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2008 2.3 Electric Window Juddering - fredthefifth
Hi All,

Drivers side electric window has started to judder. I tried cleaning the glass but no improvement.

Car is still under warranty but is there a quick DIY fix or is it likely to be something mechanical that I should take it back for?

Thanks for any advice.

Edited by fredthefifth on 09/11/2009 at 18:34

2008 2.3 Electric Window Juddering - Old Navy
I find that a spray with silicone lubricant (not WD40) around the frame the glass runs in keeps the windows moving smoothly. If that doesn't work dust off the warranty.
2008 2.3 Electric Window Juddering - fredthefifth
Ok thanks, I'll give that a try.
2008 2.3 Electric Window Juddering - Victorbox
I use Halfords Nylon and Rubber spray on guides. Lasts quite a long time.
2008 2.3 Electric Window Juddering - Peter D
On an 08 model I'd take it back so the fualt is logged. There is no way the guides have clogged up in such a short time. Regards Peter