I have been offered a speed awareness course - drbe
I am not proposing to offer any excuses, other than to say I should have been paying more attention.

I was recently flashed doing 37 in a 30 area. After some correspondence, I have been offered a speed awareness course in either Brighton, Eastbourne, Bognor or Horsham.

I am inclined to accept the Horsham location, however the don't do automatic cars there. So this would mean driving a manual gearbox car - something I haven't done much of for about 15 years - apart from driving my Minor.

Does anyone know how much driving is involved?
I have been offered a speed awareness course - Armitage Shanks {p}
SFAIK the course is classroom discussion and lectures and no driving is involved.
I have been offered a speed awareness course - ifithelps
Pal of mine did one of these for due care which I think involved some slow-speed manoeuvring around a large car park.

The course for speed awareness is probably different.

I have been offered a speed awareness course - drbe
SFAIK the course is classroom discussion and lectures and no driving is involved.

According to the leaflet that I have been sent, there is a practical element as well as theoretical. Quote "For the practical part of the session cars will be provided"
I have been offered a speed awareness course - Andy P
A friend of mine has done one recently and the driving bit lasted for about 90 minutes with the instructor doing half to show "how it should be done".
I have been offered a speed awareness course - Armitage Shanks {p}
Obviously if they mentions cars and driving for your course that is what will happen. In any event I am sure you will find it informative and, even if it costs more than £60, it will save you "points".

Edited by Armitage Shanks {p} on 25/10/2009 at 10:04

I have been offered a speed awareness course - barney100
I was shared lots of driving gigging round the south with a guy who was the chief examiner in my town, I have to say i was not impressed. He stuck rigidly to rules and caused more problems than he solved. hope your instruction guy is better. Ex. coming down the M4 in the early hours, 70 in the inside lane with not another car behind us. A car appears on the slip road on a convergence course and my man says 'You are not obliged to move over so I won't' of course the other driver expecting common sense and not getting it had to break hard and then hoot hard.
I have been offered a speed awareness course - Robin Reliant
I used to instruct on these. The car provided will be the instructors tuition car, so normally you would have to drive that. They would have no objection to you using your own vehicle but it may not be practical as the driving part of the course is either two or three up with each taking his/her turn behind the wheel.

It would be worth contacing the authority running the course and asking if it would be possible for a one to one session, if the ratio of instructors to attendees allow it they would probably oblige.
I have been offered a speed awareness course - pmh3
The course format seems to vary widely across different counties - my father has just opted for one in Taunton - that is apparently classroom based only.

Do some counties have reciprocal arrangements to allow a 'local' course? Somerset said no! Travelling does seem make sense to save 3 points, even at the age of 89!
I have been offered a speed awareness course - drbe
The offence took place in Sussex. The letter confirming my acceptance of an offer of a speed awareness course/workshop (the use of the word course or workshop seems to vary depending upon who is writing) stated that if I have either a London or a Surrey postcode, no course are available in these areas - I must go to either East or West Sussex.

To me it seems obvious that the sensible option is to take the course, it saves a conviction and points on my licence - even at a cost of £105.00!
I have been offered a speed awareness course - Alby Back
I went on one some years ago. Like many people who have been driving for a long time I felt fairly sceptical about its usefulness to me other than keeping my licence clean.

However, I have to say I did learn from it. Little things which had never occured to me in most cases but things which I now know make me a little safer and in particular less likely to be inadvertantly caught speeding. For example, if you are on a road you are not familiar with, it taught me how to work out what the speed limit is without having actually seen a sign.

Good stuff in the main and not at all patronising. You might even slightly enjoy it. I know I did.
I have been offered a speed awareness course - seasiders rock



Yes i got flashed, 36 in a 30 limit, was it worth it....... probably yes.

With thanks to Lancashire County Council.....£85....a free key ring, road saftey dvd, and a copy of the new highway code.
I have been offered a speed awareness course - John Boy
I did one this year in East Sussex. I learnt quite a lot too and also enjoyed it. There was a fair bit of driving involved. It included negotiating what, in my opinion, is the most dangerous crossroads in the area, which rather surprised me. An expensive day out, though ? I don?t intend to be flashed again. I?ve decided it?s just simpler to stay within the limit all the time. What?s the rush?