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sunflower or groundnut? - dat sun
Following yesterday's news that most diesel cars in Wales are now running on cooking oil, what is the best type to use? Is it ok just to fill up with the cheapo Asda own brand, or should I go for the more expensive stuff from Marks and Spenser? Also is it true that Fiats run better on extra virgin olive oil?
sunflower or groundnut? - Onetap
Also is it true that Fiats run better on extra virgin olive oil?

Only when in Rome. When in Wales, use whale oil.
sunflower or groundnut? - budu
Try palm oil - your local chippy can probably let you have its used oil, although this will need filtering to remove bits of chip, cod, chicken nugget etc. Remote African oil palm plantations use/used to use it for running their compression engines - but these were not performance car diesels and I imagine you will eventually gum up the works with any vegetable oil. Spirits are better: the economics may not be favourable but I recommend absinthe, around 70% alcohol. Don't mess with sissy 40% drinks like whisky or vodka.
sunflower or groundnut? - madman
Use any veggie oil as bought new in Supermarkets, mix with diesel at about 30% in winter and about 50% in summer. It works very well. I know someone who is using 75% vaggie to 25% diesel in a BX and it runs fine. I wouldn't bother myself as it only comes in 3 litre bottles in Tesco (99p) and it is too much effort to tip 10 bottles into my car. It is also illegal!
sunflower or groundnut? - Vin {P}
Use any veggie oil as bought new in Supermarkets, mix with
diesel at about 30% in winter and about 50% in summer.
It works very well. I know someone who is using 75%
vaggie to 25% diesel in a BX and it runs fine.
I wouldn't bother myself as it only comes in 3 litre
bottles in Tesco (99p) and it is too much effort to
tip 10 bottles into my car. It is also illegal!

"vaggie oil"? Hope not.
sunflower or groundnut? - mikem004
Here in Yorkshire, the chip shops use good old fashioned Lard.
Is this any good as a fuel when melted down?

sunflower or groundnut? - JH
it could get interesting in winter !
sunflower or groundnut? - andymc {P}
If lard is solid at room temperature, it'll be solid in your engine on a warm summer's day, never mind the bleak mid-winter! BE VERY CAREFUL if you want to mix vegetable oil of any sort with your fuel - you may end up coking the injectors, blocking the fuel filters, destroying rotary injection pumps with more viscous fuel, etc. Look into it properly before taking any steps and you should be alright. If you don't, it'll probably cost you.
sunflower or groundnut? - dimdip
I like the idea of using ex-chippy oil - just add some Sarson's for an appetising exhaust aroma - Yum !
sunflower or groundnut? - Onetap
See also
sunflower or groundnut? - dimdip
Darn it, the chippy joke had already been done in a previous thread