One for Lud? If he has a Visa for Yorkshire - JH
I thought this might appeal to Lud,

One for Lud? If he has a Visa for Yorkshire - Martin Devon
One for Lud? If he has a Visa for Yorkshire - 1400ted
Love it...the vinyl really sets it off nicely.

One for Lud? If he has a Visa for Yorkshire - NowWheels
Isn't a D-reg a bit new for Lud?
One for Lud? If he has a Visa for Yorkshire - Lud
A pretty example although of course they always look better with something heavy in the boot, or with lowered springs.

This one has hardly been used according to the description. May need a fairly savvy owner for the first few months of real use. But would anyone sane other than me use one, really use it, these days?

I've got one, low mileage but with a cooked engine and noisy half shafts. I have new half shafts and bearings - might be some use to a Skoda owner actually and worth a few bob - but the engine needs a real mechanic, a good one too, although the bottom end's fine and I have the original low-mileage head, without the exhaust valve seat inserts that engine needs with modern petrol though. And frankly the beige body has a few dents and has been sitting in the bushes for so long it's probably a can of worms if not stoats and badgers.
One for Lud? If he has a Visa for Yorkshire - Rattle
I am surprised you have room in central London :). I do get the appeal of those old Skodas they were a lot better built than Ladas.

If I had a farm or something and a spare £2k I might have bought that Skoda to start my eastern bloc car musuem.
One for Lud? If he has a Visa for Yorkshire - perro
>>> those old Skodas they were a lot better built than Ladas. <<<

And pigs can fly!
One for Lud? If he has a Visa for Yorkshire - Big Bad Dave
Check out Lot number 405, much more impressive in white with all the skirts. Very 80s.
One for Lud? If he has a Visa for Yorkshire - Happy Blue!
But Lot 441 is the one I want
One for Lud? If he has a Visa for Yorkshire - Big Bad Dave
Lot 266 would suit Rattle

449 for me

Edited by Big Bad Dave on 10/11/2009 at 09:20

One for Lud? If he has a Visa for Yorkshire - daveyjp
Is the estimate for 463 a misprint? Up to £15k for a Mini Moke?

Edited by daveyjp on 10/11/2009 at 09:25

One for Lud? If he has a Visa for Yorkshire - mike hannon
No, it's probably right. In France one of those little plastic Citroen Meharis will set you back 10 grand at least these days and there's nutters out there who will pay 15k for a Messerschmitt (? spelling) cabin scooter.
I guess it's whatever turns you on.
One for Lud? If he has a Visa for Yorkshire - bathtub tom
>>there's nutters out there who will pay 15k for a Messerschmitt


I turned one down for less than £200 in '67. I couldn't afford it, nor the Berkely.
One for Lud? If he has a Visa for Yorkshire - JH
Lot 266 would suit Rattle

If Lud is Noddy, does that make you Big Ears? :-)

One for Lud? If he has a Visa for Yorkshire - Rattle
You swine :).
One for Lud? If he has a Visa for Yorkshire - Lud
There are some appealing motors there.

I like the Model T, the Hupmobile, the biggest of the Austins, the manual (!) Ferrari 400 and a couple of the Jags. There's a nice Armstrong-Siddeley as well.

perro: I must say I am surprised if you think Ladas and Skoda Estelles are similar sorts of car. Thought you were a connoisseur?