Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - Focus_Driver
The price for my focus was £177 last year but the best price I can get now is £288 from 2 comparison websites. My circumstances have not changed and I have full ncb. Has something happened in the past year in the industry which has caused this big price rise? May be it has something to do with the recession and they need to recoup revenue?

Edited by Focus1.8TDCi on 04/11/2009 at 15:35

Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - legacylad
Just renewed my policy and the premium has fallen! Last year with Saga it was £189, fully comp, protected and with legal cover. This year £198, so I shopped around, several quotes were cheaper, and a linked 'cash back' site (thank you Martin Lewis) meant that I paid a net price, for identical cover with the AA, of £139. Not bad for a Gp12 car.
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - Armitage Shanks {p}
LL - well done for getting what looks like a reasonable quote from SAGA - I have found their quotes ludicrous, in the past. I have stuck with LV for the last 9 years, paying about £180 for 307, they have now quoted £145 for my KA.
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - Focus_Driver
Managed to get it down to £225 online, which interestingly is my current insurer

Edited by Focus1.8TDCi on 04/11/2009 at 16:59

Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - RickyBoy
Recently (01/09) reduced my premium by £110 by removing Mrs Rickyboy from being named driver. She never ever does drive my motor but I'd always assumed that by naming your spouse (she has impeccable history!) on your policy reduced your premium? Obviously not...

...will add that I've changed Insurer yet again. It seems that's the only option open available to us ordinary punters to really knock-down prices these days.

Hey ho...
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - RickyBoy
...that should have read 01/10/09!

Yep, to reiterate... it really does seem that you have to play the 'new customer for the first 12-months to ensure substantial discount' game in this day and age, which is a shame, but a reduction of £110 is always going to be more appealing to a Yorkshireman than an increase of £33 or whatever it was!
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - L'escargot
My premium (with the same insurer) has gone up 5% from last year to this. I'm well pleased.
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - gmac
Focus, Has there been an increase in car related crime/damage in your area ?
If your own circumstances have not changed then it may be something in your postcode which has caused the increase.
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - Falkirk Bairn
In 1995 (age 49) Full NCB I paid £375 for a Gp 14 car

I now pay £172 for a Gp 13 car although up £25 from 2008

Comparison sites have driven down premiums - without them we would all be paying much much more.
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - Armitage Shanks {p}
The Independent (Newspaper) has a search site where ALL companies quoting are giving a £25 cashback. With this included my KA cover came down to £117.
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - The Melting Snowman
Mine went up from £181 to £254. I phoned them up and told them to lower it or lose it. Came down to £198 which was acceptable.
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - Focus_Driver
"Focus, Has there been an increase in car related crime/damage in your area ?
If your own circumstances have not changed then it may be something in your postcode which has caused the increase"

Not that I know of

Edited by Focus1.8TDCi on 04/11/2009 at 21:15

Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - Rattle
Try paying £768 a year then you will all stop moaning about small increases :)
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - Mike H
I think you should all stop moaning. The renewal premium on my chipped Saab 9-5 Aero estate in October was £330, about the same as last year. However, I have just moved to Austria and, with 10 years NCB, it will be around £2,500 pa - admittedly including road tax!

On a more relevant note, my son has just moved from Swansea as a student to Cardiff as a "business professional" (nearest we could get on the list of professions) and the premium for the remaining 8 months cover was a hefty £288 - on an annual premium when renewed last July of £400.
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - Falkirk Bairn
Try paying £768 a year then you will all stop moaning about small increases :)

What kind of Aston Martin/ Bentley do you drive?
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - Rattle
A group 3 Corsa :).

Thats what happens when you live in Manchester, passed the test a year ago, run a business etc etc.

I just accept it is high risk and get on with it, life is too short to moan about high insurance costs and I know plenty of people who have to pay over £2k a year.
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - Armitage Shanks {p}
There is an Urban Myth, or is it true, that call centre employees have to sell x policies per shift. If they are 15 minutes to go and one policy short one can get a 'deal', rather in the way that snowman described. I certainly found a better price on Confused, from LV, than my renewal quote, also from LV, and I told them to honour the on line quote or lose the business and they gave me the lower price.
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - oilrag
Just renewed insurance on the Punto van. Including legal protection and business use (in case wife borrows it) it was £208 - a few Pounds less than last year.
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - grumpyscot
I switched last year from Direct Line to M&S - Increase this year was £5. The difference last year between them was £200!

Maybe because I'm gettting older and both me and SWMBO are over 60 early next year... though my son (34) is also on the policy.
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - L'escargot
Unless you stay with the same insurer you can't determine whether your premium has increased (for the same quality of cover) or not. The quality of cover (taking into account all aspects) varies from one insurer to another.
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - Armstrong Sid
As several posters have mentioned, I've also found that the worst thing to do is to accept the "automatic" renewal from your existing insurer. I assume that they hope you will just tick the box and pay whatever they ask.

I've had considerable reductions by going to the website of my existing insurer, logging on as a new customer (but with my NCD) and getting a new quote. Guaranteed to be less than they asked me for on a straight renewal.
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - Falkirk Bairn
I've had considerable reductions by going to the website of my existing insurer >>logging on as a new customer (but with my NCD) and getting a new quote. >>Guaranteed to be less than they asked me for on a straight renewal.

Just watch the excesses on Comparison sites!

They will offer say £250 excess as voluntary to reduce premium
The Compulsory Excess could be another £250 or even more if the drivers are younger!

A £500+ excess may not be a problem at renewal but when a claim is made..............
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - gmac
I certainly
found a better price on Confused from LV than my renewal quote also from LV
and I told them to honour the on line quote or lose the business and
they gave me the lower price.

I just found the opposite. I used a comparison website, they came in £5 less than my insurer quoted me online. When I looked at the comparison website, they had stripped out the legal cover and were charging an extra £20 to put it back in.
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - old crocks
While reading elsewhere this morning I came across this section of an article...

"According to the latest figures from the AA, car insurance premiums are rising at their fastest rate in at least the last 15 years.

It says that the typical cost has jumped by 5.6 per cent in the past three months alone, the fastest increase since its index measuring such trends was launched 15 years ago, while the rise so far this year has been a whopping 14%.

This trend has led to the average annual premium soaring from an already punishing £778.13 in July to an eye-watering £821.41 in October"

My renewal has just arrived. Up 56% although one no fault incident with no claim this year. I'll be comparing prices later today so will report back.
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - old crocks
Last year £218. This year would have been £207. Both with More Th>n.

However a couple of weeks ago I had a small no fault incident. No claim and no cost to my insurance company. This has increased my renewal to £340.

That's a 64% increase for blameless, cost free incident. I'm not happy!
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - RickyBoy
The battle rages on...

I received renewal notification for the second car in our household this morning. Premium has increased by £71 without any change whatsoever in my/our circumstances/situation.

I would really have hoped by now to appear on some 'all-encompassing' insurance database that flagged a 'just don't waste your time increasing this boke's annual premiums as he's guaranteed to walk away' message, but I obviously don't ? heh!

I know people keep harping on about the devil you know, etc but as I haven't had to 'test' this insurer in any way, shape or form during the past 12-months why should I just sit back and take a 26% price hike on the chin?

Well, I won't be...
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - helicopter
I am with LV and had a write off last year . I have just renewed with them after a renewal quote which was £10 more than last year.

I was very well treated and got a good valuation for my car. I could probably get cheaper but I believe its better the devil you know

Premium for SWMBO and I both living in Sussex on my Group 14 car is £330 .
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - Optimist
I am with LV and had a write off last year . I have just renewed with them after a renewal quote which was £10 more than last year. >>

Me too but they want to increase my premium from £242 to £315. No claim in the year.

Can I ask if you go to them on your own, helicopter, or through a union or somesuch?

Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - helicopter
I go to them direct Optimist. Fully comp and SWMBO as named driver.

Couple of salient points though - I only changed to them last year after many years with More Than and saved lots of money by doing so . I also have a protected NCB so despite the write off its 70% discount IIRC . I also turned 60 this year which I think makes a difference.

Of course also relevant are the area you live in , the car you drive and how long you have driven for etc and we get discount because SWMBO is also insured with them on her car.

I would check out rates ( including LV ) on confused .com or other comparison sites including meerkats ....( seemples ) and see what you come up with as a new client with them and then phone LV . Don't be frightened to tell them you willl change unless they can come up with a more reasonable figure.

Lady who works for me got a very good deal with Direct Line who do not work through comparison sites. Worth a try.

I would be wary of some of the cheaper insurers - You only find out how good a company is when you make a claim and I can only say that LV treated me very well and thats why it will take a lot more than a £10 increase for me to change.
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - Statistical outlier
Good grief, I'm revising my impression of the average age of people on this site.

I'm 33, drive a group 14 car, based in a nice part of a small town the W Midlands and pay £430 a year, which is the best price ever for me. 9 years no claims, no points, lots of shopping around.

I have no sympathy at all for all the "I'm now having to pay 3p instead of 2p for insurance - that's a 50% rise!!" sob stories on here. ;-)
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - Optimist
Thanks. Very helpful, helicopter.

Circs aren't a million miles apart in age, experience, etc, etc and we insure the house with them which has to be as good as, or better than, another car given what we pay.

I'll do a bit of checking.

Edit: I don't think £242 to £315 is from tuppence to thruppence, btw.

Edited by Optimist on 05/11/2009 at 15:40

Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - Roly93
I would say the opposite.
My insurance on my diesel Audi A4 was almost £100 cheaper this year after searching on all of the usual comparison sites. The only thing that has changed is that my mileage is 3000 or so lower this year.
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - *123*
Jee's some of you people have a very good deal - I pay around £71 per month for my car (group 17) although it just depends on the car at the time ... I was always with Direct Line until last year and changed to Sheilas Wheels ... it came up for renewal a few weeks ago and went back to Direct Line as Sheilas Wheels wanted an additional £500 for my new car ... where as DL wanted another £20!
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - old crocks
I would happily pay £500 a year more for my insurance if I could find some way of becoming 30 years younger!
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - Armitage Shanks {p}
I have just turned down a £147 renewal premium on my KA as. for £50 more, another insurer were prepared to replace my car if written off within 12 months, rather than paying me market value. I reckon this could be a loss of £2000 without that guarantee. The lower cost insurer would only give a courtesy car if I used their "Approved Repairer" whereas the higher quote gave my repairs at a Ford garage and a 3 year warranty on repairs. On balance I thought the extras were worth £50.
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - Blue {P}
I'm replacing my car towards the back end of this year (probs in December if my dastardly plan comes off) and my insurers want £250 to change from my current car to the new one for 7 months of coverage. That's gonna sting big style when I come to renew!

Also, when I recently got quotes on a 520d for some reason my current insurers insisted I remove my dad from my policy as apparently there are some cars that they only allow the policyholder and spouse to drive. Strangely, they do not apply the same rule to the CLK that is ultimately going to land on my drove shortly. It's got me very confused!
Have car insurance prices increased by a lot? - Wee Willie Winkie
I've just had my renewal through for my 2002 156 2.4JTD from Esure. The premium has risen to £448 (actually £523 when paid monthly, which I do). I seem to recall last year's premium was £375-odd.

Trawling the comparison websites didn't show anything less than £430. A 'saving' of £18 isn't enough to make me switch.

So, I tried LV on their website. Premium came in at £390, BUT biggy for me was the total cost of paying monthly - a total of £412.

So, I've saved £111, whilst maintaining the same level of cover. Result.