And I was thinking second hand! But before someone shot me down... A new Apple laptop is about £1k (ball park figure) so a V8 Vantage looks good value.
it might be possible in the near future I hope - well a couple of years.
Know what you mean there. I keep taking Great Aunt Martha jogging and feeding her chocolate eclairs too....only a matter of time.
Edited by Humph Backbridge on 06/11/2009 at 09:30
Spookily, a friend just bought one last month, second hand, at about 50k - and he got precisely zero off the asking price and he's a good negotiator.
If that helps at all.
And it's quite nice in a sort of you need to be agile to get in and out type way.
Hmm, this is concerning as the dealership told us to expect a 0% discount too! Of course we didn't believe them at the time but perhaps they weren't winding us up. :-(
You wont get a penny off at a Stratstone dealer... Try Brooklands Aston Martin in Leeds, plenty of margin in there cars...
I've always had a secret passion for the DB7s, I might one day buy one, when they are rusty and stupidly cheap and run off four cylinders :D
I would have thought that now the country is getting out of recession prices won't fall any further so now is a good a time as any to buy one? Might be worth checking ownership club websites as they may have a lot of private cars for sale in suburb condition.
I know a bloke who used to have a DB7. He reckoned it was costing 4k a year in routine servicing, and there was always somthing extra required at each service. He has a Merc CL500 now - much cheaper to run.
Friend of mine had and A-M, no problems, but always got a proper service. Buy now two resaons:
1 - Interest will pick up in the New Year
2 - You never know when your time is up. Waiting a few months might be the last and then you really would be kicking yourself.
A purchase like this isn't ruled by the wallet/head - its all heart.
in 24 months time give me a call to buy it for £40,000.
Few discounts on such cars, but "Shy Bairns get nowt"