Dream Garage.... - Pugugly

The guy who owns it is a chat-show host....must pay well. Check out the planes he has.
Dream Garage.... - maz64
The guy who owns it is a chat-show host....must pay well. Check out the planes
he has.

He was a guest on Top Gear; you can probably catch it on Dave.
Dream Garage.... - Sofa Spud
I can't get a link to work, but look up videos of 'Jay Leno Tank car' to see possibly the wildest road car ever built!!

Edited by Sofa Spud on 17/10/2009 at 10:59

Dream Garage.... - martint123
His bike with the gas turbine engine is something to behold.

Edited by martint123 on 17/10/2009 at 21:35

Dream Garage.... - Mr.Tee43
I was impressed with his testing of the electric Tesla sportscar, the instant accelaration of that thing was pretty spectacular.