What happened to global warming? [Read Only] - cheddar

It is interesting, I mean I am all for saving energy though I am getting more and more fed up with heinous taxation justified by what is perhaps a naturally occuring phenomenon.

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 15/10/2009 at 20:23

What happened to global warming? - L'escargot
Let's now hope that the meaning of the word "green" can revert back to being just a colour.
What happened to global warming? - diddy1234
Its all a load of carp anyway.

Looking back through history (studies of ice cores) the earth has always had global warming / cooling.

Infact we are currently going through an 'interglacial period' at the moment.

May be when the dinosaurs roamed the earth they were all driving big V8 engined cars or was it the pre-historic cows producing methane gasses...

its all a load of rubbish, when this planet has had enough of us mere humans then a cataclysmic event would happen.

It is just politicly spun that we are the main producers of green house gasses.snip do gooders !

Edited by Pugugly on 12/10/2009 at 09:16

What happened to global warming? - sandy56
It doesnt matter what we think the climate will do, it will change or it wont. The problem is all these snip windmills.. what happens in winter and there is no wind- do we burn the greeneys instead?

Edited by Pugugly on 12/10/2009 at 09:17

What happened to global warming? - jbif
I am soooo relieved to hear the expert opinion of cheesy snails and sandy diddys.

I can now confidently tell these people that they are wrong:

btw, I won't be surprised if this thread goes the same way as this one:

What happened to global warming? - cheddar
I am soooo relieved to hear the expert opinion of cheesy snails and sandy diddys.
I can now confidently tell these people that they are wrong:>>

Oh jbif, there are two sides to every argument, "How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic" is not balanced debate, rather it patronises the sceptics yet alone those that say that they have contrary evidence.

I am kind of on the fence though I am much irritated by the condescending approach employed by most who advocate that mankind is causing global warming.
What happened to global warming? - moonshine
I am kind of on the fence though I am much irritated by the condescending
approach employed by most who advocate that mankind is causing global warming.


This is something that both sides are guilty of, just look at the posts in this thread already.

What really annoys me about these sort of discussions that so much of it is based on 'a bloke down the pub told me' - not many people can be bothered to really read up on the subject to enable a grown up discussion. It wont be long before tempers are lost and the name calling starts...

Personally, I believe in man made global warming, based on everything I have read so far. I would however, very much like for someone to convince me otherwise - and I am always looking for the counter arguements.

A bigger concern and a good reason for being green is that of peak oil. This WILL happen and will have a massive impact on our way of life unless we start to take action now. Global still has some level of debate, peak oil is a fact.
What happened to global warming? - cheddar
This is something that both sides are guilty of just look at the posts in
this thread already.

No, I dont mean crass commments about tree huggers, I mean things like the link posted by jbif, "How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic", making it sound like sales argumentation.

What happened to global warming? - Harleyman
A bigger concern and a good reason for being green is that of peak oil.
This WILL happen and will have a massive impact on our way of life unless
we start to take action now. Global still has some level of debate peak oil
is a fact.

It seems the company is doing quite well, and I'm sure they'll appreciate your confidence in them...... ;-)

What happened to global warming? - TeeCee
Peak oil? Last time I saw a thread (elsewhere) where that old chestnut cropped up a contributor who happened to be "in the business" scotched it by stating the known reserves that his company alone had access to.

Basically peak oil is a fact, come back in about 500 years when it becomes a significant one.
What happened to global warming? - L'escargot
I am soooo relieved to hear the expert opinion of cheesy snails ...........

I didn't give an opinion. I merely indicated my hopes for the future use of the word "green".
What happened to global warming? - Altea Ego
Jibif, I have a deep burning question that worries me. When you are down the pub with your mates, or talking to the wife, how do you cut and past past links to past conversations?
What happened to global warming? - b308
how do you cut and past
past links to past conversations?

Has a phone which has voice recognition... transcribes it to Word and then to the 'net.... simplezz...
What happened to global warming? - moonshine
It doesnt matter what we think the climate will do it will change or it
wont. The problem is all these snip windmills.. what happens in winter and there is
no wind- do we burn the greeneys instead?

So where do you suggest we get our energy from?

Russian gas - do we really want to be dependant on them?
Arab oil?
Or would you rather have a coal fired power station in your back yard?
Nuclear power station in your back yard?

BTW - we get more wind in the winter months...
What happened to global warming? - Armitage Shanks {p}
According to an article in another Sunday broadsheet yesterday the main problem in the atmosphere is Water Vapour and not CO2. Heavy particles in the atmosphere, in time past, actually cooled the atmosphere by dimming the sun and many of you may recall the looming ice age scares of the 70s? Since then the air has been cleaned up, the filtering effect has reduced and it is getting warmer due to cleaner air, perhaps. Research into ancient polar ice cores shw that rises in CO2 level have occurred AFTER the atmosphere has warmed ie CO2 level rises are a consequence and not a cause

Edited by Armitage Shanks {p} on 12/10/2009 at 10:14

What happened to global warming? - Stuartli
Just one of the reasons why the zealots conveniently morphed "Global warming" into "Climate Change".

What happened to global warming? - Altea Ego
Global warming is climate change. The debate is about global warming/climate change being man made or natural.

I side with the natural cycle with a little bit of help from an external influence theory

external influence =

volcanic erruptions
meteor strike
nuclear war

etc etc
What happened to global warming? - Stuartli
>>Global warming is climate change>>

Precisely. But the news that the earth was showing signs of cooling brought panic...:-)

View of the Association of British Drivers:


The Green Car Website:


Another UK perspective (claims 22 per cent of UK CO2 caused by transportation):


A US perspective from one source:

What happened to global warming? - jbif
check it out here:

26. "Water vapor is the most powerful greenhouse gas"

8. "It hasn't warmed since 1998"

Edited by jbif on 12/10/2009 at 10:50

What happened to global warming? - Hamsafar
It's all about the elite getting the minions to accept a lower standard of living in the name of saving the world, while they all make off in £1.7Billion pound super-yachts!

Treemometers: A new scientific scandal

Climate porn campaign drowns dog for £6m

Edited by Hamsafar on 12/10/2009 at 11:06

What happened to global warming? - cheddar
check it out here:

jbif, perhaps global warming exists, the issue is mankind's influence. We may be arrogant in thinking that we can have any sigificant effect when considering the amount of energy contained within the earth beneath our feet, no not gas and oil rather the heat, as little as 30km down it is as much as 1000deg C, yet alone the energy projected at the earth by the sun.
What happened to global warming? - jbif
We may be arrogant in thinking that we can have any sigificant effect >>

" Isn't it arrogant to claim puny little humans could make a dent in such a huge climate? "


Edited by jbif on 12/10/2009 at 11:17

What happened to global warming? - cheddar
Not exactly a balanced perspective jbif.
What happened to global warming? - teabelly
Water vapour is a product of respiration isn't it? Population growth and the existence of 6 billion people on the earth, all of whom give out heat and produce water vapour are going to be quite significant.

The sun is also pushing out less energy it seems so I don't think it is really clear cut. The hadley centre is pro AGW. Its weather and climate forecasts have been wrong so we actually need to find anyone that has a climate model and weather model that has proven to be consistently accurate and get them to roll it forward. Until someone has this model we cannot say with any certainty we understand the problem. Doing nothing can be better than doing the wrong thing.

Sorting out the energy crisis is imperative and this country should be leading the way and money should not be wasted on climate change propaganda when that money could fund research into alternative energy energy in the first place!

The co2 rises as a consequence is logical if you think about it. Plants need CO2. If the earth is warmer then they are going to be able to grow better and they'd need more co2 to do so so it seems sensible for the earth to increase co2 levels to get plants growing and making best use of the environment. The worrying this is if all the recent crop yield improvements are illusory and actually a result of previously risen global temperatures....

What happened to global warming? - Dynamic Dave
And now back to motoring or the rusty padlock will be fitted.

What happened to global warming? - mike hannon
Quite right too, DD. You might as well debate religion...oops, silly me. That's what it is now, isn't it?
What happened to global warming? - DP
This information has been on the web for all to see for ages. I think the point being, this issue isn't as black and white as the climate change doomsayers would have us believe. Maybe they are right, who knows, but the science isn't unanimously in their favour, and the sceptics are every bit as credible and their opinions as valid. They just tend to get shouted down, or called names.

Can you imagine for one minute (and I'm talking purely hypothetically here) that anthropologically caused climate change was confirmed as a myth? What would government policy then be on road fuel taxes, or other planned punitive measures against the motorist? How could 80p in the pound fuel taxes be justified if it turned out that actually, you know what, the car isn't killing us all after all? It would throw the whole policy into disarray, new excuses would have to be found, and new sources of revenue located.

Of far greater, and more immediate concern is the security of energy supply, and the dwindling natural resources of Earth. If oil ran out tomorrow (I know it won't happen that way), the human race would go back to the Stone Age. That is unacceptable, and needs to change, yet coincidentally, many of the steps needed to secure our future, also coincide with the measures reported to tackle climate change.

We are worrying about the wrong issue, even without this new evidence.

What happened to global warming? - moonshine
Of far greater and more immediate concern is the security of energy supply and the
dwindling natural resources of Earth. If oil ran out tomorrow (I know it won't happen
that way) the human race would go back to the Stone Age. That is unacceptable
and needs to change yet coincidentally many of the steps needed to secure our future
also coincide with the measures reported to tackle climate change.
We are worrying about the wrong issue even without this new evidence.

DP, you are spot on with this. Cheap oil is more than petrol for our cars and oil based products - it provides us with our whole way of life and means we dont have to work dawn till dusk in the fields.

Oil will never run out, but demand will continue to grow and it will get ever more expensive to extract. Even in a global recession oil is at $60-$70, wait and see what happens when/if we come out of recession.
What happened to global warming? - teabelly
There doesn't seem to be that much effort being expended to find a decent non polluting alternative to oil for transport though. If CO2 is such an issue why aren't trains and HGVs all running on waste vegetable oil instead of belching their filthy diesel fumes??? I don't think the private car is the big source of pollution that it is claimed.

The private vehicle is ultimately the most efficient as it goes where you want and when you want and if you have a 2 seater then it can only even be a max of 50% empty which is better than most buses manage! A single seater would solve the greeny non argument about not having full occupancy. Ditto the motorbike which is more fuel efficient and space efficient. Why isn't motorcycling being actively encouraged as the green alternative???
What happened to global warming? - FotheringtonThomas
Why isn't motorcycling being actively encouraged as the green alternative???

I don't know. Motorbikes are good. For a more car-like approach, there *used* to be things like the Quasar. I wonder what it was like to drive one?
What happened to global warming? - maz64
why aren't
trains and HGVs all running on waste vegetable oil instead of belching their filthy diesel

Quite a few of the buses in Reading have been converted to bio-ethanol - you don't half notice the difference cycling past one at a bus stop on a still morning.
What happened to global warming? - Old Navy
>> why aren't
>> trains and HGVs all running on waste vegetable oil instead of belching their filthy
>> fumes???

And petrol cars dont belch fumes?
What happened to global warming? - moonshine
There doesn't seem to be that much effort being expended to find a decent non
polluting alternative to oil for transport though.

Plenty of effort IMHO, the person who comes up with a high capacity, cheap, light, safe battery technology suitable for electric cars will be richer than Bill Gates.

>>If CO2 is such an issue why aren't
trains and HGVs all running on waste vegetable oil instead of belching their filthy diesel
fumes??? I don't think the private car is the big source of pollution that it
is claimed.

I thought most trains were electric already? I doubt there would be anywhere near enough waste veg oil to power the UKs HGVs.

The private vehicle is ultimately the most efficient as it goes where you want and

No its not. It the ultimate in convienience. I think the common bicycle is the most efficient means of transport.
when you want and if you have a 2 seater then it can only even
be a max of 50% empty which is better than most buses manage! A single
seater would solve the greeny non argument about not having full occupancy. Ditto the motorbike

I think you may have missed the point on occupancy.
which is more fuel efficient and space efficient. Why isn't motorcycling being actively encouraged as
the green alternative???

You are correct, motorcycling is far greener than cars. Why dont people drive them? Why dont I drive one? Many reasons - cold, dangerous, where does the shopping go - basically a car is more comfortable and convienient.
What happened to global warming? - maz64
I thought most trains were electric already?

Don't know about most, but certainly the main line between Paddington and the south west/Wales isn't electrified, although there are plans to make it so. AFAIK all the at least 25 year old diesel InterCity 125s apart from those written off in accidents are still running.
What happened to global warming? - Stuartli
There was a programme on Channel 4 or Channel 5 the other days about safety improvements on the railways - it included a section about some French electric trains using the motors for braking as well as accelerating purposes.

This actually produced enough electricity (presumably in the same way as hybrid cars) to return around 20 per cent of the journey's energy consumption back to the national grid.

Even better was that the train company gets paid for the electricity it returns to the grid...:-)

What happened to global warming? - R2-CMax
Specifically on your point about waste oil. I don't think it's legal to put it into drains any more in non-domestic use, so it is generally collected and the recyclers are using it for biodiesel. To be honest, why would you pour it away anyway? The recyclers will be paying you for it soon, if not already.

However, have you considered how much waste vegetable oil is created vs how much petrol/diesel is used? I did a back of a fag packet calculation for work, and discovered that on average, each car uses about 2.5 litres of petrol/diesel per day. That's a hell of a lot of fish & chips. So the reality is waste cooking oil will provide well under 1% of current UK fuel demand for cars (excluding goods vehicles, trains, ships & planes).

All I'm saying is that we need to be in favour of solutions that *actually add up*. And hardly anybody really understands what getting off oil and natural gas particularly means for other energy sources. For all the environmentalist blather about Kingsnorth, coal is a bit of a sideshow to be honest.

Government has, until recently been a best blinkered and at worst criminally ignorant or dishonest about what's needed.
What happened to global warming? - FotheringtonThomas
Nothing. People forget about averages, pull their heads out of their teapots, and say "Oh! We're OK after all, it was a cold winter!). Pish.
What happened to global warming? - boxsterboy
Yes, DP is right. We should be conserving oil because surely, Moonshine, oil is a finite resource?
What happened to global warming? - DP
It is terrifying when you think that about 6,000 products depend on oil in some way either for energy during manufacture, or actual content. Plastics, many life-saving pharmaceuticals, paints, solvents, fertilisers, pesticides and so on. It has been said that to burn the stuff for transportation purposes is actually to grossly undervalue it.

Consider that most of the world's food is grown with either fossil fuel for heating and lighting, or using oil based fertilisers and pesticides. Modern intensive farming methods require a huge energy input to function. The yields, without these measures, would be a fraction of the size, and people in economies unused to hardship would literally starve to death.

Far more worrying that not being able to get to work, or travel from A to B cheaply.
What happened to global warming? - moonshine
Yes DP is right. We should be conserving oil because surely Moonshine oil is a
finite resource?

Yes, you are correct - oil is a finite resource, but will never run out - i.e. we will never be able to extract it all, some will always be left in the ground because it is either too expensive or technically difficult to get out. This is the whole point of peak oil, its not so much about how much is left, more about how expensive it is and how much demand.
What happened to global warming? - Altea Ego
Well for sure, one way for global chaos and the death of the human race is the rsuh for Bio fuels.

What a great plan, grow crops for fuel. Sod those that want to be fed.
What happened to global warming? - Nsar
>>but will never run out - i.e. we will never be able to extract it all, some will always be left in the ground because it is either too expensive or technically difficult to get out.<<

That is to all intents and purposes the same as running out of oil. There will always be a technical point where, irrespective of expense, the energy required to obtain and process the oil is greater than the energy therein.

The recent 'mega' finds off Mexicoa are actually quite small in comparison to other fields.

Read "The End of Oil".

What happened to global warming? - moonshine

I guess the point I'm trying to make (and making a bad job of it) is that many people just look at how much oil there is - really whats important is:

How easy it is to extract - onshore/offshore/tar sands
The quality of the oil - water content/light/heavy
Who controls it - friendly states/allies/rogue states
Who else wants the oil - Growing demand from China/India
Who else can afford to pay more for it than we can - priced out of the market?
What happened to global warming? - Snakey
Has anyone else seen the current 'ActonCo2' advert thats been on the TV? Everything thats wrong with the 'green/global warming argument' is in that 'advert.

Just who are these people, they're like religious fanatics. No facts, just hysteria and playing on emotions. Sickening.

I'm on the fence, I can believe the earth is warming,but not convinced how much is down to man (i.e cars/central heating etc), probably because its used as a tax so often.

Edited by Snakey on 12/10/2009 at 14:47

What happened to global warming? - Nsar
>>Just who are these people, they're like religious fanatics. No facts, just hysteria and playing on emotions. Sickening.

I'm on the fence<<

Blimey what are you like when you have a firm opinion on something!

What happened to global warming? - DP
The issue for me is that there are too many vested interests on both sides of the debate.

Big Oil will never be impartial while they are making four figure profits every second of every day out of drilling, refining and selling the stuff, and neither will the likes of the car industry and other influential bodies while they depend on this output to shift units and pay the bills.

Those on the other side include tax hungry governments (just look at ours!), and the multitude of quangos, lobbyists, anarchists and other unelected groups who are using this as a platform to have a say in things, which they would otherwise never have. It gets the likes of Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth on the telly where they can try to tell people how to live their lives without any formal mandate.

Unfortunately, the science is the only bit that really matters, and that too is sponsored by the vested interests. I read once that ACC acceptance is a prerequisite for any climate scientist to receive government funding, and that not one climate change sceptic gets a penny from the British government. On the flip side, the sceptics receive most of their funding from the big oil companies. I can't substantiate this, but it wouldn't surprise me. If it's even half true, that's your impartial research out the window, and the technical complexity and number crunching of climate science makes it incredibly difficult for anyone to draw an independent conclusion from raw data.

The whole thing is a big mismash of self interest, smoke and mirrors. Lord alone only knows what the truth of the matter is.

Edited by DP on 12/10/2009 at 17:19

What happened to global warming? - madf
Peak oil may happen, peak energy may not.

Worth reading:

What happened to global warming? - julie page
Been wondering about global warming for the last three summers?
What happened to global warming? - ifithelps
...Been wondering about global warming for the last three summers?...

It's been renamed global wetting in this household.
What happened to global warming? - stunorthants26
It often makes me wonder what with the debate, about why it is that we, as human beings, have become so transfixed with the notion of the earth remaining exactly the same, especially since during its long life time, it has been constantly changing.
We are the dominant species because we ADAPT to our enviroment through technology and innovation, so the idea that in rains more, rains less, is warmer, cooler, you name it, well we will overcome it, thats what we do and thats why we have come to control the planet.

What happened to global warming? - Stuartli
There are many, many other species that have adapted to their environment and without the benefit of technology and innovation.

By the way, nobody seems to have mentioned the steady destruction of the rain forests' effect on our climate.
What happened to global warming? - stunorthants26
Technology is a result of a human being's best survival assest - a decent sized brain.

Innovation is simply a sign of intelligence and no bad thing, many of our closest cousins in the animal kingdom have innovated and adapted.

What happened to global warming? - Old Navy
Just a case of how hot it gets before the temperatures head down into the next ice age. Pretty academic, I dont expect anyone reading this will see either the peak or trough of the temperature range.
What happened to global warming? - Altea Ego
We are the dominant species because we ADAPT

We are right now. It was never always so, and its possible it wont be in the future.

The evolution and history of man is but a pinprick on the earths timescale.
What happened to global warming? - CGNorwich
We are the dominant species

Depends what you mean by dominant I guess. Surely not as numerous and widespread as bacteria, ants, or grass. The most intelligent, certainly, but my bet is that humanity is heading for a massive population crash as happens to all species when population exceeds resources Intelligence could well prove an evolutionary dead end. Control the planet? I think not.
What happened to global warming? - kayks
Planet earth, and its climate, is one massive complex adaptive system (and I use this term because I know exactly what it means). If you were to look at the earth in the past 4 billion years, climate change is a constant. Trouble is that the so-called "science" behind all current climate models is faulty one way or another. Remember - they are all computer models.

What is true is that humans activity is influencing this climate system. Science proves that much. To what extent and in which direction human activity is influencing climate change - don't trust anything you hear about long term "big picture" predictions. Ever. They are all numbers spit out by computer models based on statistical methods.
What happened to global warming? - cheddar
To get back on track, it makes sense to save energy, to produce ever more efficient vehicles and aircraft, to discourage unneccessary journies even, though to do it on the basis of what might be a falacy is surely wrong.

Lets have more balance in the debate, the pro global warming we're-all-doomed brigade seem to have taken the high ground and anyone that dares to venture an alternative view is shouted down with "How to talk to a climate skeptic" type rhetoric*.

EDIT:*Or links to it c/o jbif ;-)

Edited by cheddar on 13/10/2009 at 07:49

What happened to global warming? - Altea Ego
There is one item here that people miss.

Control of resources - energy.

Resources and energy are finate, running out, and will become tools of control or weapons of threat, by those that have them against those who dont. It has already started. The Americans realise this but their prefered solution ( military force) has been proven to be ineffective.

So each country must develop its own energy and resources using what ever they have

(For example the UK is coal, wind, wave and Nuclear)

Food is a resource, The most vital resource. The ability to produce food must never be turned over to the production of Fuel.
What happened to global warming? - Old Navy
I agree AE, resources are the reason for most wars. Water, and food, will become the big problems of the future, I assume technology will eventually sort out fuel. It will have to, you need fuel to mass produce food.
What happened to global warming? - nick
Water and food will become the big problems of the future I assume technology will eventually sort out fuel.

The elephant in the room is population increase and that increased population increasingly becoming 'developed', eating more meat and dairy and wanting fridges etc. That's why water will be the big problem in the medium to long term. Until that is addressed, cutting energy usage per head will only slow things slightly.
What happened to global warming? - Alanovich
>> Water and food will become the big problems of the future I assume technology
will eventually sort out fuel.

Technology can also help with food. Meat will soon be synthesised and produced in factories.
What happened to global warming? - rtj70
And this relates to motoring? How?

Back to motoring and climate change/global warming or thread locked and it can be discussed at a suitable forum elsewhere :-)

What happened to global warming? - Altea Ego
And this relates to motoring? How?

The production of BIO fuel.

Back to motoring and climate change/global warming or thread locked and it can be discussed
at a suitable forum elsewhere :-)

Back in your box Jbif
What happened to global warming? - rtj70
Back in your box Jbif


If we debate bio fuel for cars fine but this thread is deviating from motoring isn't it.

Thanks again.
What happened to global warming? - Altea Ego

Sorry for that slur ;)

What happened to global warming? - Lud
If we debate bio fuel for cars fine but

Actually jbif there's another motoring aspect: if meat were produced synthetically in factories it would presumably be made in convenient cuboidal slabs, which would have a knock-on effect on the transport sector: the trucks wouldn't have to be so big to make room for all the limbs, horns, guts, fur etc. that real animals and people come with. A denser and more compact load so to speak.

(And one that would fit much more neatly into its boxes than you or I would, incidentally).

What happened to global warming? - rtj70
Actually jbif there's another motoring aspect

Again, Eh....??? You know I'm not jbif because I didn't quote or reference a few other webpages in my reply.

Must be something in the water down south today Lud. AE did the same.

For the synthetic meat, Soylent Green springs to mind. Back to motoring please.
What happened to global warming? - Lud
Sorry rtj... all AE's fault... hasn't someone been marketing 'knitted soya protein' for years?
What happened to global warming? - R2-CMax

I think you have a very common view. Governments in general do little to provide credibility that this isn't all some massive tax raising excercise. However, the consensus of scientific opinion is that the major cause of any climate change that's going on is human activity. I won't try to convice you of that.

Anyway, we're going to have to do this because of finite oil/gas/coal anyway, so I'll also park the energy security challenge, but on it's own is a good enough reason for a step change in action. However, I'm a bit perplexed by your attitude.

Are you saying, that when confronted with an issue that could be a massive and expensive problem that could really mess with your kids prospects/standard of living that you'll "sit on the fence".

What are the chances that the doomsayers worst predictions are true? 5%? 50%? The truth is nobody really knows, but most people would logically accept that smoking increases the risk of cancer, so it's worth stoping to reduce the risk of an unpleasant, deadly disease.
However, some people might smoke their entire lives with few problems. Like the risk of cancer, climate change is not a convenient and absolute "Yes, and this is what will happen" - it's basically an excericse in statistics, risk with few nice easy answers.

So I see the climate change argument as no different. It's worth changing our ways because whilst there's a reasonable chance they might be right (and most people would agree that there is), we've only got one planet so it's not worth mucking about with it more than is necessary.
What happened to global warming? - L'escargot
Live for today, for tomorrow we die.
What happened to global warming? - Armitage Shanks {p}
Picking up on two points from earlier in this discussion. Motorbikes are fun but I get better mpg with 4 people in my 307 than one man on his motorbike. I think a shortage of potable water may be a world problem before a shortage of fossil fuels is. World gas resources are vast and new sources are being found all the time.

Edited by Armitage Shanks {p} on 13/10/2009 at 09:00

What happened to global warming? - moonshine

Does your 307 run on gas?

Many people refer to those who accept climate change as 'doomsayers' - I think this is very untrue. I believe we are influencing the climate, but I also believe that if we can all accept this then we can do something about it. I even think this could be good for the UK, why not spend some money on research to develop new technologies that we can then sell to the rest of the world?

The snail said live for today for tomorrow we die.

Very true, tomorrow I may die, but my children will live. Whats so wrong with making sure that either some oil is left for them, or that we have developed new technologies for them to use?
What happened to global warming? - Armitage Shanks {p}
No my car doesn't run on gas but I am sure that some the research that you rightly suggest might/could come up with a way of coverting gas to a suitable liquid fuel for I/C engines
What happened to global warming? - malden blue
Global warming is a proven fact, borne out by the following formula


RW:Research grants that need to be renewed each year, and lets face it scientists are much more likely to have our money thrown at them if they have this spectacular little theory to play with

GT:Green taxes, the chancellor thought he'd died and gone to heaven when this godsend arrives, and anyone who disagrees is a right wing facist who hates little orphans

GW:Global warming
What happened to global warming? - Sofa Spud
The global warming thing doesn't quite add up.

OK, the science says that pumping more CO2 into the atmosphere would tend to increase the greenhouse effect.

Also, between 1975 and 2000 there was a remarkable correlation between the rise in annual average global air temperature and the rise in man-made CO2 emissions.

Since about 2000, that correlation has become less close.

So, it's possible that growing CO2 emissions might have caused global temperatures to rise a tiny amount. But the rise could have equally well been entirely natural, and similar to what has happened many times over the last few thousand years.

But what is not in dispute is that finite fossil fuels are being used up at an ever increasing rate, so whether or not we believe in human-induced climate change, the measures introduced to counteract it would also help us smooth the inevitable transition to the post fossil-fuel age.

What happened to global warming? - Sofa Spud
Furthermore, as we pass peak oil and peak gas, globally, the amount of CO2 emissions will begin to decline anyway, so even if we are causing global warming, we won't be able to keep it up for more trhan a two or three decades.

I would call myself environmentally minded and I'm interested in renewable energy, new energy-saving vehicle technology etc. And yet, despite having known about the theory of global warming since my chemistry teacher explained it to us around about 1972, I still feel uncomfortable about the leaps people have made to claim conclusive proof that we're causing climate change.

Edited by Sofa Spud on 13/10/2009 at 21:19

What happened to global warming? - PhilW
I quote from a previous post of mine on this subject
"the official figures are that temp in 1880 was 14 degrees plus or minus 0.7degrees. Since then temps have risen by 0.6 degrees - in other words, within the error range of the original temp used as the basis for all this "global warming" stuff.
One of the basic questions to ask is "Has any global warming actually taken place since 1880 - the year on which we base all our figures?"
The truth is that no-one is really sure whether "global warming " exists - let alone whether it justifies a whole new tax regime on cars.
In addition
""road transport is responsible for roughly 0.02% of the "greenhouse effect" so if you removed every form of road transport from the earth's surface it would reduce the greenhouse effect by 0.02%"
Lastly, global temps have risen since 1880, CO2 levels have also risen, but historically (and by historically I don't just mean a hundred years or so but over millions of years) it has been shown that CO2 rises in response to increased temperatures and is not a cause of increased temps - so please stop spending billions on (not?) reducing CO2 emissions and especially stop penalising motorists because their cars chuck out some CO2.
By all means encourage people to reduce their consumption of scarce resources but cut the carp re global warming

What happened to global warming? - Stuartli
Some views from RL about half way down this link:


generally spell out what a large proportion of the population feels about "global warming" and the fanatics it attracts.

As I've pointed out before, most of our coldest winters and warmest summers occurred long before the arrival of the wide use of cars, planes and public transport.

Edited by Stuartli on 13/10/2009 at 22:37

What happened to global warming? - malteser
It's a beastly con to screw more taxes from the citizenry!

Edited by malteser on 14/10/2009 at 09:55

What happened to global warming? - DP
it has been shown that CO2 rises in response to increased temperatures and is
not a cause of increased temps -

I have never seen the "Green" response to this very important research. I too was shocked when I read it. I believe the research was peer reviewed and very credible.

Interestingly, I just spoke with an old school friend who is making a very tidy living as a freelance Corporate Social Responsibility Consultant, advising big corporates how to be more ethical and environmentally friendly. He worked in the Social Policy division (yes, really) of a big FTSE500 company for 10 years, and has now gone freelance. Although his work covers all manner of good stuff such as helping big corporates work with their local communities, donate to charities and so on, over 50% of his work involves environmental policies and CO2 reduction plans. He is one example of the gravy train that's grown up around this issue. I bear him no ill will, he's a mate and he's making a living, but for heaven's sake, how useful is this stuff, really?

Government taxation of fuel and motoring in general is just the tip of the iceberg (no pun intended). There are too many jobs and too much cash at stake for this issue to go away. It will only get worse.
What happened to global warming? - stunorthants26
I sort of look at scientists getting 'green' funding much like Nelson Piquet - when the paycheques stopped rolling in, the truth will emerge.
When dealing with government and global arrangements, one has to apply a healthy dose of cynicism.
Id far rather we poured billions into maintaining the rainforest and planting more trees as opposed to taxes collected in the name of changing peoples buying/car use habits ( which dont much work anyway ) which are not really spent on the enviroment. I would happily pay a 'tree' tax, speaking as the owner of two Redwoods, one of the natural wonders of the plant world :-)
What happened to global warming? - Armitage Shanks {p}
Stu is spot on! Climate Change has developed to the extent that most people either believe in it or are told that they should and anyone who who puts their hand up and asks a sensible question is shouted down by the people who are triyng to sell us triple glazing, solar panels and other related junk. 60 years payback on solar panels! Not for me thanks, at age 70! I don't buy annual subscritions for anything these days, in case I don't get full value from them!
What happened to global warming? - doug_523i
The root of global warming, if you subscribe to the idea it's man-made, has to be uncontrolled population expansion. You can reduce the per-head output of carbon emmissions by half, but if you triple the population there's still going to be a huge increase. This population increase also explains road/rail/air congestion, deforestation, and the extinction of species.

At what point do we say the planet is full, when there's no fish, no trees left? Soylent Green anyone?
What happened to global warming? - maz64
uncontrolled population expansion.

IIRC that's Sir David Attenborough's main concern.
What happened to global warming? - zookeeper
if we hadn,t spent the last 40 years listening to the anti nuclear lobby we could now be humming away on sweet clean no carbon nuclear power 100%, unfortunatly we now have to fight the arabs for the oil for the next 40 years
What happened to global warming? - Big Bad Dave
Thick snow today where I live. Three weeks ago I was sitting in the garden in shorts and flip flops. Started garaging the car again at night and using the heated seats.
What happened to global warming? - Robin Reliant
Thick snow today where I live. Three weeks ago I was sitting in the garden
in shorts and flip flops. Started garaging the car again at night and using the
heated seats.

You big girl's blouse.

In Newcastle that's how people dress when it is snowing.
What happened to global warming? - Big Bad Dave
"In Newcastle that's how people dress when it is snowing"

Quite right too! I'm a bit like that, I don't really like having my arms covered, it makes me nervous.

One would have imagined that the Poles would be some of the sturdiest people when it comes to enduring cold weather. Nothing could be further from the truth. I've never seen such pansies - they make Southerners look "hard". They will be wearing scarfs, hats and quilted coats in weather that you or I would be wearing a t-shirt. I'm not exaggerating either, it has always been a huge bone of contention between me and my Polish wife and family about how we dress the kids. She'll have them suffering in winter clothes in 20 degrees of sunshine, whereas I (and the kids) prefer to wear as little as possible for as long as possible. The neighbours comment all the time and I enjoy playing up to it. It also irritates the teachers and parents when we turn up at school without coats. Somebody leaned out of a bus window the other week and shouted at me to dress my kids properly.
What happened to global warming? - Alanovich
You'll find these attitudes if you drive (motoring link) anywhere roughly east of the Oder-Niesse line, west of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, and north of Athens. If your coat doesn't cover your buttocks in temperatures below 20 deg C, you'll become infertile you know.
What happened to global warming? - Stuartli
>>..you'll become infertile you know.>>

So that's the explanation...:-(
What happened to global warming? - R2-CMax
@ Doug_r1

And what are you advocating? Some sort of "final solution" to overpopulation - sounds like you might run into some opposition :-)

Seriously, I've read that the best route to population control is educating women and alleviating poverty. This leads directly to massively increased use of contraceptives, leading to smaller families and a more sustainable planet. Pity about the nutty Christian charities funded from the US that only support abstinence and abhorr contraceptive use as sacreligious

The alternative is that though some of the kids in these large developing world families sadly die, enough make it to adulthood, where they've got no prospects, education and not enough food. So they then migrate to places like the UK where there are prospects and food. Or they get really angry when they see our lifestyles on satellite TV, and are easy prey for extremist groups.

So bringing people in Africa out of poverty is not just charity and some feel-good factor, there's a great argument around self-interest too.
What happened to global warming? - R2-CMax
@ Armitage Shanks {p}

Agreed, there is an incredibly vocal minority at either end of the argument.

There is also an intrinsic problem with human nature - all people (even me!) are much more likely to give credibility to an opinion or statistic that reinforces their world view, rather than challenging it - i.e. dogma is a big problem for both deniers and doomsayers.

Agree with your general opinion on solar PV. Waste of time in the UK until some radical technologies that are still in university labs become mass production items (10 years at least).

Triple glazing is also not worth it in UK, as the real problem are older houses that lack cavity walls and the general p1ss-poor thermal performance of even quite modern houses in the UK. Scandinavia cracked it decades ago, and if we had their building codes then most people's gas bills would be well under half what they currently are.
What happened to global warming? - R2-CMax
@Armitage Shanks {p}

Err you can already buy vehicles that run on compressed natural gas CNG, just not in the UK. Both Fiat and Volkswagen sell vehicles, and in Germany, for instance, E.ON Ruhrgas has a network of filling stations for natural gas - Ruhrgas had a stand at the Frankfurt motor show. However, at the moment it's a bit of robbing Peter to pay Paul for climate change & energy security. You're simply swapping one CO2 intensive fuel from dodgy parts of the world for another.

Where CNG does have a good role is in things like urban buses and delivery vehicles - the engines are quieter than diesel and have fewer emissions like NOx & particulates, hence no need for EGR and particulate filters to give much improved urban air quality.

That being said, if you can get a vehicle, you can get a home filling station for about a few thousand pounds, and this fuel is about 1/3 the price of petrol so might make sense for a high mileage driver and committed (legal) tax avoider.
What happened to global warming? - cheddar
>>Agreed, there is an incredibly vocal minority at either end of the argument.>>

The most vocal minority are the man-is-causing-global-warming brigade, they have taken the moral high ground and put massive resources in to countering what they call "sceptics", accordingly it makes it very difficult for anyone with even a balanced view, yet alone contrary evidence, to make themselves heard without the risk of being denounced as a crackpot.
What happened to global warming? - Diamond
Global warming is something made up by 'interested parties' (ie politicians, big business etc) for their own dubious ends. Full stop.
What happened to global warming? - DP
The most vocal minority are the man-is-causing-global-warming brigade they have taken the moral high ground
and put massive resources in to countering what they call "sceptics" accordingly it makes it
very difficult for anyone with even a balanced view yet alone contrary evidence to make
themselves heard without the risk of being denounced as a crackpot.

I couldn't agree more cheddar, but these shouters don't speak for everyone on that side of the argument.

I had dinner last night with an old friend who is an environmentalist and a climate change "believer" (it's astonishing we get on so well, but we do). Yet, she is also willing to discuss and listen to views which challenge her own. That is a fundamental quality which is sadly lacking in many of the climate change fanatics who have hijacked the mainstream debate.

We had quite an in depth discussion over a few cold lagers, and came to the conclusion that the science is far over the heads of about 95% of the population (us included), and that there are far better reasons to reduce reliance on, and consumption of fossil fuels than this. She still has a hatred of Big Oil, and thinks they are skewing things in their favour, I countered with the gravy train climate change "industry" on the other side and the excuse for green taxes.

I just wish such a balanced, calm discussion could be had in the mainstream public consciousness. It does tend to degenerate very quickly into name calling and emotional blackmail.

Perhaps cold lager and a nice vegetarian meal is the way forward..... ;-) Or just some mutual respect between the two sides.

What happened to global warming? - b308
I'd also suggest that there is also an equally vocal minority who take great delight in making as much noise as possible decrying the "man is causing it" brigade... They are just as bad, and as vocal, as those mentioned...
What happened to global warming? - R2-CMax
>>Agreed there is an incredibly vocal minority at either end of the argument.>>
The most vocal minority are the man-is-causing-global-warming brigade they have taken the moral high ground
and put massive resources in to countering what they call "sceptics" accordingly it makes it
very difficult for anyone with even a balanced view yet alone contrary evidence to make
themselves heard without the risk of being denounced as a crackpot.

In the USA, it was the other way around until quite recently. If there is an imbalance now, it's because of where the consensus of scientific opinion now is. I'm not going to try and change your mind on that. My personal opinion is that a people are still sceptical about the need for action because (i) they mistrusts politicians - understandably, (ii) they mistrust scientists - and given the way science mishandled things like MMR, BSE etc... I can understand that and (iii) if they accept it, then they are also accepting the need for radical change too the UK energy system (including transport) and most people are scared of what this might mean - because they think it implies a reduction in standard of living compared to today. However, it's possible that the reverse will be true.

In the end though, it doesn't matter what you think, or what I think. The policies of all 3 parties are pretty much aligned, so energy and other markets are being regulated and restructured to deliver the 2020 and 2050 outcomes (that's one of the beauties of being in government). The only disagreements are about the roles of different energy technologies, and the policies that are required to get the rate of change required.