I recently saw two XK8s with jaguar mascots fitted to the middle of the bonnet. I thought they were no longer allowed.
Edited by Pugugly on 06/11/2009 at 14:48
They are not in Europe (and possibly the US), but I think other parts of the world still permit them, so you can import the leaping cat and fix it to your car. Don't know what happens at MOT Time though?
I believe you can still fit them to your own car after purchase.
They look carp on modern Jags imo.
You can add them as aftermarket items but they are illegal if you do.
Lots of correspondence (not from me I hasten to add!) in the club magazines, and they conclude that they are 100% illegal on these cars.
In my opinion (as an oldish Jag owner) they look absolutely horrible on the more recent cars.
On the old S type they look great, retro fitted onto a newer S type they just look wrong.
I have seen some XJS's like mine with them fitted and they just seem to spoil and interupt that lovely bonnet :0)
Whereas a real Mercedes has to have the aiming port on the bonnet or it isn't a real Merc.
"Hello.....is that Railway Arch Motors ?.....yes good....I'd like to book my Jaguar in for an MOT on wednesday please......good that's fine....now the thing is I'd also like to bring it in on tuesday for a bit of prep......yes, I'd like you to take the cat off and put the cat on.......yes.....and if you could keep it until thursday and put the cat back and take the other one off....if you see what I mean ?......very good....'bye....."
...and then Plod comes along just after you collected the Jag Humph and books you for an offence under Reg 53(1) Con and Use Regs 1986:
a motor vehicle first used on or after 1st October 1937, shall not have fixed to it a mascot, emblem or other ornamental object in any position where it is likely to strike any person with whom the vehicle may collide unless the mascot, emblem or other ornamental object is not liable to cause injury to such person.
What's that you say what about the Isle of Man Merc mascot? You will now find that they get round the Reg because they are collapsable.
1st October 1937
Does that mean that fifties Rollses, Bentleys and Jags can't have their pedestrian shredders in place DVD? That it's illegal to drive them with the mascots in place? I find that surprising.
Especially as a RR grille would be quite nasty even without the mascot, all those sharp edges and corners...
I suppose I could have titled my last post as "A tale of two kitties"......
Going now...far far better thing and all that....
Whereas a real Mercedes has to have the aiming port on the bonnet or it isn't a real Merc.
I think that one is spring loaded and folds flat as it rips your body parts off. :-)
My old jag mascot is screwed to a lead filled flat top piston and is sitting on windowsill.
IIRC in days of yore some of our royals had mascots on the bonnets of their cars but the mascot was mounted just in front of the windscreen.
They're still legal in the US. The Jag's going out on their test runs around Castle Bromwich all had leaping cats on the front if they were LHD. Naturally, they're the ones heading to the states.
Can you get a rubber Jaguar mascot?
In the usam I've seen manyS type jags wth the mascot.
Query, why is the jag mascot a danger to the public and the RR one is not? I'm aware that the new shape RR's mascot automatically disappers once car is parked/switched off.
Surely the RR mascot is just as davgerous as the jag mascot in the event of a collision between car and person?
BTW, m merc has the 3 star mascot - but they tilt.
Can you get a rubber Jaguar mascot?
Yes on Ebay. They look the real deal!
Doesn't the flying lady disappear at a touch?
flying lady
'Spirit of Ecstasy' bt...
So if I glued our cat Snowy on to the front of the Roomie's bonnet it would be illegal.... I don't think Snowy would be all that pleased either, so probably no bad thing! ;-)
Edited by b308 on 07/11/2009 at 08:49
What about other external appendages, roof bars, bikes, skis, and IKEA furniture. they just sit a little further back.
And of course roo bars, not seen a wild kangaroo in the UK recently. :-)
Edited by Old Navy on 07/11/2009 at 09:03