Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - maz64
...tonight on ITV1 - not sure if it's national or regional.

'Morland Sanders examines the pros and cons of the government's car scrappage scheme, and reveals how motorists can often get a better deal if they shop around. He also speaks to critics of the scheme who say that it has been a huge boost for the foreign car industry but does not do much for UK car makers.'
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - Old Navy
Its on in the STV area, thanks for the tip. Im off out to eat, reccorder set!

Edited by Old Navy on 30/10/2009 at 18:58

Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - movilogo
Watching it now.

So far the it said most money went to India, South Korea, Vietnam, Germany etc. as cars manufactured in those places are sold mostly under scrappage scheme.

Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - diddy1234
lets face it, the only way the scrappage scheme would benefit the UK if it were only available for Vauxhall, Nissan, Honda or Mini.

Wouldn't really work would it ?

Its not like we have rover anymore ....

Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - movilogo
Most funny part is where environmentalists said it did noting for environment. The university professor claimed it just made car dealers richer :)

Edited by movilogo on 30/10/2009 at 20:28

Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - bell boy
good programme
so i went to the top of the mountain and i said
i want a good car for my son/daughter/myself /etc to get to work/go fishing etc
and i asked myself
where art those good cars
and the answer came back 400,000 of the best ones went in the pot mate
and i said unto the clouds thats madness
but the clouds never replied
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - ianjoh
Nice one BB, surley this 400,000 of the best ones cannot include French cars ....
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - Altea Ego
So far the it said most money went to India South Korea Vietnam Germany etc.
as cars manufactured in those places are sold mostly under scrappage scheme.

India? what cars do we import from india?
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - movilogo
India? what cars do we import from india?

Hundai i10, i20 + Suzuki Alto

You can always find out a car's manufacturing plant from VIN.
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - J500ANT
and what cars are made in Vietman?
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - jc2
Most Ford engines(and many other components)are made in the UK even if final assy isn't here.
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - carl_a
This is perhaps the most badly made and ill researched programme I've ever seen. Someone was very carefull with the scissors when they were cutting the film.

No mention that government is only giving £1000.... no mention that actually they are getting that and much more in many cases back in VAT. ITV themselves make big £'s from most cars sold in advertisments.
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - Derfel
Only a passing mention at the end of the program about the numbers of classic cars being scrapped under the scheme. There is a good bit more info on the link below about the Riley RM featured in the program:

A real race against time by a very determined Phil Hallam, Chairman of the Riley RM Club with a happy outcome. Well done to Mr Hallam !

Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - The Melting Snowman
It was a well-balanced programme. It could have gone on to show the negative impact on the repair business but I think enough negatives of this wretched scheme had been covered by then?

The extension of this irksome scrappage scheme seems to be portrayed in the media as a 'good thing'. It is anything but.

How can it possibly be a 'good thing' to take a perfectly serviceable old car, scrap it and then use more finite natural resources to manufacture a new one? Maybe the vested-interests brigade will answer that one.

The assertion that this is somehow fiscally neutral is complete nonsense. The reasoning put forward by some is that as long as the VAT collected from the sale exceeds the £1000 Govt. subsidy then everyone wins. What the scrappage scheme is actually doing is bringing a significant amount of sales forward. Afterall, if you were to buy a new car this year, you are unlikely to do so for another few years. What this means is that when the subsidy is withdrawn (which will probably happen after the Election...), there will be an equivalent drop in VAT. All that's happening is that we're having tomorrow's income today. This pattern is always what happens when these sorts of schemes are introduced.

It gets worse. The majority of that initially-subsidised expenditure will find its way out of the country. Whilst the dealers, finance companies and others will gain, the motor manufacturers of France, Germany and Korea must think Christmas has come early. The majority of the cost of a car sale is still the physical product and this scheme leads to a net outflow of wealth. No wonder that VW boss man thanked the UK tax payer?

But the bigger problem is that this scheme is masking over a huge structural problem. There is simply too much global car capacity - and has been for a long time but it was masked by reckless issuing of credit to anyone with a pulse. At some stage in the future the industry will have to wake up and confront this inescapable truth and scale back. Using public money to delay this inevitable outcome is quite disgraceful and will make tackling the problem that much harder.

No doubt the motor manufacturers, traders and others with vested interests will take a different view but as far as I'm concerned they can take a long walk over a short bridge. Taxpayers? money is for public services, not subsidising someone else?s new car purchase.

Rarely, if ever, has something made me so furious.
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - CGNorwich
"Taxpayers? money is for public services, not subsidising someone else?s new car purchase."

Compared with the billions of taxpayers money spent shoring up the banks the scrappage scheme is but a drop in the ocean. As HJ says the idea is to get money circulating and this sort of pump priming scheme is exactly what Keynesian economics theory suggests. Got to be worth a try.
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - Hamsafar
The money doesn't exist though, it is imaginary money circulating which is perpetuating the problem. They create £1000 out of thin air as bonds, lend it to the bank, the bank lends it to someone for a car, they put it in their bank for a few weeks, and their bank lends that £1000 to someone else, who spends it in the shops, who put it in their bank, who lends it to someone else, and before you know it, the £1000 has been used for £5000 of goods.
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - The Melting Snowman
Isn't it encouraging people to take on debt to buy new things that got us into this mess in the first place?
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - Lud
debt to buy new things that got us into this mess in the first place?

Wall Street vs Main Street... Wall Street wins every time. It isn't just scrappage, it's the suppression of breakers' yards under h&s pretexts, and emission rules that encourage inaccessible complexity in the cars themselves: the industry wins every time and the budget motorist loses.
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - piggy
But it`s not just selling a car,is it?Whether it comes from Poland,Italy,France or wherever it will need a support network of servicing and repairs,consumable parts like tyres,and will help to keep office staff and mechanics/technicians in work.
Sometimes I think a recession is self perpetuating as people lack confidence in the economy`s future. An effort to break this cycle of despondency has to be a good thing.
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - Roger Jones
What a lovely quote from that well known nest of pistonheads and boy racers, the Stockholm Environment Institute: the UK's car scrappage scheme is "Daft, irresponsible, pointless, and daft again".

The programme is accessible online for another month or so.
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - bell boy
with hj being once in the motor trade himself it astounds me how in the long term he thinks scrappage is a good thing
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - Lud
with hj being once in the motor trade himself it astounds me

To, er, sorry HJ, give the devil his due, bb, he has started a thread for car owners who think scrappage may be inappropriate in their own cars' cases. So far unless replies are hidden there haven't been any.
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - Pugugly
No hidden replies.
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - perro
>>>Whether it comes from Poland,Italy,France or wherever it will need a support network of servicing and repairs,consumable parts like tyres<<<

But that doesn't bring in much needed foreign currency porky, we have a trade deficit running into tens of billions of pounds so although the service industry keeps ppl in jobs, it does nuffink for UKPLC.
+ The scrapped cars would have probably required a tyre or two and the odd consumable part.
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - b308
But it`s not just selling a car is it?Whether it comes from Poland Italy France
or wherever it will need a support network of servicing and repairs consumable parts like
tyres and will help to keep office staff and mechanics/technicians in work.

But the consumers who are taking part in this scheme already have a car which is already using those people you mention... there is no *new* business in the support network!!

If they had given greater subsidy to British made cars, a lesser subsidy to EU and none at all to outside EU then there would be a recognisable benefit to the scheme, but they didn't, and as someone else said those manufacturers in the far east are laughing all the way to the bank...
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - the swiss tony
But the consumers who are taking part in this scheme already have a car which
is already using those people you mention... there is no *new* business in the support

In fact there's less work needed on the new cars!
as for the makes that are selling Kia.... etc, I expect to see around 25% of their dealers go to the wall within 6-12 months of the end of scrappage.
they are working pretty much flat out selling and PDI-ing said cars, when theres no more PDI's, and 8-12 months before the sold cars come in for service - what work will they have?

Edited by the swiss tony on 01/11/2009 at 12:48

Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - carl_a
In fact there's less work needed on the new cars!
as for the makes that are selling Kia.... etc I expect to see around 25%
of their dealers go to the wall within 6-12 months of the end of scrappage.

If you're up for a bet Tony then I'll have a £100 on that they won't!
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - CGNorwich
The money doesn't exist though

If we only spent money that existed we would still be in the middle ages. The whole point of banking is to create money by lending depositors money to those who need capital while at the same time maintaining the fiction that they could repay that same money to the depositor if they want their money back. That is basically how capitalism works. The entire system is based on confidence.
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - freakybacon
"Taxpayers? money is for public services, not subsidising someone else?s new car purchase."

And that was the reason for the scrappage plan- more tax money is gained by the government in the purchase of new cars than it costs them in the scheme.

Never trust owt that sneaky unelected twice-had-to resign-in-disgrace"Lord" Mandelson has had owt to do with.

Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - mcguyver
I understand the fiscal arguments for the scheme, but I am dismayed at the quality of cars that are being scrapped.

I had a look around my local Ford dealers "scrappage yard" this afternoon. The cars there looked perfectly serviceable. There was a few Escorts, a couple of early Focus, a mk4 Golf and four Fiestas (which is frustrating as I'm looking for one as a runabout).

Apart from appeasing environmental groups, is there any other reason for making it a scrappage and not a trade-in scheme?
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - Ben 10
In the short term it's probably a great idea for dealerships and those employed directly or indirectly by them.

Going back to those cars pre-scrappage, the owners would either use independent garages for servicing, due to expired warranties, cheaper costs or maintain the vehicles themselves by buying spares from various outlets.

Now many of these cars are gone or about to go, being replaced for the next few years with shiney new ones. The owners having the cushion of manufacturers warranties and dealership servicing. A small minority of the motor industry will benefit from the tie in with parts and servicing.

There will be a small vacuum that will hit the indies in garage servicing and spares, and no MOTs for the next three years. Can anyone else see beyond the scheme and see what damage it could do to a wider spectrum of the motoring industry?
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - pony
I am a independent car dealer, have been for 15 odd years full time , always specialised in cars under £2k, done alright, got a nice little set up, trading from a bombsite with repeat business, just check them over, sell them , simple, buy right sell right, virtually bust now, along with many others, theres just nothing worth buying, why buy trouble ?
hardly got any stock, repeat business is coming in and i cant supply, breaks my heart when i see in the local scrapyard a ka thats needs nothing more than a set of wheel trims, a low mileage corsa that just wants a good polish, and many more that i can keep my mot garage in work, my parts supplier in sales, and a £1,000 for me off "mr jones" whos daughters just passed her test.
i repeat virtually bust now.
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - Dutchie
Well said HJ I dont understand the negative comments about this scheme .Money is spend and people are happy with a new car.
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - pony
Well said HJ I dont understand the negative comments.

my landlord looses out, [not the pub landlord] my customer looses out, you loose out when i draw the dole .

Edited by pony on 01/11/2009 at 12:00

Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - Dutchie
Why should you draw the dole ? You mean the second hand car business ?
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - pony
no decent stock, cant/wont sell whats left, good link here as to why its all stupid, short term gain, long term pain .

"The fall in consumer spending in the US coincided with the withdrawal at the end of August of the government's car scrappage scheme"
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - bell boy
nice link
what gets me is the amount of people that really dont understand the situation in this country
do they drive round with blinkers on?
my nearest local town has lost 50% on new and used car places this last 14 months,theres nothing worthwhile to buy that isnt either clocked worn out or not worth a polish carrot to buy.
Businesses are selling assets to the new economy of eastern European countries that are riding high on the back of eu loans and our abysmal exchange rate
At one time it was our looms going to India and Pakistan now its wagons cars machinery going to former soviet outbacks,i have nothing against these countries but when you are driving through them and you see a constant river of car transporters coming west gunneled up with polish built small cars the likes of panda/c2/500/yeti etc and know that the wages are lower in their factories then in the bigger picture once again this country is playing a dangerous game of selling all our assets and paying for everything with non existent money in a paper chase that will end in tears for the next generations of our children
You posters that cannot see beyond the end of your rosy tinted bay windows are heading for a fall im afraid
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - gordonbennet
Well said BB.

The family (nations) silver was sold off years ago started by her , we are now at car boot level with talk of privatising the Dartford crossing and the like.
Truly there will come a reckoning when there's nowt left, we ain't seen nothing yet.
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - Rattle
However the vast majority of microprocessors in the world are not designed in the USA but here in Blightly. The ARM chip is found most PDAs/mobile phones etc. The computer industry in the UK is still massive. Britian still is a great country, so we have losts some factotries and we are no where near the country we used to be but we are no where near third world status.

You only have to walk round city centres to see the vast amount of building projects still going on.
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - bostin
> You only have to walk round city centres to see the vast amount of building projects still going on.

But most of these building projects are hugely subsidised by the government too. Particularly any residential scheme where grant funding has been pumped in.....
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - perro
Perhaps we got it wrong about the E.C. bb, and the idea isn't to bring the former Warsaw pact countries up to our level, but to bring us down to theirs - as they used to be!
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - wiltshire_driver
hardly got any stock repeat business is coming in and i cant supply breaks my
heart when i see in the local scrapyard a ka thats needs nothing more than
a set of wheel trims a low mileage corsa that just wants a good polish

This demonstrates how morally corrupt the scrappage scheme is.

Whilst I appreciate that the scrappage scheme was intended to boost sales of new cars and get money sloshing around the economy again, there should have been some provision to save and sell on low mileage cars (especially those with catalytic converters and airbags) to people on a limited budget and/or younger drivers.

It is morally wrong to destroy such cars when older cars with sky-high mileages and without airbags or catalytic converters remain on the road (with the exception of older classics, for which an over 25 year-old exemption should have been imposed like the Americans did on their "cash for clunkers" scheme)
Scrappage 'The Car Scrap Trap' TV documentary 8pm - v8man
Also, the very cars that need to be taken off the road are still driving around. This scheme does nothing to remove the enviromentally un-friendly sheds as the type of people driving them do not have the funds to add to the £2k to buy a new car.

The supposed 'bangers' that are being scrapped are generally owned by people who can afford a new car and are well maintained. How else can they be taxed and MOT'd?

The scheme is madness and is just a politcal move to help the powerful car manufacturers. Why is there not a similar scheme for other manufacturing industries?