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99 1.6 little bang coming from the passenger side - gvmllr
just got a renault megane 1.6 rt sport alize..when i close the drivers door there seems to be a little bang coming from the passenger side,ive had the bonnet up and closed the drivers door and it seems to be coming from the passenger side. when im driving it theres no noise whatsoever...anybody else with a megane have this noise?

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 14/11/2009 at 02:58

99 1.6 little bang coming from the passenger side - andyp
Its probably the flap on the heating/ventilation system that controls the fresh air/recycle system. The noise you describe when you shut a door is is a classic symptom of when this has broken, it is a very common problem on the Megane and unfortunately it is not a cheap or easy fix.
99 1.6 little bang coming from the passenger side - gvmllr
thanks for that andy,it does sound like a flap clanging when any of the doors get closed. i wont be persuing it any further. but thanks for your reply.