Car crime hotspots published - tack
Here you go: analysis of over 3m insurance claims. Pleased to see IG4 is 3rd in list ............because I no longer live there!

BR7: Chislehurst, south-east London
TS28: Wingate, Durham
IG4: Redbridge, east London
DN7: Hatfield, Doncaster
M3: Manchester city centre
BS29: Banwell, Somerset
BD1: Bradford city centre
S2: Arbourthorne, Sheffield
NP24: New Tredegar, Newport, south Wales
RM7: Romford centre, east London
IG9: Buckhurst Hill, Essex
IG8: Woodford Green, north London
M4: Ancoats, Manchester
CF34: Cathays, Cardiff
S13: Handsworth, Sheffield
LS15: Barwick In Elmet & Cross Gates, Leeds
NR23: Wells-Next-The-Sea, Norfolk
DN8: Thorne, Doncaster
RM11: Hornchurch, Essex
RM13: Rainham, east London
Car crime hotspots published - Lygonos
No Liverpool? Impressive.
Car crime hotspots published - bell boy
can you get insurance in liverpool then?
Car crime hotspots published - Blue {P}
No surprise to see a TS postcode in there... :-)
Car crime hotspots published - Altea Ego
wells next the sea? they only have three cars there.
Car crime hotspots published - Manatee
wells next the sea? they only have three cars there.

Yes, but one of them was broken in to - 33% theft rate!

Edited by Manatee on 17/10/2009 at 01:02

Car crime hotspots published - pmh3
Wells Next the Sea - the statistics were probably compiled by a 'local' had a problem when the number of cars got beyond 11 (assuming 6 fingers on one hand, and using MOD11 arithmetic........)

Edited by pmh3 on 17/10/2009 at 08:10

Car crime hotspots published - cheddar
BS29: Banwell, Somerset

Odd, I wonder if it is the Wells-next-the-Sea scenario, or perhaps as a postcode it encompasses the dodgy end of W-s-M.

Also there are scrotes that come out of Bristol to do their dirty work, up and down the A38 or A370.

Actually is it car crime or car ins claims in general? Has anyone driven through Banwell village, easy to lose some paint ...
Car crime hotspots published - perro
>>>BR7: Chislehurst = Kent.

IG4: Redbridge = Essex.

RM13: Rainham = Essex.
Car crime hotspots published - rayleck
Yes,just pick up a phone or go on line dead simple.>> can you get insurance in liverpool then?
Car crime hotspots published - ifithelps
...No Liverpool? Impressive...

Few cars have hubcaps these days.
Car crime hotspots published - Nsar
>>No Liverpool? Impressive.<<

One of the lads will have 'had a word' with the publishers of the report....
Car crime hotspots published - ifithelps
..One of the lads will have 'had a word' with the publishers of the report...

I would like to be able to tell you a story about a scouse comedian and his daughter who was babysitting for a footballer.

The footballer would give the girl a lift home, via a remote spot....

The comedian became aware of what was going on and the footballer received a visit from some large gentlemen.

This resulted in one of the quickest - and most surprising - football transfers of the 1980s.

Car crime hotspots published - Nsar
I know that story very well!
Car crime hotspots published - nick62
No Liverpool? Impressive.

When I moved to Liverpool in 1999 from "leafy" Macclesfield in "desireable" Cheshire, my house insurance was quite a lot less expensive! The car cover did increase, but not by much!

I'm a country boy by birth, (and lived there for the first 30 odd years of my life) and I find it amazing how much other people from similar backgrounds, (who have never actually experienced life in the city), think that all undesirables are from urban areas, (including my parents)! There are some pretty nasty characters in the countryside too!
Car crime hotspots published - BobbyG
Just goes to show the safest places to live must be in Scotland......
Car crime hotspots published - scouseford
Have any of you Liverpool knockers ever visited the city that I consider to be the best in the world.

Over the past 40 years or so our two senior football clubs have signed some of the best footballers that have ever played the game. Most of them continue to live on Merseyside even if they move on to other clubs. Must be something good about the place.

(Motoring link: all of the footballers have nice cars!!)
Car crime hotspots published - Old Navy
Another thread demonsrates the taste of footballers, Wags birthday Bentley? And yes I have lived in the area.

Edited by Old Navy on 17/10/2009 at 20:11

Car crime hotspots published - scouseford

You have lived in the area and were not one of the 'knockers' to whom I referred. Do I take it that you share some of my enjoyment of the city?

I couldn't agree more about the 'taste' of some footballers and their wives but the point that I was making was that most of the top ones could afford to move anywhere they chose but many elect to stay on Merseyside.
Car crime hotspots published - Pugugly
Nice as Liverpool is (and I mean that - I was pleasantly surprised when I stayed there a few weeks ago) - it did have quite a reputation as the car crime capital of the UK if not Europe at one time.
Car crime hotspots published - Old Navy
I understood your point, Scouse. Merseyside is not my favorite place, we all have our own favorite places and "homes", which may not be in the same place. Each to their own. :-)

Edited by Old Navy on 17/10/2009 at 20:39

Car crime hotspots published - Old Navy
Missed the edit:-

Motoring link, fuel theft was rife when I lived there, (40 odd years ago), I have visited recently, the infrastruture has changed a bit!
Car crime hotspots published - scouseford

I know that I am biased, having been born in the city and lived on Merseyside for most of my 70 summers and I fully accept that we have had our bad times and our share of low life. Motoring crime of all forms was particularly bad in the notorious 70's and 80's (although I was not aware that fuel theft was particularly rife).

I wouldn't put the criminal element in the Liverpool of those days (or these days, actually) on the same level as many of those who represent us at Westminster and the fact is that the city has pulled itself up by its bootstraps and is now a vibrant tourist and commercial area. Any readers of this thread who have not visited the city for 20 years or so should drive here (motoring link maintained!) for a weekend stay. I guarantee that you will be pleasantly surprised.
Car crime hotspots published - Pugugly
Funnily enough I will have to go there in a couple of weeks (thanks to the planned postal strike) to hand deliver a document. My weapon of choice will be the bike if the weather stays good.
Car crime hotspots published - Nsar
Scouseford, I was born and brought up on Merseyside and right now I have right "gob on" because the Reds lost today, so I think I'm qualified to poke a bit of fun at the place.

It's this taking it too seriously that holds the place back. Boris Johnson as well as being right about the congestion charge (motoring link) was spot on about moaning scousers.

Car crime hotspots published - scouseford

I am similarly dismayed because of events in the north east earlier today and I agree about whingeing scousers. Many of my fellow citizens let themselves and their city down by adopting a negative attitude to most of what the rest of us would call 'life' but I would back off from supporting Boris Johnson about almost everything.

We are now well off motoring topics so I would add that I am very pleased with my new Mazda 6 and the comments that I have had regarding the trip computer.
Car crime hotspots published - daveyjp
I've just looked at the full story and struggled to get my head around how the list was compiled or what it means.

It was from data from 3.8 million quotes and each postcode has a percentage of about 3-4%. So of each person getting a quote who says they have had a claim for theft of or theft from a motor vehicle 3-4% of them were in the postcode areas.

What it doesn't say is how many of those 3.8m said they had had a claim for theft of or theft from a motor vehicle.

As an example of why I'm confused the main table is headed:

"The 20 UK postcode districts most likely to claim for theft from their car or theft of the actual vehicle"

Postcode districts can't claim for anything!

I've decided it's a pretty meaningless survey!
Car crime hotspots published - L'escargot
Insurance claims can be made for a number of reasons ~ road traffic accident damage, spontaneous combustion etc etc. The list on its own doesn't tell you much. Why do you say "car crime hotspots"?
Car crime hotspots published - Manatee
>>Why do you say "car crime hotspots"?

That's what the story is, apparently.

Looking at some of those locations, about as reliable and repeatable as some of the statistics used in siting speed cameras I should think.

I live in a rural parish with very low reported crime. For a while we used to get a council-sponsored community newsheet. One quarter we made it to the top of the car crime chart for Dacorum, the bit of Hertfordshire I live in. It was basically because a dozen or so cars were broken into at just one location outside an isolated cemetery, but the whole postcode area shot to the top of the list.

Edited by Manatee on 18/10/2009 at 09:26

Car crime hotspots published - Nsar
Another example of the crude methods employed by insurance companies tarring the risk-free.

A post-code identifies houses into groups of 6 front doors so it is as easy as pie to distinguish between high and low risk areas within an entire post code area ie XY12. But that would require them to work a bit harder for their money but when the law forces you to buy their product, there is no incentive to do right by the consumer.

I live more than half a mile off the road with the odd rambler and dog walker going by during the day but apparently that is the same risk of a passer by having a go at a car on a 20 foot long front drive.

Car crime hotspots published - ifithelps
Looking at the list of places in the OP.

To generalise, they are mostly either affluent or poor.

Why should that be so?

Car crime hotspots published - Galaxy
I am very surprised there aren't more London postcodes in the list.

Romford and Rainham are in Essex, by the way, not London!
Car crime hotspots published - tack
Romford/Rainham are in Essex?

True, but they are still in LONDON Borough of Chavering....sorry....Havering. Barking is also in Essex but you couldn't compare it with the bucolic splendour of.....say......Finchingfield.