Been told about this by a relative, does it happen or is it an urban myth with the car no more likely to be attacked than any other new car???
Cheers all.
I don't think the low life and envious are that choosy when vandalising other peoples property.
I'd always rather hoped that, as thieves as a race are stupid, they still think Skodas are sheds and therefore don't nick them. As for vandalism, that's difficult to anser as vandals are irrational as well as stupid. Let's hope this particular case is local.
I'm certainly not aware of any specific targeting of Skodas. Not something I've heard in other forces either.
No, same here, nothing I've ever known about.
I don't know if its just that crime has fallen so much in Manchester over the past ten years or if it was just the Lada. However my dads Lada was always getting vandalised (even the badge got knicked) since we had the Fiat and Fords nothing so much as a key scratch has happened.
We did certainly get the impression that people vandalised it because it was a Lada.
I saw a picture of your dads Lada. How you could you tell when it had been vandalised?
That Lada of Rattle's Dad's was a fairly repectable example. You should have seen ours (especially after the brown vinyl roof had to be ripped off and thrown in the hedge). Patches of Soviet-era glue all over the roof...
I suspect you of poncy tendencies AE. I bet you even clean your shoes.
And I have silk ties.....
Remember the fad for nicking VW grille badges after a singer in a pop group - Beastie Boys? - appeared on Top of the Pops wearing one as a pendant?
- Beastie Boys?
yep -
I think it had already started in the States before they appeared on TOTP.
I remembered that in the early 90's as a school kid, lots of MK2 Golfs around with a big circle where the badge should be.
It wasnt just VWs. A desperate scrote nicked the Fiat badge off my Panda.
And the occasional Atkinson badge too - a capital A in a circle
And the occasional Atkinson badge too
So thats where they went...
''Hastings...make a telephone call to Miss Lemon if you would be so kind Mon Ami; Mon Dieu 'ow could i have been so stupid not to have seen what my little grey cells were telling me all along''
Now come quietly Mr Spud.
"According to statistics from the British Crime Survey cited by the company, there were over 1.7m reported instances of car vandalism last year and a 10% jump in incidents during the first quarter of 2009."
Some of the 1.7m are bound to be Skodas.
Know of a smart Black Fabia VRS in a quiet Scottish village that got drowsed in acid - car was written off. Owner none too happy - lost about £1500 on the insurance settlement.
Mind you - in the same village, 50 cars got "keyed" on the same night - but a bus driver on his way to work (5am!) saw the culprit, caught him - and the culprits teeth got knocked out when he "fell to the ground".
He claimed he diodn't do the Fabia though.
Hi all, getting back to the Skodas (!) it appears its a local issue, I suppose if your in the wrong place at the wrong time you can become a target.
Over on the detailing world forum, its not uncommon for people's cars to be attacked following an all day or weekend detail. Thanks again.
Some years ago I had my car damaged in the small quiet English village where we lived. I reported it to the local beat vice deputy constable liason officer or whatever title he had at the time - he came to the house and then (on our suspicions) went to question the wealthy father of a local child.
The officer then returned having made his enquiries, and having drawn a blank, but as he was about to leave there was a loud knock at the door. The officer stepped into the kitchen as I opened the front door to be faced with mr wealthy.
"Excuse me. I've just had a police officer around at my house asking questions - telling that you've said my son has vandalised your car! How DARE you make accusations about members of my family. I'll have you know that I'm a well resepcted solicitor, and my son was no where near your car at the time of the alledged incident. I would be grateful if you would kindly stay away from our family in future".
At which point the police officer stepped out of the kitchen.
"Hello again, Mr X. That's interesting - when I came to see you a few moments ago, I asked you about 'vandalism' - I never mentioned your son, this man, or his car, nor what time of day or night the alledged incident may have occured - and certainly you seemed to be unaware of what I was talking about. Clearly you have remembered something important, so shall we start our conversation again?"
Good story WKS.
Rural vandals aren't always teenagers, or yobs come to that. The rear wiper of my Renault 18 GTX estate was damaged, obviously maliciously, when the car was parked in a quiet Sussex village with a popular pub. However my own behaviousr these many years past has not been noisy or boisterous.
Having family connections in the area I discovered that the culprit was almost certainly a man in his forties or fifties, the owner of a house near where the car was parked, and an Olympian in a specialised sport. This snivelling creep was well known in the village for this sort of behaviour and was I believe banned from the pub. Alas, no one had caught him at it and made it stick.
Someone I indirectly knew many years ago (friend of a friend) had a Chevrolet Camaro and this was back in the early 1980's when the custom car scene was really big, especially in London. This guy had spent countless hours on the deep Cherry Red paintwork on the Camaro and it looked great. Relatively unmodified car, rumbling V8 and superb, deeply laquered paint job.
And one day some mindless clown keyed the car. Given how much care and trouble had gone into the paint job, there was no way you could just blow in the affected area. The whole thing amounting to so many hours of work was ruined. Shortly after, I heard the guy had just sold the car and given up on the custom scene, just lost heart because of what had happened.
It seemed very sad at the time because this was one person's passion in life ruined by just a moment of mindless stupidity. Keying a car is not a major crime in itself but in this case it had considerable ramifications. Perhaps it reflects on the disproportionate impact minor crime can have on peoples lives.
Sad tale that Derfel, a blokes passion, hobby call it what you will totally destroyed by a worthless plank.
Things like this will never end until vandals/criminals are made to pay back every penny of damage that they cause and a percentage on top for compensation.
And pigs might fly.
First truthful (easy tiger) politician that gurantee's it gets my vote.