I Have a Question - Volume 326 [Read Only] - Dynamic Dave

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Edited by Dynamic Dave on 20/11/2009 at 01:33

Darned mobile phones AGAIN - Martin Devon
Drbe wrote:

>>CPW use Vodaphone, I have just got a Nokia 6303 from them with 300 mins and 300 texts for £12 pm.

Drbe, if you go to settings/phone/network mode, would you be kind enough to post here the options shown on the 6303 please. Very grateful.

Best regards..................Martin.
Darned mobile phones AGAIN - Martin Devon
Cancel that request Drbe. Spoke to a very helpful lady from orange who put me straight on that point.

BUT can you give me your view on the ringing volume level. I am led to believe that it may be a problem.

Tia. Martin
Darned mobile phones AGAIN - Martin Devon
Sorry, forgot to say that same lady pointed me to www.gsmarena.com Very helpful site.

Darned mobile phones AGAIN - drbe
The ringing volume control is on the right hand side of the phone. No problem with as far as I am concerned.
Mobile phones - handsfree options? - oilrag
I have a Nokia E63 and need to take the odd incoming call while on the road.
What are the best options and what is legal?

I could mount it in a clip on the vents - but would need to press the answer button, followed by the speakerphone button - on the phone. it would then disconnect itself when the caller hung up.
Do those two button presses make it illegal to use in that way while driving?

If so, what is the easiest other option and `best` product - preferably under £20 as I`m a tight old git.

Furthermore - is there anything that would connect and disconnect automatically from it`s bluetooth `pairing` - as I entered and left the car.

I don`t need any lectures by the way - on phones and driving. It`s a purely technical query.

Thanks (as always)


Mobile phones - handsfree options? - rtj70
If the phone is secure in a cradle, it is legal to press the buttons. It is not legal to be holding the phone when pressing any buttons.
Mobile phones - handsfree options? - oilrag
Thanks, Rtj.
Mobile phones - handsfree options? - Alby Back
Most of the bluetooth earpiece thingies automatically pair with your phone when you switch them on once you have them set up. Best one I ever had was a "Jawbone" noise cancelling one but it was more than £20 I'm afraid. About £70 I think, but you can get other bluetooth earpieces a lot cheaper than that.

My new car automatically routes my phone through the car radio when it recognises that the phone is in the car. Clever.
Mobile phones - handsfree options? - BobbyG
Try one of the visor mounted loudspeakers.
I have a Jabra one, connects to phone automatically when you switch it on.
Can answer phone just by tapping the speaker and good quality
Mobile phones - handsfree options? - drbe
A wired headset can be set to answer automatically, no buttons to press and your calls are private.
Mobile phones - handsfree options? - Alby Back
Yes that can be a problem drbe ! I recently had an instance where I received a call in the car routed through the radio speakers. The caller didn't realise I had a passenger and proceeded to be quite derogatory about someone.......that someone was my passenger ! I found it quite funny but the other two have sort of fallen out now......
Mobile phones - handsfree options? - oilrag
Thanks for further advice and info Guy`s.

I had a phone like that built into the Doblo Humph. I was radio controlled from home really..
Swine flu (from vol 325) - Dynamic Dave
I wrote:-

"Oh great! I've got mine later today. Fingers crossed then."

Just to report, apart from a mild discomfort to my left arm I'm fine.

I had the normal flu jab approx 6 weeks ago and I ached all over for 2 or 3 days afterwards, and felt really run down.

The vaccine they used on me was Pandemrix. If they use Celvapan, then you have to return in approx 3 to 4 weeks for another jab.


"The GlaxoSmithKline vaccine (Pandemrix) is not suitable for people who have an anaphylactic reaction (allergic reaction) to egg.

The Baxter vaccine (Celvapan) does not use eggs in its production and so would be suitable for people who have a confirmed anaphylactic reaction to egg products. "

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 18/11/2009 at 10:31

Swine flu (from vol 325) - Old Navy
Worked the other way round for me, seasonal, no problem as usual, Swine (Pandemrix), 3 days feeling rough.

Edited by Old Navy on 18/11/2009 at 12:18

Swine flu (from vol 325) - 1400ted
Opposite to ON. Swine flu...no probs.......seasonal, felt like pink fluffy rice for a few days....as usual every year.

Edited by Webmaster on 19/11/2009 at 00:29

Swine flu (from vol 325) - L'escargot
I had Pandemrix yesterday and so far so good. I'm booked in to have another in 3 weeks time. No problem with seasonal 'flu jab 3 weeks ago.

Edited by L'escargot on 18/11/2009 at 12:27

Swine flu (from vol 325) - Dynamic Dave
L'escargot , you should only have to go back for a follow up jab if you were given the Celvapan.
Swine flu (from vol 325) - jbif
L'escargot you should only have to go back for a follow up jab if you were given the Celvapan. >>

or in the case of Pandemrix, if you are in the following category:
For individuals aged 10 years and over with weakened immune systems:
- two doses (0.5ml each) given with a minimum of three weeks between doses.

Swine flu (from vol 325) - Dynamic Dave
In that case I'll let him off ;o)
Swine flu (from vol 325) - oilrag
Guinea pigs ;-)
Swine flu (from vol 325) - Old Navy
>>Guinea pigs ;-)>>

We will see if panic takes hold. A friend in the medical field told me that if there is a pandemic and millions get flu the simple things will run out, paracetamol for instance.

Edited by Old Navy on 18/11/2009 at 14:28

Swine flu (from vol 325) - L'escargot
I only popped into the surgery because I knew it would be warm in there. In point of fact it was too warm so I took off my jacket and rolled up my shirt sleeves. Before you could say Jack Robinson a nurse had grabbed me and stuck a needle in my arm and said "Come back for another in 3 weeks time."
Swine flu (from vol 325) - Rattle
Just an update on mine, I am still not well and not worked or driven since Tuesday last week :(

I managed to walk to my local Tesco express which is 400 yards away last night which is a start but I am sleeping for over 12 hours solid where as I normaly sleep for 6 hours. I also have a nasty cough still but I do feel a lot better. Hopefully I will slowly start easing back to work on Friday.

Swine flu (from vol 325) - oilrag
Stay your own side of the Pennines Rattle ;-)
Swine flu (from vol 325) - Rattle
I will do don't worry :) I won't be well enough to be climbing hills for a long time yet :)
Swine flu (from vol 325) - L'escargot
I won't be well enough to be climbing hills
for a long time yet :)

Nor your cars, by the way you describe them!
Swine flu (from vol 325) - Rattle
Oi my car prooved very capabale of climbing mount Snowdonia with four adults in it.

OK I was a long way from the sumit but it didn't struggle on hills.
Swine flu (from vol 325) - Armitage Shanks {p}
Discussion with work colleagues (NHS), and a neighbour who is a nurse, is that many NHS staff are declining the jab on the basis that it is untried and untested, other than on them! Somone earlier commented about Guinea pigs? I think I shall take my chances and not have it.
Swine flu (from vol 325) - Old Navy
Discussion with work colleagues (NHS) and a neighbour who is a nurse is that many
NHS staff are declining the jab on the basis that it is untried and untested
other than on them! Somone earlier commented about Guinea pigs? I think I shall take
my chances and not have it.

Why doesn't that apply to the seasonal flu jab as well then, it is different each year.

Edited by Old Navy on 18/11/2009 at 21:24

Swine flu (from vol 325) - Armitage Shanks {p}
You are right ON but who is a mere admin/clerical grade to query the wisdom/thoughts of the health professionals?
Swine flu (from vol 325) - Old Navy
You may change your mind when you are working in a hospital full of flu victims (and so may the professionals).
Swine flu (from vol 325) - henry k
You may change your mind when you are working in a hospital full of flu victims (and so may the professionals).

My daughter ( a Hospital doctor ) has two fellow doctors off with it at present.
Most of the docs seem to be going for it as they are not only very exposed but also may pass it on and pregnant mums seem some of the most vulnerable.
Swine flu (from vol 325) - Rattle
I caught my swine flu of a customer who was a doctor :(
Swine flu (from vol 325) - Old Navy
I caught my swine flu of a customer who was a doctor :(

Must have been a pretty serious dose of flu if they are no longer a doctor, should have had the jab. :-)
Swine flu (from vol 325) - Rattle
Well she is still is a doctor, just a sick one. Sick in both ways.
Swine flu (from vol 325) - drbe
>>>> My daughter ( a Hospital doctor )>>

Any chance of an update on her route to work?
Swine flu (from vol 325) - Armitage Shanks {p}
I work in a minor injuries unit and nobody with flu, or flu like symptoms, is even allowed into the building! I am more at risk of catching it on public transport or my 2 hour flight to Prague later today!
Swine flu (from vol 325) - Stuartli
Tickled by the notices in hospitals, including the wards, which state that if you have cold or flu symptoms to "Stay Away" - seems a bit late for the warning...
Swine flu (from vol 325) - Rattle
I think it is so people get the message in general so don't make the trip :). PS just a little update on mine, I feel a lot better now, going to drive to the tram stop soon and get a tram into town (they are having a free tram day) I will know then if I am better or not :).

I still look as pale as a ghost but I feel fine and I am sure after a bit of food I will get some colour back.
Swine flu (from vol 325) - perro
What's in a swine flu vaccine -------> www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCYWDjVJWrw
Swine flu (from vol 325) - Old Navy
What's in a swine flu vaccine >>

Now I know why I felt rough for a few days after I had my jab!
Blu ray disks - Big Bad Dave
Can you play blu rays on a regular dvd player? Don't want to continue collecting redundant dvds but not ready to buy a blu ray player yet.

Blu ray disks - Rattle
No but you can play DVDs on a BlueRay player. Just continue to buy your DVDs they will still work when you get blue ray :).
Blu ray disks - Big Bad Dave
But they won't be HD will they? - which is really the point... wouldn't normally be bothered but the film I'm thinking about is the latest Star Trek movie, well worth having in HD no?
Blu ray disks - Rattle
I think they may upsample them which is not the same as HD but you do at least get the correct resolution. If you want the film in BlueRay just buy a buy BlueRay player. I think I sawe an add in Richersounds for a Philips player for £99, they are very cheap these days.

Blu ray disks - rtj70
Prices have dropped since the cost of the blue lasers as dropped.

A Blueray player will upscale a DVD to HD resolutions and improve picture quality on a lot of your existing movies.
Blu ray disks - Dipstick
Am I right in thinking that if I were to purchase a bluray thingy I'd see no benefit unless I have one of those flat HD tvs I've not got around to seeing the point of yet?
Blu ray disks - Rattle
Indeed :) a blue ray player will work perfectly on an older none HD TV but you won't really get the benefit unless you have an HD TV. DVD on a 22" TV looks fine, play it on a 42" and you soon see the problems with it.
Blu ray disks - Dipstick
Useful, thanks Rattle. (Mrs D won't even talk about an HD set larger than 26", so from the little I have gleaned it isn't really worth chucking our perfectly good crt 26" set until it fails, probably in a hundred years.)
Blu ray disks - Rattle
My parents have some awful 21" CRT with a Wharfedale badge on it (its not made or designed by them) its pretty awful but I never watch it so I don't care.

The CRT will fail one day even though they are reliable but by then Blueray will probably antique too. For what is worth I am not bothering with Blueray or HD and I am the biggest gadget freak in the world (its why I am skint).

Edited by Rattle on 18/11/2009 at 18:36

Blu ray disks - Big Bad Dave
"if you want the film in BlueRay just buy a buy BlueRay player"

I want one with a hard disk, editing and burn to dvd facility like I have with normal dvds, - like I said, I haven't seen what I want yet, at the price I want it...
Blu ray disks - rtj70
Panasonic do what you seem to want - but maybe not at that price point.

So buy it on DVD and later on Blue Ray disk?
Another DVD player type question - Optimist
Anyone know of a HDD player/recorder with DVD player/recorder and VCR which has two digital tuners? I assume I'll need two not too far in the future.

Finding one of these with one digital and one analogue isn't a problem but.............

Another DVD player type question - maz64
Anyone know of a HDD player/recorder with DVD player/recorder and VCR which has two digital
tuners? I assume I'll need two not too far in the future.

Some info here (AVForums): tinyurl.com/ydrhymr
Another DVD player type question - Stuartli
That link dates back three years...:-(

Probably the nearest (only one digital tuner):

tinyurl.com/yfgq729 (best price: tinyurl.com/yjgs85v)


Another DVD player type question - rtj70
Cheaper for that Panasonic here I think:


Edited by rtj70 on 19/11/2009 at 00:38

Another DVD player type question - Stuartli
>>Cheaper for that Panasonic here I think:>>

Even better..:-)

I found that some places are still charging up to £349.....:-)

Top notch brand though, including the TVs.
Another DVD player type question - SpamCan61 {P}
Hopefully the Panasonic is a lot slicker in operation then that Funai thing of mine I mentioned a while back, certainly should be at that price!
Nobody seems to make the twin tuner + DVD recorder combination.

Edited by SpamCan61 {P} on 19/11/2009 at 10:49

Another DVD player type question - rtj70
If you can connect such a box to a satellite dish instead of an aerial, Panasonic do a few twin-tuner HDD/DVD or HDD/Blueray recorders.

Models include:

DMR-BS850: tinyurl.com/ye8yte9

DMR-BS750: tinyurl.com/yzshpyz

DMR-XS350: tinyurl.com/yzshpyz

All links go to the Panasonic product pages for the models mentioned.

Edited by rtj70 on 19/11/2009 at 11:00

Another DVD player type question - rtj70
Or at the other end of the price scale, Aldi did do this:

Another DVD player type question - Pugugly
It is "Blu-Ray" not "Blueray" !!
Another DVD player type question - rtj70
That's what you get for dipping in and out of the forum and not engaging brain. I typed Blue because that is where the name comes from - blue laser diodes. DVDs use red ones.

Edited by rtj70 on 19/11/2009 at 11:42

Another DVD player type question - ifithelps
....It is "Blu-Ray" not "Blueray" !!...

Pedant factor set to highest:

It's 'Blu-ray'.

This link shows the logo:


Edited by ifithelps on 19/11/2009 at 12:14

Another DVD player type question - Stuartli
>>..to a satellite dish instead of an aerial>>

Optimist specifically mentions that a VHS facility was required for the machine.

Freeview and Freesat are, as you will be aware, different types of services (aerial and satellite dish). There will definitely be no Freesat machine offered with VHS...:-)

Edited by Stuartli on 19/11/2009 at 12:20

Another DVD player type question - rtj70
I would be surprised if there are many VHS recorders that handle Freeview. Let alone one with DVD recorder, HDD and twin tuners.

I know Freesat and Freeview are very different. But Panasonic does do a twin-tuner with DVD recorder and HDD but for satellite only.
Another DVD player type question - SpamCan61 {P}
There was a Daewoo VCR with a Freeview tuner, but it's not available anymore and it couldn't handle split NIT so would be useless now anyway. There is a Freeview version of my aforementioned 'domesday machine' Funai, with HDD and DVD as well as VHS, but unless it's a whole lot slicker to use than my non-Freeview version I wouldn't recommend that to anyone. Here's one on ebay anyway:-

Another DVD player type question - Stuartli
>>I would be surprised if there are many VHS recorders that handle Freeview.>>

Any VCR can record Freeview channels providing the signal comes direct from a Freeview set top box or similar sourtce and you select a suitable channel on the VCR for recording purposes (the STB converts the digital signals back to analogue, otherwise you wouldn't be able to watch them on an analogue TV).

I regularly recorded Freeview stations on my 1993 Mitsubishi Nicam/hi-fi capable VCR, with the set up, including to the TV, linked via Scart cables. The TV aerial feed went to the STB first and then via the VCR's RF output to the TV using extension aerial cables.

Edited by Stuartli on 19/11/2009 at 15:18

Another DVD player type question - jbif
Freeview >>

I am going to wait until all this gets sorted in the next one or two years:
" ... you'll need a new TV or set-top box (STB) to pick up Freeview HD. However, Register Hardware has learned that compatible kit won’t arrive in Blighty in time for the service’s debut early next month. ...
..... Lindsay-Davis said that the DTG doesn’t expect such products to be available in the UK until at least January or February next year - and possibly later than that. ... "
Another DVD player type question - crunch_time
Whatever you get, you may be sure that the following week you will see something better and/or cheaper.

Another DVD player type question - jbif
Whatever you get, you may be sure that the following week you will see something better and/or cheaper. >>

That does not bother me at all if it was true or not. What bothers me is that if you want freeview HD, you can't get it with the equipment on sale at the time the service goes live.

Edited by jbif on 19/11/2009 at 15:37

Another DVD player type question - Stuartli
It's very surprising that the manufacturers haven't come up with a ready for market Freeview HD STB or TV to date - high definition digital transmissions have been available in Australia since early in the decade, which is why my five or six-year-old Twinhan Freeview D+A PCI TV card in my computer system (HD compatible) was a very popular buy Down Under.
Another DVD player type question - SpamCan61 {P}
It's very surprising that the manufacturers haven't come up with a ready for market Freeview
HD STB or TV to date.

IIRC the fine detail of the DVB-T2 specification was only agreed in March this year, hopefully they don't want to rush HD boxes into the market and re-run the current fiasco with hundreds of thousands of Freeview boxes not working because the manufacturers didn't implement every part of the DVB-T specification properly.
Another DVD player type question - Stuartli
>>.. was only agreed in March this year>>

Would have thought that eight or nine months was ample time to design and manufacture such equipment.

However, the BBC is currently only conducting HD tests in our area (Winter Hill) on Channel 302, now no longer available on Freeview at least for the moment; a nuisance as it carried some excellent BBC Active material.

Other HD tests were done last year in the London area.
Another DVD player type question - SpamCan61 {P}
Would have thought that eight or nine months was ample time to design and manufacture
such equipment.

The time consuming part is testing the software, the combinations of button presses / functions / transmission formats is pretty much endless, especially for a HD box. Wide scale transmission of Freeview HD is still some way off, so little point in using engineering & manufacturing resources on HD boxes yet. I appreciate that is to some degree a chicken and egg situation. ;-)
Another DVD player type question - rtj70
Stuartli, as you probably know I meant a new VHS recorded handle Freeview itself. Of course if you feed it a signal from something else it will record it. For that reason you could record Freeview, Freesat, Sky, Virgin Media output on a Sony Betamax or Philips Video 2000 recorder. Providing you feed in a modulated signal on RF, SCART, composite etc.

I wonder when set top boxes and video recorders will stop feeding through a modulated analogue signal combined with its own output?
Another DVD player type question - SpamCan61 {P}
I wonder when set top boxes and video recorders will stop feeding through a modulated
analogue signal combined with its own output?

Few PVRs or STBs have an RF modulator, most are reliant on video connection via SCART or HDMI as appropriate.
Another DVD player type question - rtj70
Few PVRs or STBs have an RF modulator

The Virgin Media STBs have an RF modulator (both V and V+ boxes). Sky boxes probably do too.
Another DVD player type question - SpamCan61 {P}
Yes, Sky boxes have them too, I was thinking mostly of the Freeview STBs and PVRs.
Another DVD player type question - Stuartli
I meant a new VHS recorded handle Freeview itself>>

As I stated, any VHS recorder will record Freeview signals from a set top box because they have been converted to analogue by the STB. My VCR is 16 years old and I used to use the L1 or L2 (satellite recording channels) on it for Freeview programmes.

Most modern TVs still come with an analogue and a Freeview tuner (and Freesat in many cases), so playback is straightforward.

Regarding the Philips/Grundig 2000 system, this was the best of the lot for both sound and vision quality and built-in technology, followed by Betamax.

Sadly JVC's inferior VHS (one of three considered by Matsushita from its companies) won the day in the UK, mainly due to its production of Ferguson re-badged video machines and the Radio Rentals retail outlets backup of 600 plus stores renting out the tapes.
Another DVD player type question - Optimist
Thanks for all the responses.

The idea of having the VHS would simply be to transfer the tape content to DVD or HDD over time rather than for new recordings: there are things I don't want to lose.

At present we've two old but very good CRT TVs which I can see going on for a longish time. So it seemed to me that a HDD/VHS/DVD box connected to one of these would have to have two digital tuners so you could record something different from what you were watching after the digital switchover.

I found a Toshiba which seemed to fit the bill but then I found out that one of the two tuners was analogue. Hence my question.

Another DVD player type question - SpamCan61 {P}
Although it's a bit clunky what i'd probably do is get a VHS/DVD combi and a separate twin tuner PVR ( either my favourite Vestels or something similar).
Another DVD player type question - Stuartli
>>.. to transfer the tape content to DVD or HDD over time ..>>

Why not just get a cheapo combo unit specifically for the purpose.


You can then buy a top quality Freeview PVR with twin tuners such as those from Humax, including the PVR-9300T (the T indicates twin tuners). The company also offers A grade and clearance models via its direct sales outlet:


Another DVD player type question - SpamCan61 {P}
I'd wait until Humax have issued a fix for the significant issues post DSO that some folks have experienced with their PVRS before buying one. See the most recent reviews over on Amazon for the 9150T ( sucessor to 9200T) for starters:-


Another DVD player type question - Stuartli
This is the latest update for the Humax models mentioned:

Another DVD player type question - Stuartli
Also see:


Another DVD player type question - SpamCan61 {P}
I can't find any date or info. on what that update fixes?
Another DVD player type question - Stuartli
Not clear, but see:

Delivery of medium-heavy objects, post/courier? - FotheringtonThomas
I want someone to send me, by post or courier, an object about 550x280x150mm, made of white iron, weighing about 28Kg - very fast delivery isn't needed. What's a cost-effective way to do this?
Delivery of medium-heavy objects, post/courier? - Robin Reliant
Is that including ammo?

Delivery of medium-heavy objects, post/courier? - FotheringtonThomas
That's OK, you inspire me to make another question.
Delivery of medium-heavy objects, post/courier? - maz64
Well it would cost me £35.50 to send your item from Reading up to my parents in the Lakes using Parcelforce's slowest (2 day) service with £50 compensation, if that's any help.

(It asks for to/from postcodes, but I don't know how much difference that makes.)
Cap guns. - FotheringtonThomas
I'm looking, without success, for a decent cap firing toy gun, of the "Wild West" variety, that uses rolls of paper caps (not plastic rings of same). Any suggestions? My searching hasn't shown much so far. A 10" "six gun" metal (preferably) type would be excellent.
Cap guns. - Robin Reliant
One here -

Cap guns. - 1400ted
Start waving one of those around and you'll find yourself spreadeagled on the pavement with a couple of Heckler & Kochs pointing at you !

Cap guns. - rtj70
I hope you cannot get them. We had them as children (long time ago) and had fun. Today they would be inappropriate. I think it might have been a Starsky and Hutch related toy gun in a holster under the arm. Goodness know what would happen if you walked the streets with such a thing now!!

Innocent times then. Not now. The gun from a distance also looked real enough. A revolver of some sort.
Cap guns. - rtj70
I see Amazon do toy looking ones. The ones I refer to were not so toy looking at all.


Edited by rtj70 on 19/11/2009 at 22:49

Cap guns. - FotheringtonThomas
Why is that one £4.20, yet the previous link showed £6.77 for the same thing???

Botheration & *vexation*!

Edited by FotheringtonThomas on 19/11/2009 at 22:59

Cap guns. - bell boy
I hope you cannot get them
>>>>> wow so we do live in sad times then when you cant give a child a toy gun and let him play cowboys and indians
Cap guns. - rtj70
wow so we do live in sad times

The cap guns we had looked fairly real - right size/colour of real guns. Hence my comment originally.

What I had looked a bit like this I think:


And we ran around with them in a shoulder holster. Spud guns were a bit boring. being seen with a replica Uzi at school is another story - not mine I will add.

Edited by rtj70 on 19/11/2009 at 23:47

Cap guns. - bell boy
those cap rolls did anyone else fire them off by pushing their thumb nails into them?
or just me?
Cap guns. - Pugugly
No we did it as well - and stones ! We also had spud guns in school, cap powered they propelled a bit of raw potato which stung at short range. A (now) very senior civil servant shot one of these at my ear as a kid. I never forgave him, the sadistic grin said it all. I may hunt him down as a hobby.
pugugly the retributer... - bell boy
I may hunt him down as a hobby.
>>>>>>> mint
Cap guns. - bathtub tom
Does anyone remember those 'hand grenades' that used caps as a percussive sound.

They had a suction cap that gave an indeterminate period of safety before they went off BANG.
Cap guns. - FotheringtonThomas
Yes, also by scratching them with skool compasses, etc.

Cap bombs. Ahhh, delight. Google.
Cap guns. - bell boy
i remember in the common room at school one boring tuesday afternoon a classmate decided that the el84"s would make good bombs out of the 4th floor science room to the young oiks below
how we guffawed
the housemaster wasnt amused though
Cap guns. - gordonbennet
I had my share of fun with cap guns too, and i agree it's a sad reflection on what this place has become when boys can't have one and most games have become virtual.

I remember buying a cap gun that had plastic circle of caps inside individual pockets....they were exceptionally loud with few duds, but the 'ammo' was too expensive for pocket money shoot outs.

We had a lot more gun fun at school too, our own armoury and range (school cadet force) with enough .22 and .303 weaponry and ammo to start a small war..i doubt it's there any more but the school is.

Cap guns. - FotheringtonThomas
I had my share of fun with cap guns too and i agree it's a
sad reflection on what this place has become when boys can't have one and most
games have become virtual.

I have ordered several of these things, by the look. I am not sure whether I'll get 2, 4, or 6, with some packs of rolls of caps, and other accoutrements. I'm unfamiliar with ordering these tyhings. I must go to bed now, 'cos I seem to've become a bit squiffy. Top o' the world!
Cap guns. - Robin Reliant
The trouble is now that some of those who are the age we were when we had cap guns have the real thing.