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OT: House Insurance Q for MRLBS - Toad, of Toad Hall.
Please forgive this off topic post. I will certainly not object if it's removed.

However it's probably useful from car insurance perspective too because the principples will be the same.

I just bought some house insurance.

They started the policy with 5 years NCD even though I only have 1.

I called to tell them their mistake and a girl who's name I have, told me that I would be give the NCD as a good will gesture and that she had noted this on my file. I asked for confirmation by fax.

The fax has come from another Customer Service manager and simply states that "the policy has been issued with 5 years NCD".

The implication is that "the policy has been issued with 5 years NCD despite the face you haven't got 5 years NCD" but it isn't explicitly noted in writing.

I don't want to bother these poeople all day. I've got names and times of phone calls.

If a speeding motorist [1] hit's my house, am I covered?

[1] ;-)

These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
OT: House Insurance Q for MRLBS - Mark (RLBS)
I don't understand the question.

Is it........

1) Why have I been given the NCD ?

2) Could it cause me a future insurance cover problem ?

3) A.N.Other question ?

OT: House Insurance Q for MRLBS - Mark (RLBS)
p.s. and it is off topic. If you specify the question, I'll answer it if I can, leave the thread long enough for people to read it and then remove it.

OT: House Insurance Q for MRLBS - Toad, of Toad Hall.
p.s. and it is off topic. If you specify the question,
I'll answer it if I can, leave the thread long enough
for people to read it and then remove it.

Incidently. Why not replace the word house with car and leave the thread whith yuor answer. That makes me a bit of a fibber but others who have been made verbal promises by insurance companies will know where they stand.
These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
OT: House Insurance Q for MRLBS - Armitage Shanks{P}
You have 5 year's NCD given to you as a gift; you have queried it and had it confirmed in writing, I think you are lucky Toad! Seriously, if you bought thru a call centre I am told that they have targets to meet re number of policies sold in a shift and they can be quite flexible on premiums and/or fringe benefits if it is getting late and there is a target (sorry - performance indicator) to meet.
OT: House Insurance Q for MRLBS - Toad, of Toad Hall.
As AS says, I have been given 5 years NCD as a gift.

However if my house is knocked down tommorow I appear to have nothing concrete in writing to indicate that I *have* been given 5 years NCD rather than me having lied in order to recieve 5 years NCD.

The faxed letter simply confirms my policy includes 5 years NCD. It does not point out that they have accepted that I *have* told them I *don't* have 5 years NCD.

My worry is that now it's all smiles and yes, I've been let of a portion of my premium.

If I try to claim 100k are they going to try to tell me I lied about the NCD.
These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
OT: House Insurance Q for MRLBS - sisyphus
Why not drop them a registered post letter stating your view of it? The cost of the registered post letter is probably less than the amount you're saving and could save your bacon come claim time, as they can't claim that you didn't notify them.

OT: House Insurance Q for MRLBS - Toad, of Toad Hall.
Why not drop them a registered post letter stating your view
of it? The cost of the registered post letter is
probably less than the amount you're saving and could save your
bacon come claim time, as they can't claim that you didn't
notify them.

Well the obvious thing to do is to say 'Can you fax me a letter that is a bit more specific about the arrangement we have made.'

the reason I don't wan't to do that is because these guys ar edoing me a favour over a small amount of cash (20 quid) and I don't want to *keep* pestering them for faxed letters.

I felt cheeky enough asking for one!

The girl claimed to have noted the situation on my file & I'd like to just trust her.

I am hoping MRLBS will simply say 'yeah, you can always trust people in these situations, just forget it and you are covered and they will pay out regardless'.

Otherwise I will have to bother them for the third time today simply because they kindly chose to let me off 20 quid after a clerical error!

These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
OT: House Insurance Q for MRLBS - Obsolete

I had a similar experience when I passed my driving test and was searching for car insurance. I found that Direct Line were willing to give me a discount equivalent to 3 years NCB even though I had never owned a car before. So in my opinion (and it is no more than that) don't worry.
If a speeding motorist [1] hit's my house, am I covered?

Would that be Bogush by any chance? :>
OT: House Insurance Q for MRLBS - Mark (RLBS)
Is the reason that you don't have 5 years NCD because you have had a claim in that time, or because you have not had house insurance.

If you have had no insurance/no claim, then you have no worries.

If you have made a claim in that time, then you best be sure that they are aware of it.

Did you fill in a proposal form ? What did you put under previous insurance & previous claims.

And no, you can't just trust them and assume it will be ok.
OT: House Insurance Q for MRLBS - Toad, of Toad Hall.
Is the reason that you don't have 5 years NCD because
you have had a claim in that time, or because you
have not had house insurance.

The latter. I only have 1 year but have never claimed.
If you have had no insurance/no claim, then you have no

Sweet!!!! Thanks!
Did you fill in a proposal form ? What did you
put under previous insurance & previous claims.

He didn't ask me about previous insurance, just if I'd claimed. That's where the confusion arose.
And no, you can't just trust them and assume it will
be ok.

These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
OT: House Insurance Q for MRLBS - Armitage Shanks{P}
Yes TOTH, I see the point you are making - dotted 'i's and crossed 't's. Unless your house suddenly jumps out in front of a motorist, thereby causing a collision, surely you can claim for your damage/loss off his insurance. I agree that you want your own for other risks, but somebody hitting your baronial hall should surely be down to their insurance (if any!)
OT: House Insurance Q for MRLBS - Toad, of Toad Hall.
Yes TOTH, I see the point you are making - dotted
'i's and crossed 't's.

I could be out 60k if an uninsured yobbo in a Jumbo jet knocked it down!
These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.