Pronunciation of Hyundai - L'escargot
In this country Hyundai generally gets pronounced high-und-eye. Recently on an American TV programme they pronounced it "hunday". How does the manufacturer pronounce it?
Pronunciation of Hyundai - Old Navy
And then there is HJ's pronunciation in the Santa Fe video. He-und-eye. There are probably a good few regional variations in the UK let alone worldwide. I use High-und-eye.

Edited by Old Navy on 17/11/2009 at 08:20

Pronunciation of Hyundai - tyro
I understand that it is a two syllable word. The first syllable is 'hyun' and the second is 'dai'.
Pronunciation of Hyundai - Cliff Pope
I understand that it is a two syllable word. The first syllable is 'hyun' and
the second is 'dai'.

How do you pronounce "hyun" as one syllable?
Pronunciation of Hyundai - maz64
How do you pronounce "hyun" as one syllable?

A bit like 'hun', but with a 'yuh' sound instead of a plain 'uh'.
Pronunciation of Hyundai - Stuartli
I've always pronounced it "Hi-yun-die" which was also the case with the company's PR staff.
Pronunciation of Hyundai - Cliff Pope
>> How do you pronounce "hyun" as one syllable?
A bit like 'hun' but with a 'yuh' sound instead of a plain 'uh'.

That would fit with the American inability to pronounce "suit" or "sue" correctly. Japanese presumably is more like English, in having syllables with tiny "i" or other sounds elided onto a straight vowal sound?

There is a fascinating article here:

about what constitutes a syllable, and where the breaks between and within syllables occur.

Pronunciation of Hyundai - Armstrong Sid
In this country Hyundai generally gets pronounced high-und-eye. Recently on an American TV programme they
pronounced it "hunday".

Americans and pronunciation often produce strange results.

They think there is a car manufacturer called Jagwar
And a metal called aluminum
Pronunciation of Hyundai - stevied
And a fruit called a tomayto. And a vegetable called a potarto.

Let's call the whole thing off.
Pronunciation of Hyundai - L'escargot
And a metal called aluminum

That's how they spell it in the US of A.
Pronunciation of Hyundai - Armstrong Sid
>> And a metal called aluminum
That's how they spell it in the US of A.

Not only can they not pronounce words correctly, they can't spell them either.....!
Pronunciation of Hyundai - Andrew-T
If we are worried about how to pronounce far-eastern names which probably can't be accurately transliterated into English, maybe we should practise the German way to say Volkswagen - with F at the beginning and V in the middle?

And IMHO Americans take a special delight in deliberately speaking foreign words as wrongly as possible. One only needs to think of Eye-rack.
Pronunciation of Hyundai - Armstrong Sid
It's the old problem of using English to pronounce names which originate in a foreign language. Almost like a legacy of the Empire, where we decided how they would be pronounced. We called it Peking because that was easy for the Brits, but now we've gone back to the more-accurate Beijing. We called it Bombay, but now we've gone back to the more-accurate Mumbai.

How do the Koreans pronounce Hyundai?
Pronunciation of Hyundai - Bagpuss
I think the closest approximation is "hee-yun-d-eye" with a short "yun" and a long "eye" based on how I interpreted the pronunciation of people in Korea when I was there a few years back.

The American "Hunday" pronunciation is, I'm led to believe, a marketing exercise so as to make it sound like "Sunday" in the minds of the religious thinking middle class midwest target market.
Pronunciation of Hyundai - tyro
>>How do the Koreans pronounce Hyundai?

Pronunciation of Hyundai - tyro
And going off-topic, here are a couple of other useful Korean pronunciations.

Pronunciation of Hyundai - Fullchat
I used to run one of them Sante Fe's.

There you go, didn't have to pronounce it :-)
Pronunciation of Hyundai - Westpig
I think it should be shouted, very loud, in a similar fashion to Banzai
Pronunciation of Hyundai - Bilboman
So what about Daewoo? And (shudder) Roewe ??
Some howlers of the past which even today make me cringe almost to the point of tears are "Rennolt", "Ordy" and "Seet", though "Mitsu-bushee" also ranks quite high.
Spain is utter hell for the pedantic linguist: Particular motoring nasties include: Thitrowenn, Forrr, Rennoll, Peyot, Bolsbayen, Bolbo, Saff, Chebrolett, Robber... (sigh...)
Pronunciation of Hyundai - WellKnownSid
Spain is utter hell for the pedantic linguist: Particular motoring nasties include: Thitrowenn Forrr Rennoll
Peyot Bolsbayen Bolbo Saff Chebrolett Robber... (sigh...)

Funnily enough, on Saturday I bought two tyres in Spain... made by Feeraystony, although I could have had Misheleeeen for 30 euros mas...
Pronunciation of Hyundai - Avant
"....maybe we should practise the German way to say Volkswagen - with F at the beginning and V in the middle?"

That's how I pronounce it - no more difficult than any other way.

It's curious how most people pronounce Renault and Peugeot more or less as the French do, but not Citroen.

Skoda dealers are a race apart with their 'Octarvia' and 'Farbia'. I think most of us rhyme Octavia with Saviour and say Fabia as in fabulous.
Pronunciation of Hyundai - Dave_TD
Skoda dealers are a race apart with their 'Octarvia' and 'Farbia'.

I noticed that too, maybe they are taught to say "Octarvia" with a straight face?

I was once told by a salesman in a Ford showroom to place a box of new brochures by the wall behind the "Kay Ay"...
Pronunciation of Hyundai - JamesH
Wonder whether Hyundai would consider changing the official pronunciation. Someone working for Nestle overseas didn't believe when I told her that it was still pronounced as 'Nessels', even on their adverts, not that long ago.
maybe we should practise the German way to say Volkswagen - with F at the beginning and V in the middle?

But if going for the whole group, instead of VAG, it would be Falksvargen ah gay. I can't see them using it officially.
Skoda dealers are a race apart with their 'Octarvia' and 'Farbia'. I think most of us rhyme Octavia with Saviour and say Fabia as in fabulous.

I must admit I've always pronounced Fabia to rhyme with, erm, anatomical parts. I would start Fabia the same as the name Faye.
And (shudder) Roewe

I've wondered about this. With a German sounding W, it would become Rover, getting around whoever's trademark is is now. But apparently is should be pronounced wrong-way, which is never going to work in the UK.

Pronunciation of Hyundai - Pugugly
Someone here said that the Ka was known as the "Kay A" internally within Ford even though the official name is pronounced "Ka" simply to differentiate between the specific of Ka and the general "car". Makes perfect sense
Pronunciation of Hyundai - rtj70
I think most of us rhyme Octavia with Saviour

Wasn't Octavia a puppet in the 70s kids' programme Pipkins? Along with Hartley Hare?

Edited by rtj70 on 17/11/2009 at 23:46

Pronunciation of Hyundai - Avant
She was originally, in ancient Rome, the sister of the first Emperor, Augustus, who was originally called Octavian. In fairness to Skoda dealers, the Romans would have pronounced it Octarvia, but it still sounds odd in English.
Pronunciation of Hyundai - DP
I seem to recall a TV ad pronouncing it heeunday (the heeun bit being one sound/syllable) I might be wrong though.
Pronunciation of Hyundai - oilrag
`Fiat` (as in Punto) is best of course. it`s pronounced `Ferrari`. At least while you are still asleep.. They really ought to do a bit of badge engineering on next years F1 car though.

A Punto badge on the back would really rub it in when Jenson is trying to overtake in a McLaren.
Pronunciation of Hyundai - Martin Devon
Was it George W(?) Bush who said that, "The trouble with the French is that they don't have a word for Entrepreneur?
Pronunciation of Hyundai - Alby Back
I guess the safest and most accurate pronunciation of any brand or model is to emulate the version used in its country or language of origin. This of course falls down as a theory because most Brits can't be bothered to do that and indeed many of them seem to have problems with their own language leave alone other ones.

Pronunciation of Hyundai - L'escargot
......... Brits .........
many of them seem to have problems with their own language leave alone other ones.

Or ............ let alone other ones!
Pronunciation of Hyundai - bell boy
fortunately my grasp of the word pronunciation of the word hyundai only comes up at very infrequent intervals as i know the cost of bits from their spares counters,,,,,,,,
Pronunciation of Hyundai - Alby Back
depends where you come from dunnit.....
Pronunciation of Hyundai - henry k
>>I guess the safest and most accurate pronunciation of Hyundai will be found by asking in New Malden. Anyone passing by on the A3 or going to B & Q or Halfords ? :-)
Pronunciation of Hyundai - Armstrong Sid
Always irritates me how many times you hear people - on the radio or in the street - who pronounce the word "pronunciation" incorrectly.

They don't realise the irony of talking about the "pronounciation" of a word
Pronunciation of Hyundai - FotheringtonThomas
High Undie.
Volts Waggon.
Ren Alt.
Pew Got.
Sit Ron (also a rude pronounciation beginning with "Sh", containing a softening "e").
Sco Der.
Oct Ay Vee Er.
Fabe Eeya.

Do you need help with any others?
Pronunciation of Hyundai - bell boy
i got 2 ford ransids
Pronunciation of Hyundai - mike hannon
With any luck I'll never have to say the word Hyundai in public.
It always strikes me as a bit interesting that, in the beginning, we had Japanese imports called simple things like Honda and Mazda, and pronunciation wasn't really an issue. Then - as capitalism did its usual thing - odder names appeared from places like Korea: Hyundai, Ssangyong, etc.
Fortunately, I probably won't live long enough to have to get used to whatever the Chinese come up with...