try out the washboard effect.
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - Altea Ego
I have done the hogs back for over a year, does this mean the 120 mph grand pirx is not run any more?

Seriously the hogs back is the most treacherous road in the whole of England. Its not that high but terribly exposed, and can have fog, ice, rain, snow when the rest of Surrey is normal, and coupled with the arrow strighness of it and the subsequent speed employed, the grim reaper lives on its slopes.
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - Optimist
Our council has engaged a company which has a team specifically to deal with minor road surface repairs and problems with adjoining hedges/verges etc. >>

Surrey County Council was "in partnership" with a couple of firms to ensure roads were properly maintained.

My understanding is that the "partnership" was less than successful - at least as far as road users were concerned.

I've seen minor road surface repairs being done: a kid with a bit of plasticine and glue would produce a better, longer-lasting result.

The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - bell boy
up here some of our roads are worse than rutted cart tracks and im talking main arterial
yes we might have ad sum pits up ere but you cant blame everything ont subsidence..........lad
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - Ben 10
up here some of our roads are worse than rutted cart tracks"

Thats why you wear flat caps. All the bouncing up and down would ruin a normal titfer.
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - theterranaut
As an aside, I cannot abide the phrase "in partnership". It seems to be the vogue, you see it plastered on stickers adorning vans across the entire country.

What they really mean is: "we have a contract with." Cant they just say that, are contracts too old-fashioned?

The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - FotheringtonThomas
should I insist on a new wheel tyre - from the council - because within 15 mins
there appeared a council truck - who said it should/had been filled in earlier

As they already knew about it, claim for actual damages.

If they don't know, you can't claim - which is why it's worth reporting potholes and other problems when you see them - it might help someone.
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - perro
I went to an Approved School in Banstead in the 60's called Banstead Hall, it was knocked down circa 1980 - I'll wager the extensive grounds are now covered in houses!
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - El Hacko
Correct, Perro - it was valuable building land. Back to the OP, I wonder how many millions (billions?) for the total horrific cost to put right all the years of neglect of UK roads maintenance .. not that it will be done!
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - perro
It's not *just* the roads Hacko, the incumbents @ No. 10 have brought this country TO IT'S KNEES IMHO - in every way.
My Sister has Myloma (C) and she has now got pork flu which is no bueno when one has 'underlying health problems, she tried to phone the GP today ... I'll say n'more!
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - Pica
I went down a huge pot hole last night between Windlesham and Chobham and reported it to Surrey County Council by telephone today. I asked them why are the roads in Surrey in such a state and the contact told me that they have been hit badly by the weather over the last few months and there is not enough money in the budget to sort them out!

I explained that I and everyone else in the county pay them an awful lot of council tax so why the budget problem and he said that the money that is collected is used in other areas of the country and if they did spend what they collected in Surrey our roads would be very good indeed.

The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - idle_chatterer
Yes - as per my earlier post, we pay but the money is redistributed elsewhere in the UK, question has to be whether anyone else gets good roads as a result (a rhetorical question of course) ?
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - boxsterboy
Mole Valley DC in Surrey announced last month they were having to grit roads less this winter due to a cash shortage.

1 week after this announcement, and on the first frost of the winter three vehicles skidded off a road that was previously gritted but not under the new regime, at a bend by a school in Fetcham. Had they done so at the wrong time (i.e. when kids were going to/from school) there would undoubtedly have been injuries. One of the vehicles that skidded off was a school minibus.

Still, so long as central government can bribe its core voters up north, er I mean, redistribute money more fairly, then that's fine!

The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - Pica
I passed a large lorry this morning on London Bracknell that had slid off the roundabout and was on its roof on top of a pedestrian subway! I do hope nobody was injured

The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - Altea Ego
What gets me is that my taxes pay for TWO devolved parliaments, NEITHER of which is mine. So MY council gets lets money than any other in the UK, and MY local roads get less money than any other in the UK

grand init.
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - Lud
'It is the duty of the wealthy man
To give employment to the artisan' (H. Belloc)

Who if not the fat cats of the home counties is to subsidise the miserable lives of those on the Celtic fringes? Noblesse oblige, AE, noblesse oblige...

(Lud, Norf bleedin Kensin'n mind)
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - Pica
Camberley in Surrey has earned the dubious accolade of being one the most indebted towns in Britain. Perhaps the fuel tank is now running near empty.
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - Altea Ego
Noblesse oblige AE noblesse oblige...

Sodem I say. Sodem
The state of Surrey roads !! SHOCKING - Ben 10
What the hell am I paying £171 a month for?. And they say they have NO money.