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Speed Camera Thread - Volume 50 [Read Only] - Dynamic Dave

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For the continued discussion of all things pertaining to Speed Cameras.

This is Volume 50.

There is no need to repeat anything since earlier volumes will not be deleted. But then if we only posted original stuff the backroom would grind to a halt in a fortnight.


A list of previous volumes can be found by clicking HERE

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 08/12/2009 at 21:34

Average speed cameras and lorries - stevied

Not been on for a while, but was prompted to by something that's been bugging me the last few weeks, having been working away and driving a long commute Mondays and Fridays.

What is it that lorry drivers don't understand about 50mph average speed cameras on roadworks? I have now lost count of the number of times I have seen aggressive driving from them because someone is, er, going at 50mph in front of them through these roadworks and there are LOADS of them at the moment: on my journey: M6, M42, M40, A404, M4... is it because they can't just keep their pedal to the metal at 56 or whatever they are restricted to?

Cutting in and out, tailgating, waving their arms about... can anyone explain it to me please? Luckily it's only happened to me once, and I wasted no time in ringing his employers (on handsfree obviously!) so hopefully the threat of no Christmas presents for his children will make him think twice before driving so close I had to swerve into the middle lane thinking he was actually going to hit me. Are lorry drivers immune to 3 points and a fine or something? What is it they don't get? Would I be uncharitable to say they don't understand what average speed means?

Average speed cameras and lorries - stevied
Oh and forgot to mention, I did have the idea in my head (thinking it might be me in the wrong) that maybe my speedo is way out, but then I thought, if it's a 50mph AVERAGE then 50 is effectively the maximum speed, not the minimum, so why should I and indeed everyone else I have seen being bullied by these imbeciles, have to go at the upper limit? I appreciate there is such a thing as too slow, but this doesn't apply in my example.

Just a thought.
Average speed cameras and lorries - b308
I suspect that it is to do with the driver going at an "indicated" 50, which is more likely to be 45... Yes it is an average, but if you drive at 50 (true 50) the whole time then you're ok... why would you want to keep speeding up and slowing down?!
Average speed cameras and lorries - stevied
QED. If I am going at 45, then what is wrong with that? If they want to overtake, then overtake! I am not going to risk my licence because they're in a hurry to get their consignment of whatever to wherever. And what makes lorry drivers such an expert on accurate speedos?!! Are lorry speedos definitely accurate all the time? I think not.

And I never said I was speeding up and slowing down. When I was harrassed by the idiot, I was going at an indicated 53 mph, my thinking being this was probably between 45 and 50 and therefore I was at no risk from the cameras.

My view on the average speed camera is that I don't like them, but I need my licence, therefore, I keep to these limits. I would, however, also like to be in one piece!!! : )

My question, now I realise I am sorely in the wrong, is how do I, as a mere mortal, get a speedo that is 100% accurate? I would hate to hold up these pillars of society, and if there's a way of avoiding it I will. TFIC.

I can't help thinking we live in a ludicrous society if it's OK to behave like a sociopath if someone is going a whole 5mph slower than they think they are. Would it stand up in court? "Your honour, these apples NEEDED to be delivered to Tesco. It was my duty to plough that slowcoach out of the way... society needs apples."
Average speed cameras and lorries - Number_Cruncher
>>Are lorry speedos definitely accurate all the time? I think not.

Erm, yes, they are!

They are subject to regular checks and calibration where the truck is run up to speed on rollers, and, unlike car speedos are set to read speed quite accurately. Your car speedo can be up to 10% wrong, and is subject to no check for its entire life.

I think you may also need to review the mathematical definition of average.

Average speed cameras and lorries - stevied
OK point taken on that. I am not a lorry driver or anything remotely connected. I concede that point.

2 things: 1) Is ANYONE going to concede that it is unacceptable to harass other road users, EVEN IF they have the audacity to be going, as defined by someone who drives a lorry, too slowly? Or are you just, for whatever reasons I can't fathom, going to defend these dangerous fools because their speedo is accurate and mine may be up to 10% wrong?!

2) What makes you think I don't understand the mathematical definition of average?

I think I may have remembered why I don't come on here any more. I came on here because people like Cliff Pope and Lud amused me, and shared my sense of humour (sometimes!). Now I am being told that maths (which I DO understand) is more important than safety and tolerance and manners... mmm.
Average speed cameras and lorries - jbif
2) What makes you think I don't understand the mathematical definition of average? >>

Can you explain what you mean by : " ... if it's a 50mph AVERAGE then 50 is effectively the maximum speed, .... "

p.s. I have never had any problem with truckers in the avearge speed camera sections of M-ways.

Edited by jbif on 19/10/2009 at 12:28

Average speed cameras and lorries - stevied
: ) Badly put, maybe, OK badly put definitely by me. It is a 50mph MAXIMUM SPEED LIMIT with an average speed camera. So yes, you could do 80 for a bit, then go along at a crawl (and I sure Carol Vorderman's siblings will be along to tell me for exactly how long!!!) but I am pretty sure that would annoy the truckers (no pun intended) even more eh?!

PS I am glad... honestly, not being sarcastic or anything, it's very scary and I wouldn't want it to happen to anyone.
Average speed cameras and lorries - FotheringtonThomas
2 things: 1) Is ANYONE going to concede that it is unacceptable to harass other
road users EVEN IF they have the audacity to be going as defined by someone
who drives a lorry too slowly?

No need to concede it, it's obvious.
Average speed cameras and lorries - stunorthants26
Unless you have a good sat nav, its hard to discover how 'out' your speedo is. At an indicated 50 my car is doing just 45, but in the misses car, 50 dead on.
Do you know the nationality of the drivers?
Average speed cameras and lorries - David Horn
I've been in a similar situation - GPS showing dead on 50mph in a lane with cones either side and an arctic about six inches behind flashing his lights for me to go faster. Moment we got out of the roadworks he swung out to overtake. Tempted to slow down to annoy him but thought he might try and nudge me as a motivation. :-)
Average speed cameras and lorries - stevied
When you get to the end of the roadworks, you should go slowly and politely up to 70: if his restrictor is on (as it should be) he can get as annoyed as he likes, but you were in the right in the roadworks and now you still are. Except he isn't behind you any more is he? So how much point was there to what he did, and how much quicker will he get to his Travelodge/caff/layby/tattoo parlour*?

* Joke.
Average speed cameras and lorries - Westpig

A lot of people seem to think the normal rules of the road go out of the window when they reach a 50mph stretch covered by average cameras, because they'll slow down in the lane they're in, rather than pull left when there's a gap.......then combined with what's stated above that the vast majority of cars have speedos that under read...then the thought that no one is going to be prosecuted doing 52mph in a 50mph limit... then the other road users with satnav or a lorry's more accurate speedo might wish to drive 7mph or so faster than you.

if you're in lane 1, then that's their problem...if you're in lane 2, then maybe you should be in lane 1.

tenner says even if you are in lane 1, some clown is doing the same speed as you in lane 2 and blocking that....hence where the frustration comes from....although using a large vehicle to intimidate others is never going to be right, is it

how many times have you seen all 3 lanes doing the same speed and if they're people doing 49 mph on their speedos, they'll be far less than what you could drive at if they were willing to do what they should do and pull left when there's a gap....(different when it's well busy)
Average speed cameras and lorries - stevied
Yep, Stu, good point... and I appreciate that it may well be a fair way out. What I am finding staggering is that my inaccurate speedo (if indeed it is) is considered to make me fair game to be knocked off the road! OK, next time I am on the motorway (no roadworks, 70 limit) and I come up behind someone doing 65, I will, instead of going into the next lane to my right and overtaking them, go right up behind them, flash my lights, mouth obscenities and if I can, make my car make that stupid airbrake noise that lorries do when they're pretending it's more than their life's work to slow down by 3mph. I take it that will be OK then yes? Or do I have to go to lorry driver school and become a knight of the road to be so breathtakingly arrogant and foolhardy? Yep... I thought so, I would be done for dangerous driving.

I am getting quite angry now. : )

Why can't they just overtake? It's a simple question. In my example above, 70 is the MAXIMUM speed. In a 50 limit, whether it's an average speed area or not, and I can prove I DO know what that means, the same applies. So, Ginster munchers, do NOT harass me, or else I will take you and the company that employs you to court.

Deep breath.
Average speed cameras and lorries - stevied
"if you're in lane 1, then that's their problem...if you're in lane 2, then maybe you should be in lane 1."

Spot on Westpig. I was, needless to say, in Lane 1. I very quickly moved into Lane 2 though. : ) The word "frustration" really sums it up, I hate to sound like an old biddy, but how much ground are they going to gain at their huge 7mph more eh? I can't equate their level of anger and frustration with the utterly dangerous actions that they employ. Hence me being a pompous miserable sanctimonious so and so and pulling the "taking you to court" on them. Has to be done sometimes, unfortunately.

Average speed cameras and lorries - Bilboman
It boils down to this: a lot of drivers are impatient, selfish and plain thick.
A 10 mile stretch of road at 56 mph (lorry's legal maximum speed) takes 10 minutes, 42 seconds. A 10 mile stretch at 50 mph (temporary maximum speed limit for all drivers) takes 12 minutes. At 45 mph (real speed of cars at indicated 50 mph) we're talking 13 minutes, 20 seconds.
Thus, over a flat ten mile stretch of roadworks (let's be optimistic here, eh?) a lorry driver will lose an "irreplaceable" two minutes, thirty-eight seconds if he has to sit at 45 instead of his usual 56.
Two and a half minutes is not enough to turn most people into raging psycopaths - so what's their problem??
Average speed cameras and lorries - stevied
Spot on Bilboman. I wonder where all the apologists have gone?

I do realise I may sound snobby, but I am a LITTLE tired of this "knights of the road" nonsense. I do, tongue in cheek comments aside, appreciate the annoyances of tachos and the pressures of delivery schedules... but, but, but.... is that worth frightening people for? No it isn't. I know they all sit in their cafes bemoaning "flamin' car drivers not understanding our problems" well, no maybe we don't. Maybe you need a good PR person eh? Because I am sorry, but mouthing obscenities at me whilst waving your tattooed arms at me and driving 2 inches from my bumper is NOT going to endear me to you. I will just assume, rightly or wrongly, that I am glad I listened at school and don't have to (other than when I am being bullied by you on the M6) associate with "your sort". Which is a shame, because I hate thinking like that. But I do, because of what happens all the time.

"An irreplaceable two minutes 38 seconds". Priceless... that about sums it up.
Average speed cameras and lorries - stunorthants26
>>Two and a half minutes is not enough to turn most people into raging psycopaths - so what's their problem??<<

'My truck is bigger than your puny car and so you will part like the red sea or be driven off the road'. Its not actually a truck only phenomenon though, its just certain types of drivers who in this case, alarmingly, are in charge of a very dangerous vehicle.
Average speed cameras and lorries - Statistical outlier
Stevie. I've had exactly the same thing happen to me, and I happen to agree with you. There is absolutely no excuse for it, any more than there is any excuse for the 10 mile overtaking manoeuvres that mar roads like the A14.

It is quite simply behaviour that is boorish, selfish and in some cases reckless. I've called the companies several times, and to be honest if anyone does it to me as badly again (at 53 on sat nav in lane 1 - flashing lights and a tiny gap) I will just call 999.
Average speed cameras and lorries - stevied
Cheers Gordon. Thank heavens.. I thought I had gone insane. : )

I will call 999 next time myself, I am sick of it.
Average speed cameras and lorries - L'escargot
I will call 999 next time myself I am sick of it.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!
Average speed cameras and lorries - Statistical outlier
I have never, ever, driven up the back of someone to within 1-2 feet, flashing my lights and generally trying to intimidate them. Never. So get off your high horse and recognise dangerous and antisocial behaviour when you see it.

The truckers do this because they don't give much of a stuff about anything except keeping going as quick as possible, and they get that close because they know most people won't actually let them hit them, and that if they stay close enough the camera's can't see their plates. They deserve to have the cops talk to them.

Average speed cameras and lorries - Statistical outlier
What I will admit to is brake testing a coach that actually tapped me going through a 50 limit.

I'm not proud of that, it was a spur of the moment thing stemming from fear and fury, and while it worked and he backed right off, I probably needed arresting.

That's a very different thing to calculatingly intimidating drivers of much smaller vehicles though.
Average speed cameras and lorries - FotheringtonThomas
They deserve to have the cops talk to them.

If you have a passenger, they could of course take a little video clip of the event, for future reference. Most digital cameras, and many mobile 'phones can take these.
Average speed cameras and lorries - Mick Snutz
As usual L'escargot's got his 'holier than thou' hat on again.

I too agree with you stevied over this issue.
I recall once overtaking a line of trucks on the M11 northbound in the two lane stretch. There were cars in front of me in lane 2 and I was trying to leave a safe gap driving at an indicated 70mph so couldn't go any faster. The road was busy so no-one was going to zip along.

As I passed a truck he started indicating right. I had my hand hovering over the horn and covered the brake pedal too just in case he decided he was going to pull out. I passed him and he immediately pulled out behind me honking and flashing.
I had absolutely no idea what I could have done to upset this particular grunt other than I hadn't sped past him as quickly as he'd wanted. Had I done so I would have jeapordised my safety and that of the car I was following.
Regarding road works, I am aware a trucks speedo is more accurate than mine so am happy to let the speedo to creep over 50 -53ish but I never go any faster because by then I'm finding I am concentrating too much on my speedo rather than anything else. The more I creep up to 55 and beyond I presumably increase my risk of going above average speed and its just not worth the risk. I don't care if someone's leather sofa is gonna be 2 minutes late getting to the warehouse. I'm rather attached to my licence!
Average speed cameras and lorries - stevied
If I am ever stupid enough to do something that merits it, then I will take the consequences. I have never bullied anyone by driving a large object such as a truck too closely behind them, whilst gesticulating like a gibbon and flashing my lights, I can say that with some conviction!
Average speed cameras and lorries - FotheringtonThomas
>> I thought if it's a 50mph AVERAGE then 50 is effectively the maximum speed not
the minimum

Quite. It's a 50MPH limit "enforced" by average-speed cameras. It's not OK to do 150MPH for most of the course and then stop and have a sandwich before passing the next camera.
Average speed cameras and lorries - stevied
Bet someone's done that though! : )

Average speed cameras and lorries - gordonbennet
EDIT this should have gone under the speed cameras and lorries title sorry chaps. {it is now}

Calm down a bit chaps (victims).

I don't intimidate anyone at least not intentionally, not because i'm afraid of the consequences but because it's stupid and bullying and dangerous and most unprofessional and whilst doing that you fail to see the lovely jewel cruising by in her best frock and tucker...maybe these twerps are on the other team..;)

Please believe me when i tell you that proper old school truck drivers (age bears no meaning here) are incensed by this sort of behaviour as it reflects badly on all of us, the trouble is that a truck is highly visible and extremely frightening if driven in such a manner, whereas an idiot in a similarly sized car is just an idiot.

Many of us have exemplary (and a lot of luck is involved here and lots of wood touching) records of accidents etc and we really want to keep it that way.

Unfortunately there is much in the peanuts and monkeys solution here, pay one you often get the other.

As an aside, something's that always bemused me, a truck driver's accident/damage record doesn't follow him round, that is something i've always thought odd as idiots can wander willy nilly from one peanut job to another leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 20/10/2009 at 01:43

Average speed cameras and lorries - stevied
Gordon, I am sure you are a good driver: I wouldn't wish to taint all truck drivers. This is what I have sent to the company who employ the truck driver who harrassed me, and thank you to the chap who supplied me with the fantastic maths which I have quoted at the end of the letter, I owe you a beer!:

"To whom it may concern,

I am following up on a complaint I made to your company to which I
have not as yet received a definitive response. I complained on the
8.10.09 about a lorry driver on the M6 with a YOUR COMPANY trailer. I got
through to the Transport Manager at your TOWN office on PHONE NUMBER who took my details and the details of the incident and promised
to get back to me. I rang him up two weeks or so later, and he
apologised and said that he had received no response as yet but would
get back to me. I have still not heard anything from him.

Even if he has not heard anything back, which is possible I suppose,
then I still think that out of courtesy I should have been contacted.

Let me tell you what happened: I was driving on the (old) M6
northbound at an indicated 50mph through a section of roadworks near to
Birmingham town centre at circa 20:00. This stretch has an average
speed camera. I was in the inside lane (so I cannot be accused of
middle-lane hogging) when a lorry came up behind me very close, which I
ignored for a while, then terrifyingly close, flashing his lights at
me. Now I am no soft lad, and am not easily intimidated, but I drive a
Toyota MR2 and this coward was in a huge truck. Not a collision I wish
to be involved in, I am sure you will agree. So, eventually, I moved
into the middle lane. He overtook me on the inside (which is illegal,
and it was not heavy traffic moving at the same speed, so that excuse
cannot be used) flashing his lights, waving his arms out of the window,
shouting and generally betraying his loutishness and uncouthness. I
just took the name off the side, ?YOUR COMPANY? as I recall and
carried on, a little shaken. He continued driving marginally faster
than me until he went off at the next junction where I gave him a blast
of the horn to which I received more charming hand gestures from him
(which incidentally showed off his tattoos beautifully, a true work of
art of a fellow... ).

I then called several numbers from 118 118 (as there was no number on
the truck) and eventually left a message with a very nice man in the
TOWN office who promised the Transport Manager would call back
the next day. He didn?t, I called up and got a dismissive woman who I
did, I admit, somewhat lose my rag with and was then put through to the
Transport Manager who was helpful and promised he?d look into it. He
told me that you take such complaints very seriously, which is
laudable, and that he would be back in touch. Which takes us back to
the top of my e-mail and where I am today.

If you are hoping I will go away, I won?t. I was so disgusted by this
thug that if I do not receive a satisfactory outcome I will go to the
police. Here are some salient points for you: I am WELL aware (I worked
for a long while as a Transport Manager) that lorry speedometers are
more accurate than car ones. I may well, shock horror, have been
travelling slower than 50mph. I appreciate this is irritating, and in
heavy traffic, drivers may feel they are being needlessly held up.
However, traffic was light and there was no reason why he could not
have overtaken me in the middle lane. Moreover, the 50mph limit is a
limit, NOT A TARGET SPEED. Let me share this: I care less than nothing
how quickly Mr Thug gets his COMPANY bits from A to Z. My life is more
important than his lorry load. I am not risking my licence or my life
in an average speed check area for him. Secondly, I do not want him
doing this to somebody more frail and vulnerable than me. If someone
did that to my mum or dad, I would find it very hard to be as objective
as when it happened to me. If he is getting grief from management about
targets, driving hours, rest periods and other such navel fluff, then I
hope it doesn?t take a meaningless death for your company to realise
how trivial such things are in the great scheme of things. We all have
jobs, we all have moments of grandiose self-importance, but the bottom
line isn?t always a corporate bottom line. In fact, it hardly ever is.

I presume this creature has a family? I hope he shows them more love
and respect than he shows to anybody else. Now, after this period of
time, I am firmly convinced that you will have been able to work out
who the driver was. Inspector Clouseau could have worked it out by now.
So, could I please have an explanation as to his actions; why his
mindset was so disturbed, and; necessarily I think after waiting so
long, a good reason as to why I should not report him and by proxy you
to the authorities?

Lastly, here is a statistic for you: over a flat ten mile stretch of
roadworks a lorry driver will lose an "irreplaceable" two minutes,
thirty-eight seconds if he has to sit at 45 instead of his usual 56.
Maybe you want to pass that on to your drivers? I am sure, as an
optimist by nature, most of them are fine examples of their craft, but
it is a point worth thinking about.

I look forward to a reply at your earliest convenience, and can be
reached at this e-mail or on my mobile telephone MY NUMBER.

Kind regards"
Average speed cameras and lorries - Dutchie
Iam with stevied on this one it is dangerous and irresponsible intimidating someone in front of you in a car driving a truck .For the sake of a few miles there again i can understand the frustration of truck drivers on these 50 mph roadworks.I know its money but why not do the work what needs doing 24/7 ?

{moves from the "New speed cameras on trial" discussion to the "Average speed cameras and lorries" discussion, seeing as this is in reply to that discussion and not the other one. DD}

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 31/10/2009 at 17:14

New speed cameras on trial - barney100
Apparently a new generation of speed cameras which are difficult to spot and cover multiple lanes and which areseemingly impossible to escape could be here soon. They are being trialed in France and if ''successful'' will be used over here. See the Yahoo site for details. So far my obdurate attitude to avoid speed traps and fines have been a success but I fear my days are numbered.
New speed cameras on trial - Dynamic Dave
Called The Supertrap

tinyurl.com/supertrap - links to Mr X's favourite newspaper ;o)

New speed cameras on trial - drbe
Called The Supertrap

I don't know why it spells misery (quote from article).
New speed cameras on trial - Armitage Shanks {p}
" -tell the difference between speeding lorries and over-the-limit cars." I'm not Brain of Britain but I can do that!

Edited by Armitage Shanks {p} on 20/10/2009 at 08:24

New speed cameras on trial - maz64
" -tell the difference between speeding lorries and over-the-limit cars." I'm not Brain of Britain
but I can do that!

...but try writing some software to do it!
New speed cameras on trial - Westpig
I don't know why it spells misery (quote from article).

it's obvious....loads more people would be caught for piffling amounts of speed over the limit, no doubt at seriously off peak times, when there's no danger whatsoever...and the driver's that at the moment can use their forward vision and actually be aware of their surroundings (and spot the current fixed cameras)....will be lumped into the same category as the hopelessly unaware who only stare at the end of their bonnets
New speed cameras on trial - maz64
Presumably although the article talks about 'stealth' there will have to be signs warning about the presence of these, even if they aren't painted bright yellow (or will they be)?

Assuming they won't be hidden, then presumably the aware driver will know they are there and will have made a conscious decision to get caught :-)
New speed cameras on trial - Armitage Shanks {p}
SFAIK there is no longer any legal requirement for cameras to be painted up in Hi Viz colours and I don't think there is arequirement for signs to be put up. Those with GPS devices with camera locations won't be affected as these Hi -tec devices are fixed, not portable/mobile. I see no major snags!
New speed cameras on trial - maz64
SFAIK there is no longer any legal requirement for cameras to be painted up in
Hi Viz colours and I don't think there is arequirement for signs to be put

Bother! Thanks AS.
New speed cameras on trial - stunorthants26
Oh get over it, theres more important things in life than having drive at the speed limit.
You cant always see the guys with the radar guns either, or the sneaky folks in their vans, big deal - I would far rather we stop wasting police time speed trapping people using human beings and they have the manpower to respond to real crime, which they clearly dont have at the moment if they are wasting time sitting outside schools trying to get people to slow down.
New speed cameras on trial - diddy1234
Has anyone noticed the new type of Gatso cameras that have a seperate blue coloured post (with a camera) ?

I could be wrong but it looks like a picture of the driver is also taken (from the side) as the speeding car drives through the camera.

searching the web does not show any of these new gatso's

Does anyone have a better explanation ?
Motorway Cameras - Cardew
Haven't been here for a while, and haven't got time to to read all the previous speed camera threads, so I wonder if someone can please answer a query.

I have just been caught speeding. 82mph on a virtually deserted M6 in Cumbria - mid- afternoon, dry roads.

I saw the van(too late!) on a motorway bridge - you approach the bridge after rounding a gentle curve and down an incline.

Got the option of £60/3 points or back to school - took the latter.

Anyway, my question. Is it normal now to prosecute on motorways across UK? or just cash hungry counties.? If the latter, which counties?

P.S. I had actually been overtaken a few miles earlier by a Jag that must have been doing 130!!

Been flashed in Bala lately? - Nsar
You might be OK
Been flashed in Bala lately? - Pugugly

Same Council and same Police Force - I recall that a review of all Road Traffic Orders where their "Arrive Alive" vans operate was undertaken by Gwynedd Council after this costly debacle - they obviously missed the Bala one. One wonders how this is allowed to happen twice - the trouble is that there is little or no accountability in Councils - same council messed up on a road building project where they failed to notice the wrong time of road surface being laid on a £14m project where they were also "partners".

The same council has also approved pay rises of up to 17% for their senior managers - no doubt there are good and valid reasons for this but the PR fallout must be pretty negative in a county where they are chopping schools.

Edited by Pugugly on 07/11/2009 at 11:29

Been flashed in Bala lately? - Armitage Shanks {p}
Thanks for this to PU - The Mr Loophole of the Backroom!
Been flashed in Bala lately? - Fullchat
So a letter puts everything right then? The fallout could be tremendous. Drivers banned through totting up? Loss of jobs? Enhanced insurance premiums?
Are they going to do all the administrative work to get people back in the position they should have been or are they going to leave the individual to sort the mess out?

Been flashed in Bala lately? - bell boy
sack the bala lot of them
its my favourite area there too
Been flashed in Bala lately? - Rattle
It is a lovely lovely part of the world and I truly truly loved driving down those roads. 50m-60mph down lovely country roads with mountain views and when back at the camp site some lovely pubs to get drunk in.

However there is one thing that lets it down it is the speed cameras. They tend to use mobile cameras so you never know where they are, you do 60-40-30 in less than half a mile then suddenly there is a camera hidden in that push ready to clock you at 33.

It spoils anotherwise lovely driving experience and I am the worlds biggest mimser.
Been flashed in Bala lately? - Armitage Shanks {p}
Fullchat As my old Mother used to say "Three guesses and No Prize"
Been flashed in Bala lately? - NowWheels
AFAICS, this is a legal technicality. It seems that the road looked to the driver like any other 30mph road, so an observant driver would have slowed down.

It's disappointing that the council screwed up its order, but it doesn't give me much sympathy for any drivers caught. They will now be lucky enough to get off, but I can't see that they have grounds to regard their escape as anything other than a lucky bonus.
Been flashed in Bala lately? - Nsar
That's an interesting view. What have they been "caught" doing?

There is a dual carriageway by-pass near me, that looks a dead cert to be 40mph, but it's 30mph. By your logic I shouldn't be prosecuted for doing more than 30mph.

Don't think I'll put your theory to the test though.

Been flashed in Bala lately? - Pugugly
They were exceeding the signed limit it just happens that the order in respect of the limit was wrong. They were "caught" speeding it's just that the Council workers weren't very bright (despite the identical Maesgeirchen incident a couple of years earlier) so someone found a loophole. As far as natural justice goes it irritates the hell out of me. Complete negligence on the part of the Council and some negligence (knowing that the council had fouled up in this area of work before) on the part of the Police - in particular the Officer concerned who should have checked the order out himself in my opinion. Shabby. Complete waste of public money.

Edited by Pugugly on 07/11/2009 at 16:46

Very wary of Wales now - barney100
I think there are some lovely places to visit in Wales but I am put off going again due to the well publicised Draconian application of speed limits. There are so many stories of drivers being caught by cameras there that I think I would be a nervous wreck looking out for speed traps everywhere.
Very wary of Wales now - Pugugly
Spent an awful lot of time there - making progress lots of the time - not been done yet

Mods note moving this to Speed Camera thread shortly
Very wary of Wales now - daveyjp
Me too. Next trip is in 3 weeks.
Very wary of Wales now - Pugugly
Where you going ?
Speed Cameras and accident figures - Optimist
In the thread on avoiding 3 points woodster said:

>>again I say that camera policy and road safety policy is driven (pardon the pun) by the Government, who set a clear agenda for reduced casualties on the roads.>>

The link tinyurl.com/lkrn65 goes to the Department for Transports 2008 figures for road casualties in Great Britain.

The point that comes across loud and clear is that they have been falling but how much that's to do with enforcement is anyone's guess.

But to what figure can you expect casualties to fall? Clearly not to nil. So at what point do you say enough is enough on speed cameras and the whole miserable bureacracy that goes with them?

Or do we just put up with it?
Speed Cameras and accident figures - NowWheels
But to what figure can you expect casualties to fall? Clearly not to nil. So
at what point do you say enough is enough on speed cameras and the whole
miserable bureacracy that goes with them?

In NowWheels Towers, we put up bannisters around one of the landings which had previously been unguarded. The result has been a massive fall in the number of servants falling to their death ... and since the low accident rate has now persisted for several years, I guess maybe I should now remove these ugly rails.
Speed Cameras and accident figures - Optimist
I remember visiting NowWheels Towers when you graciously opened the property to the public one afternoon.

I recall being much impressed by the banisters. But I also noticed the padding and air bags with which the servants were surrounded and the clever anti-skid and slide devices fitted to them.

So while I would recommend retention of the banisters on the landing, I see little point in fitting them everywhere else in the house.

Speed Cameras and accident figures - Westpig
I recall being much impressed by the banisters. But I also noticed the padding and
air bags with which the servants were surrounded and the clever anti-skid and slide >>devices fitted to them.

I have this vision of servant's air bags....perhaps I'd better stop before i'm banned on here.
Speed Cameras - controlling the new `Wild West` - oilrag
Only fear of punishment controls us ( the great unwashed) of the roads of the new `Wild west`, these days, doesn`t it?

I went West bound on the M62, from the M1 interchange, just South of Leeds, last week. The was a 50mph limit, for mile after mile. Traffic in all three lanes surged along at all speeds up to around 90mph. Normal, in other words.

No crash barriers, at the the hard shoulder. Workmen at risk,with machinery - no problem. The yellow camera posts were up, but no cameras - as yet.

The whole irresponsiblity of the thing.
No cameras - so blast on at `normal` speeds.

The `national herd` thundered on - heads down, shoulder to shoulder snorting snot onto their steaming flanks.

That`s why there will have to be average speed cameras on motorway junctions and on roads nationwide, as only fear of punishment works.
We seem to have passed a point where speed limits themselves, actually regulate speed.

Interesting and rather unfortunate, I thought.

Edited by oilrag on 09/11/2009 at 14:55

Speed Cameras - controlling the new `Wild West` - oilrag
In summary, I`m putting forward the proposition of a `Herd irresponsibility` that is normalised in the herd. But that individuals within it have more responsible behaviour that is suppressed in the joint gallop.

Perhaps red hot branding irons on the cars flanks would work.

Speed Cameras - controlling the new `Wild West` - paulvm
Exactly right. It is this herd mentality which causes the problem. It is the theory of "well, they are all doing it, so why shouldn't I".
This applies especially to speed on any road, but more so in roadworks. Try driving sensibly anywhere and you can be sure that soon someone will be wanting you to go faster, regardless of limits and conditions.
The sooner there is blanket coverage of the UK with cameras the better. Plus speed limiters in all vehicles triggered by the roadside speed signs.
All right that last bit was tongue in cheek.
Most of us just want to go from A to B safely and without others pressurising us to drive faster and exceed speed limits.
Speed Cameras - controlling the new `Wild West` - gmac
Try driving
sensibly anywhere and you can be sure that soon someone will be wanting you to
go faster regardless of limits and conditions.

I don't understand this. If you are driving at your own pace and someone catches up if they are a half decent driver they will pass and carry on their merry way.
What is the problem ?
Granted there are certain drivers out on the roads who have no idea and cut people up but you can usually spot them in your mirror with their half hearted will I won't I overtaking efforts.
The sooner there is blanket coverage of the UK with cameras the better.

Don't agree with you there but everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Edited by gmac on 09/11/2009 at 18:51

Speed Cameras - controlling the new `Wild West` - galileo
While I agree with you that unless camears are visible and working many drivers travel at excessive speeds, I have lost count of the number of occasions when there are 50 limit signs on long stretches of motorways and not a soul to be seen working on or near the carriageway.
Not to mention the matrix signs which indicate 40 limits for long solved problems, which also breed cynicism in road users.

And since West Yorkshire is infested with more and more cameras every week, it's hard to find any piece of tarmac for the Italian tune-up so often recommended as a remedy.
Speed Cameras - controlling the new `Wild West` - Lud
How I wish I lived in the North.

50 limits where I live reduce the majority to under 45. When a speed camera appears all their brake lights go on anyway and one runs over the road markings at 40 if one is lucky in the middle of an unnecessarily shunting train.

Honestly oilrag you should count yourself lucky.
Speed Cameras - controlling the new `Wild West` - oilrag
Could you switch from jellied eels to tripe though Lud? - without misfiring..

Speed Cameras - controlling the new `Wild West` - tunacat
I went on that stretch about 10 days ago, too.
IIRC, the 50mph limits were expressed in rectangular signs, black text on yellow background.

And there were signs deliberately stating "Cameras Not In Use".
(Cameras not actually present, just bare poles.)

Now if they'd really wanted everyone to stick to 50, they'd have put the proper red & white circular speed limit signs up (and installed the cameras).

Not surprising no-one was sticking to 50 then.

Speed Cameras - controlling the new `Wild West` - moonshine

Previously, speeders would be concerned about the police speed traps, unmarked cars and marked cars. Of course you would never know where these might be lurking so had to watch your speed all the time. Fear of the unknowm perhaps?

Nowdays people think that the only way you get a speeding ticket is from a camera, so if you know there are no cameras then you are free to go as fast as you like.

Speed Cameras - controlling the new `Wild West` - Jack111
Instead of usual Not In Use there has been a change to national speed limit signs White Circle with Diagonal at the base of poles(with cameras) adjacent to the long 50mph roadworks section north of M6 Keele Services so maybe someone is listening and using them to catch speeding over 70mph approaching or leaving the roadworks.

I read that no fixed penalty if 79mph or less but in reality I got fed up worrying for a couple of weeks each time passed a mobile camera on M bridge. Folks on the M42 seem to be bang on 70 for the overhead gantry cameras so that herd treat them very seriously.
Speed Cameras - controlling the new `Wild West` - Bromptonaut
While I agree with you that unless camears are visible and working many drivers travel
at excessive speeds I have lost count of the number of occasions when there are
50 limit signs on long stretches of motorways and not a soul to be seen
working on or near the carriageway.

The limit is reduced because there's work in progress and even if you don't see people and heavy kit moving the lanes are narrowed, there is no hard shoulder and re-arrangement of the cones/lanes etc may be required at any time.

And it's perfectly possible to do an Itallian tune up at 25mph in 1st!!
New attack on speed camera - barney100
Apparently a speed camera has been severely damaged by someone placing a tyre on it and setting fire. Has Captain Gatso come out of hiding with new tactics or has a fresh vigilante appeared?
New attack on speed camera - lotusexige
Not a new tactic but the first I've heard of in a while.
New attack on speed camera - martint123
Has the price of petrol dropped? Or the "disposal" costs of old tyres when replaced?
New attack on speed camera - DP
Warms the heart. And the camera! :-).
New attack on speed camera - Sofa Spud
I reckon anyone caught wilfully damaging a speed camera should, in addition to any other punishment, receive a mandatory 5 year disqualification from driving. Surely it would be fairly easy to fit speed cameras - or some of them, with CCTV as well, so that anyone approaching the device would be captured on video.

Edited by Sofa Spud on 13/11/2009 at 11:51

New attack on speed camera - lotusexige
The place I come from in Donegal has only a few of sets of traffic lights, all installed fairly recently. People have started shooting at them. I wonder what will happen if the propesed Irish nationwide speed camera network ever happens?
New attack on speed camera - Old Navy
Surely it would be fairly easy
to fit speed cameras - or some of them with CCTV as well so that
anyone approaching the device would be captured on video.

Do you think the CCTV Stasi haven't thought of that?
New attack on speed camera - DP
I have heard of CCTV being installed to protect speed cameras in many areas.

For me they are just a symbol of everything that's gone wrong with road policing / enforcement in the last 20 years. I would never vandalise a speed camera, but I find it very hard to condemn those who do. Good riddance to the things.

There are more intelligent and less dangerous and antisocial ways to disable a camera than burning it though.
New attack on speed camera - bell boy
put me on the list for an order of one of your laser swords DP
New attack on speed camera - Hamsafar
They should receive a community bravery award.

New attack on speed camera - bathtub tom
Any suggestions as to how they got that tyre there?

It looks too small to go over the camera.
New attack on speed camera - helicopter
One local to us got burned out last year . Local paper made a song and dance about the cost , danger ,vandalism etc . I can't say as I care very much one way or t'other.

Anyway why mess around lifting heavy tyres --- DP is correct ... A MUCH easier way to disable them ( so I am told ) is to use builders expanding cavity filler foam .......
New attack on speed camera - moonshine

I'm disgusted at this sort of illegal anti social behaviour. Burning tyres releases all sorts of nasty chemicals and toxins.

They should have used some eco friendly paint made from hemp and recycled tofu to paint over the camera lens...
New attack on speed camera - sierraman
They no longer have a convenient hole in the back.As for CCTV,it would be quite easy to get round it by covering ones face.
An old magnesium alloy wheel on top would work quite well,just have to work out some way of igniting it....I'm speaking theoretically of course.
New attack on speed camera - lotusexige
They no longer have a convenient hole in the back.As for CCTV it would be
quite easy to get round it by covering ones face.
An old magnesium alloy wheel on top would work quite well just have to work
out some way of igniting it....I'm speaking theoretically of course.

I read somewhere that a sparkler would do to ignite thermite so that might do the job. I remember useing magnesium ribbon in the school lab to ignite thermite although I seem to remember that the magnesium ribbon had to be ignited with a bunsen burner.

Do experiments/demos like that still happen in school labs? Can't imagine so.
New attack on speed camera - Lygonos
Probably some South African ex-pat.

Necklacing is big out there,
New attack on speed camera - Snakey
If you protect the speed cameras with CCTV cameras, then you will also need to protect the CCTV cameras with, er, CCTV cameras....
New attack on speed camera - SteelSpark
If you protect the speed cameras with CCTV cameras then you will also need to
protect the CCTV cameras with er CCTV cameras....

Maybe they will have to arrange them in a circle, so that they are all watching each other's backs.

Either that, or dig a moat around the speed camera and fill it with crocodiles, any speeders can then be fed to to crocs rather than fined, creating a self sustaining ecosystem.
New attack on speed camera - Armitage Shanks {p}
Snakey and Steel Spark - a little like this?

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em, And little fleas have lesser fleas, and so ad infinitum!

Edited by Armitage Shanks {p} on 13/11/2009 at 13:46

New attack on speed camera - DP
Anyway why mess around lifting heavy tyres --- DP is correct ... A MUCH easier
way to disable them ( so I am told ) is to use builders expanding
cavity filler foam .......

We proved this concept on an old photocopier that was going for scrap at work a couple of years ago. My only regret is that I didn't video it and stick it on YouTube. We were finding bits of it in the yard for days! :-)

Locks don't function well with chemical metal in them either.....