Corporate image and a cherished registration - idle_chatterer
It has always struck me that the euphemistically termed cherished registration plate can mark a car out. When it contains the distinctive acronym for your employer all the more so perhaps ?

On Berkshire Way, Bracknell today, between two roundabouts I saw such a top of the range 5.0l black vehicle with a cherished registration (containing the initials of a car company who's UK headquarters are in close proximity) driven in a very exuberant fashion (euphemism very much intended here), possibly floored it and managed to get beyond the legal limit in the short 1/2 mile stretch before standing on the brakes to insert itself behind a lorry and turn left towards the aforementioned headquarters - nearside lane was pretty much empty btw.

Net result, drivers of cars from that manufacturer even at a corporate level can appear to conform to their apparent stereotype.... (and I drive one of their excellent machines too). Or perhaps the boss was late for an important meeting ?

Perhaps better to go for a low key standard reg if you're going to drive "ostentatiously" ?

Edited by idle_chatterer on 04/12/2009 at 23:40

Corporate image and a cherished registration - Altea Ego
Quick phone call to the publicity department at Bracknell Motor Works may be called for.
Corporate image and a cherished registration - Armitage Shanks {p}
Dozy me! I have been visiting Bracknell for 2 years and I have only seen buildings belonging to computer companies and many of those unoccupied!
Corporate image and a cherished registration - Altea Ego
And hopefully they may be knocking down the ruin that is the old 3m building.
Corporate image and a cherished registration - Armitage Shanks {p}
Problem with AE is that the popular local market in under that building, if I am think of the right one. Very near the town centre, abandoned and gold glass windows?
Corporate image and a cherished registration - Armitage Shanks {p}
Typo - sorry AE. "The problem with THAT AE". Iit comes over a bit rude, as first posted!
Corporate image and a cherished registration - ifithelps
In the 1980s, I dealt briefly with the Japanese bank Fuji Bank.

They had FUJ 1 on a Mercedes.

A Japanese staff member told me that when they were buying the plate, the bank was concerned the price might rocket if the seller realised who was after it.

So the bank sent an Englishman with an innocuous cover story to do the deal.

"Hello, my name's Fred Johnson and I'm interested in the cherished plate..."

Dashed clever, these Japanese.

Corporate image and a cherished registration - Gotanoldhondar

True, the north eastern asians have the highest intelligence levels of any race its been proven.

thats why i got a Honda.
Corporate image and a cherished registration - Martin Devon
True the north eastern asians have the highest intelligence levels of any race its been

They didn't see one thing coming though did they several (and a few more) years ago.

Corporate image and a cherished registration - Pondlife
They had FUJ 1 on a Mercedes.
"Hello my name's Fred Johnson and I'm interested in the cherished plate..."

"What's your middle name, Fred" would be my immediate question.
Corporate image and a cherished registration - Altea Ego
"What's your middle name Fred" would be my immediate question.

'Urculese. You got a problem with that mush?
Corporate image and a cherished registration - Mr.Tee43

Fine Shakesperian name !
Corporate image and a cherished registration - Falkirk Bairn

but they might think I was a rich Greek!
Corporate image and a cherished registration - Martin Devon
Fine Shakesperian name !

Heap no Good!
Corporate image and a cherished registration - Lud
Ubu. Or Umberto.
Corporate image and a cherished registration - smokie
Many years ago I worked for the National Coal Board, I started when Derek Ezra was Chairman (mid 70s). Can't remember if it was him, or his successor, that had NCB 1 moved from the chaffeur driven Daimler to a liveried van which did the London post runs.
Corporate image and a cherished registration - BobbyG
When I worked at Norwich Union, pretty sure they had NU 1 on their car, think it was a BMW 7 series at the time (early 90's)
Corporate image and a cherished registration - doctorchris
These days Norwich Union would have to buy themselves "a Viva".
A boxy old HA model for the MD would not have quite the same status as a top of the range BMW, however.
Corporate image and a cherished registration - Harleyman
Many years ago I worked for the National Coal Board I started when Derek Ezra
was Chairman (mid 70s).

Wouldn't cut much ice with the miners. Their interpretation of NCB suggested that no-one was in the slightest bit interested. ;-)

Anyone who's ever delivered to a coal mine will know the truth of it!
Corporate image and a cherished registration - Fullchat

In my neck of the woods there was a Chinese gentleman whose first name was a Chinese derivative of a word which would trigger the swear filter. His middle name was Yu and his last name was Jym.

Bit of a wheeze was to send the new larker to PNC his vehicle which was regularly parked outside his restaurant.

Ah the good old days!