Fast car Fans Might Like This - cheddar
Seems to be putting McLaren's relationship with Mercedes Benz under more pressure, MB see McLaren as a potential competitor, the relationship was already under pressure due to spygate and liegate, altogether the catalyst for MB investing in Brawn GP perhaps.
Fast car Fans Might Like This - Lud
OOh, aaah... I zoomed in on all the buttons in the interior shot, cheddar, but must have done it quickly because I missed the POLITICS button and the CAPITALIST EXPERTING button.

Perhaps there's a CARBON button too to make the car flatter its driver's moral pride by delivering a stern pre-recorded lecture on how wasteful and anti-social he is being.


Naturally I am intrigued and attracted by supercars and quite fancy playing with them, but the older I get the more clearly I realise that I don't want to own one. Even I have a wimpish side.
Fast car Fans Might Like This - cheddar
Sorry Lud, I did not comment on the car, goes without saying that I would want one, I even like the metallic burnt orange.

As for carbon, a couple of thousand miles a year in that thing is less poluting than 20,000 in a Prius so no worries there. Like my motorbike it would be occasional transport.
Fast car Fans Might Like This - Lud
Still young enough to be gung-ho, eh?

If you read my post carefully you will see that it was not I who thought a supercar owner was wasteful but this imaginary device for 'flattering his moral pride'... Bit roundabout I admit.

Cars often look good in those unusual garish colours. I'd like to get at some of these supercars just like anyone else (I never have). But unlike you I don't really want to have one.
Fast car Fans Might Like This - cheddar
Still young enough to be gung-ho eh?

Its all relative I guess, at my age choosing a Mini Cooper S from a list of pool cars is probably a little gung-ho ;-)