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Ford Crown Vic wanted - Niallster
Unusual one this my rich and slightly loopy friend has his heart set on a Ford Crown Victoria. That right one of those huge boats used by practically every policeman in America.

Nowt on Autotrader. Anybody have any idea where we could get a new/used one from?
Ford Crown Vic wanted - captain chaos
You could try the classified section of Classic American magazine, or try Oldcott Motors in Stoke-on-Trent. If you want a new one try Newport Imports. The police spec ones are very quick but are likely to have had a hard life.
Regards, cc
Ford Crown Vic wanted - Bagpuss
Rather surprisingly, there are 8 Crown Victorias for sale in Germany at the moment, including several imported ex-police cars.


Expensive though for a car that was developed around the time of Stephenson's Rocket.
Ford Crown Vic wanted - captain chaos
Not a Crown Victoria, but a sibling, the Mercury Grand Marquis. More luxury and better spec.
Here you go:tinyurl.com/yhejvus
If your friend does go ahead and buy one, he will have to get used to reasonable insurance costs through many specialist American car insurance companies, and next day parts availability at Stephenson's Rocket era prices. Champagne motoring for lemonade money.
Ford Crown Vic wanted - midlifecrisis
I have a relative who is a Captain in a US Police Department. Went on holiday over there and spent some time out with him. The Ford Crown Vic is a woeful affair. Ponderous and definitely not quick.

They were very jealous of our BMWs, Volvos and Jags.
Ford Crown Vic wanted - captain chaos
Ponderous and definitely not quick.

Perhaps a few donuts under the gas pedal, mlc? ;-)
Ford Crown Vic wanted - jc2
They were offered with a range of engines;didn't handle tho'.

Edited by jc2 on 15/11/2009 at 19:09

Ford Crown Vic wanted - Westpig
do they sell these in Oz?...long way to go to get one granted..but it'd be RHD

Edited by Westpig on 15/11/2009 at 20:13

Ford Crown Vic wanted - midlifecrisis
Perhaps a few donuts under the gas pedal mlc? ;-)

Joking aside. They had a small kitchen/diner in the Police Station. I've never seen so many different flavours of doughnuts in my life. You couldn't have made it up!!

Shame I can't stand the things! :)
Ford Crown Vic wanted - Victorbox
Taxi version on e-bay now tinyurl.com/ybeffaa
Ford Crown Vic wanted - craig-pd130
As an earlier poster said, the specialist American mags are a good start.

At the recent Bollington Transport Extravaganza there was a fully-liveried and kitted Crown Vic, complete with the screen behind the front seats, lights, radio etc.

I believe it also had cop tyres, cop suspension, cop shocks, a cop motor .... and I presume it runs good on regular gas :-D

I think the V8 in the police-spec models is rated about 250bhp and 300lb-ft, it's a far cry from the early 70s days of Dodge Polaras with the 440ci max wedge engine ...

Edited by craig-pd130 on 16/11/2009 at 09:27