"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Dave_TD
I'm watching it now, for a high-budget drama the realism of the vehicles is lacking somewhat. There's a MkI (95-99) Sprinter van on 51 plates, and a millionaire in a £4,000 10-year-old Mercedes. The police traffic car looks to be a bog-standard Mondeo. There are more true-to-life police cars in The Bill.

The "collision" hasn't happened on-screen yet, but I'm willing to bet it will rival Marcus's Renault A610 exploding in El Dorado for realism...

Edited by Dave_TD {P} on 09/11/2009 at 21:55

"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Dave_TD
Oh look, the police car doesn't have ABS.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Chicken Vindaloo
Am I right in thinking that there was a similar series on BBC1 in the late 70's/early 80's called "Accident" which sounds just like this "Collision" thingy? Three or four cars crash, including a chauffeured Rover SD1 which was being driven by the owner, not the chauffeur, so that he could "show him what the car could really do". I think there was a van driver and a couple (she was pregnant?) driving a car which broke down. The Rover hits the broken down car and that sets off the multiple pile up. The rest of the series is taken up with recoveries/recriminations etc.

It was a long time ago and I was a mere whipper-snapper at the time. I've Googled for proof and can't find anything so chances are I've got the name wrong. Any ideas?
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Chicken Vindaloo
Found it: www.startrader.co.uk/Action%20TV/guide70s/accident...m
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - ForumNeedsModerating
Yep, you can always tell which cars are going to be trashed - a la Casualty - look for the 'in budget' cars/bangers ( in this case about £3K a pop it seems..) being driven.

Poor old ITV - you can tell the share price is rock bottom & the sunny delight ad budgets have dried up.

3/10 so far.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - rtj70
Yep, you can always tell which cars are going to be trashed - a la Casualty

Last time I watched Casualty (nineties) you always knew who was going to have the accident - you'd not seen them before. As a show that cannot change unless it was a new character :-)
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - smokie
Seems to me that the Met were well out of their area - I assumed they'd chased it from London up the A12, but it seems they were sitting by the side of the road not that far from the accident (else the Beemer driver would have noticed them sooner), which judging by the signs is well in Essex territory.

It all felt a bit slow moving but passed an hour....
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - SteelSpark
So far, so meh...

Looks like it is going to be about the fascinating back stories of the accidentees (likely a made up word) rather than the crash. Who would have thought you would have a drug smuggler, an espionager (definately a made up word), a paedophile (or so they seem to be suggesting), a millionaire property developer and Phil Davis all in the same crash.

Should have watched FlashForward instead...

Edited by SteelSpark on 09/11/2009 at 23:46

"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - dieseldogg

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 10/11/2009 at 10:19

"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Altea Ego
Should have watched FlashForward instead...


Flashward started out brilliantly with a great mystery to unfold and has developed into mawkish boredom.

So I watched crash. And yes the lack of realism grated on me, and it looks like it will evelove into mawkish overlong trash as well.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - daveyjp
This thread probably explains why our TV viewing doesn't include any sort of drama.

We tend not to watch ITV much, but even we were sick and tired of the ads for this programme. Anything so overhyped usually lacks any substance.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Mick Snutz
I reckon BBC would have done a far better job.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - dxp55
been without a TV since July - bought one last week and I am now regretting it - even with freeview there doesn't seem anything worth watching and no way will I subscribe to sky - spent all those nights reading and sitting in nice quiet room - and £142 worse off.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - smokie
In tonight's there was a bit where I laughed out loud. It was the immediate aftermath of the pile up, there was wreckage all over both carriageways and masses of emergency vehicles and yellow jackets. About a foot from an upturned car was a blue sign "Police Accident".

If you were depending on that sign to alert you to it, you probably oughtn't be driving!

I do feel that sometimes the programme makers get hold of a load of props and just feel that they should use them. There was quite a bit of that in the Life on Mars series, with period pieces scattered around in backgrounds looking rather awkward.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Blue {P}
I almost never watch drama on Terrestrial tv, although I will admit that I think Flash Forward is pretty good, if you want good drama it's best to watch (some) US stuff on Sky.

The last one that I liked on the Beeb was Survivors (the new one), that was a great series and I'm looking forward to the next one, to keep it motoring related, who on earth would choose to drive around in a Range Rover when the population is nearly all dead and you have to go and "acquire" your own petrol? (sorry to those who didn't see the show) I'm afraid I'd be driving about in an Efficient Dynamics 1 Series or something of that nature!
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Ben10
"About a foot from an upturned car was a blue sign "Police Accident"."

Yeah, I picked that up.

Having worked as an extra in the film/TV game the directors usually "cheat" to get relevant bits in. The sign would have been placed at least 50m behind the accident in real life.

Even being part of a production you sometimes question dialogue or props being inappropriate in true situations.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Big Bad Dave
Has anybody seen the American remake of Life on Mars on FX? I think Harvey Keitel is in it.

I meant to check it out but didn't have time. If it's anything like their version of The Office then it will wipe the floor, walls and ceiling with ours.

The yanks are pounding out fantastic drama, comedy and sci fi at the moment but you need Sky to see it. I have unusual viewing habits in that I rarely watch it but I have it piped into my studio all day long via surround sound speakers. When I finish working late in the evening I flick through the PVR and watch the things that sounded interesting or dump them onto dvd for that illusive weekend when I've got the house to myself and nothing to do. Never gonna happen...

Check out Modern Family on Sky 1 for a sublime comedy that hits the nail on the head, and to see how bad the years have been to Al Bundy.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - ForumNeedsModerating
If it's anything like their version of The Office then it will wipe the floor, walls and ceiling with ours.

Well taste & appreciation are notoriously individual of course & one view has as much validity as any other in the democratic sense - but to even compare the poor, flaccid (and dreadfully unfunny..! ) American franchised version of the Office with the brilliant original, somehow makes me think that the sublime comedy of manners & social observation portrayed in said, was somehow missed.

The only drama to crawl above the usual dross imported from over the pond in recent years has been the Sopranos - and even that went on a series too long. Perhaps the Wire would have been interesting - had I been able to understand the over-used & mumbled street patois. Self-consciously fashionable, over-hyped & over here.

One aspect of all American drama (and nearly all ITV drama) is the pressure advert slots put on script & storyline - every ten mniutes has to have a 'hook' to keep viewers from channel-hopping during the break. This is most apparent, paradoxically, when made-for-commercial-tv programmes are shown on BBC - there are odd breaks & scene changes that don't match the storyline/context which distract & disrupt the flow.

Back on topic though, Collision goes from poor to ludicrous - a bit like 'Lost' with accidents & poor continuity. I'll keep watching though - it's truly car-crash TV!
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Alanovich
The Wire? Over-hyped? Hardly. It was mostly popularised by word of mouth. I think the first series was filmed about 7 years ago, and it only made it to network UK TV this year. Even then it was broadcast very, very late in the evenings.

Lost, now that garbage was over-hyped. The Wire was teriffic.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - gordonbennet

The Wire was teriffic.

Agreed, brilliant, gritty, realistic and refreshingly non PC....something that's destroyed the humour and fun of much of UK drama.

The other one we're hooked on is 24, even bought the whole lot on DVD.

2 programs that Audi didn't manage to saturate with their cars either as a bonus.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Big Bad Dave
"The only drama to crawl above the usual dross imported from over the pond in recent years"

Alert. Alert. TV snob.

"2 programs that Audi didn't manage to saturate with their cars either as a bonus"

Have you ever seen The Hotel Inspector? Every single outdoor location shot framed with an Audi. Shots of the hotel frontage taken from a low down p.o.v so there's a huge Audi alloy wheel entering stage left with hotel playing second fiddle at the rear. Endless shots of the inspector driving to and from hotels in an Audi. Piece to camera in Audi. Audi driving up to hotel entrance. Climbing into Audis. Climbing out of Audis. Luggage taken out of Audis, boot slams shut leaving us with a lingering shot of... an Audi boot lid badge.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - gordonbennet
Have you ever seen The Hotel Inspector? Every single outdoor location shot framed with an

No we haven't and thanks to your descriptive warning we won't be either, humourously written but made me shudder too.

It's sad just how susceptible some people are to this so blatant product placement.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Pugugly
Dave maybe she has an er....Audi and that's why...

Police Accident sign - you lot clearly missed the similar sign just behind with "Duuuh !" written on it. :-)
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Big Bad Dave
"Dave maybe she has an er....Audi and that's why..."

ah but there have been 2 hotel inspectors and guess what the last one drove...?
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Pugugly
I only watched the one with the black haired woman from the Forte dynasty - the A6 - perhaps they sponsor it..
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Big Bad Dave
They never mention audi, not even in the credit rolls, that's why I think it's a bit odd. I've meant to ask on here before if anyone knew what the relationship was (but I didn't want anyone to know I enjoyed the program).

But it's so blatant, even my wife mentioned it. These aren't casual shots of a hotel with a car getting in the way, the Audi is an integral part of the composition, beautifully shot - "top gear" filters, the lot.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Mick Snutz
Perhaps Collision 2 (to be aired in the Spring of 2010) will be about all the stranded motorists and clogged roads around the A12.

"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Pugugly
With a running sub-plot of people moaning about the policies in here.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - midlifecrisis
With a running sub-plot of people moaning about the policies in here.

You just made me laugh out loud! I was thinking exactly the same thing.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - ForumNeedsModerating
The only drama to crawl above the usual dross imported from over the pond in recent years"

Alert. Alert. TV snob.

Please read posting guidelines - by all means criticise the content, your opinion of the poster is not germane or indeed, polite.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Big Bad Dave
Alert. Alert. Crybaby.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - turbo11
We loved the wire.Best thing we have seen in years. Any chance of a new series?
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - apm
I loved the Wire too, for the reasons outlined. If you liked it, keep an eye out for Generation Kill on one of the 4 channels- Gulf war II kind of docudrama by the same chap. I'm really liking it so far.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Pugugly
What's wrong with, "I really like it so far"?

Same as -

"What you are wanting" - instead of "What you want"
"For free" instead of "free"

Both regularly seen here - but some here argue that misuse of English in the forum is OK..

Anyway all episodes are stored on my PVR - yet to watch them !
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Fullchat
Disappointed :-(
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Mick Snutz
Anyway all episodes are stored on my PVR - yet to watch them !

Don't bother. It was the wasp.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Chad.R
Rubbish. Amazing how none of the airbags were working. That Merc S class must have had about a million and none of them went off!!
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - ForumNeedsModerating
Like the Curate's Egg I thought, good in parts. Certainly an ambitious format, being spread over 5 consecutive nights & it had one essential quality - it was a page-turner.

Like others, I thought some detail was inaccurate/daft & had the effect of suspending your suspension of disbelief for a while. The final conceit of the 'wasp' & nod to the concept of fate/chance & parallel universes was a nice touch - if done a little heavy-handedly.

At least ITV is fighting back & trying something a little different.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Pugugly
Just watched it - It was on my Sky thing. Very nice bit of drama - loads of licence but a good watch nonetheless - BTW the SD1 referred to above was an 800 series.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - maz64
Just watched it - It was on my Sky thing.

We got round to watching the last episode on the PVR last week, and we also enjoyed it. Wasn't bothered about the accuracy of the crash scenes as the crash was just a mechanism for weaving 5(?) stories together, and the stories were entertaining. Good stuff.

BTW thought the lead actor was much more convincing in the detective role than he was playing action hero in ITV's Primeval.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Pugugly
Thanks to the poster that posted the "spoiler" though. Very much my thoughts Focus.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - maz64
Thanks to the poster that posted the "spoiler" though.

Well I wasn't going to say anything, but yes, reading that post did spoil it a little bit. I did think about asking the mods to edit it, but it's probably a bit late now.
"Collision" drama on ITV1 9.00pm Monday 9 November - Pugugly
Cracking ideas though and sting in the tail (so to speak)