1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - DP
This is incredible. Not sure how it was done, but absolutely astonishing to watch.


1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - bell boy
them there valves sure do open wide (says mr disbeliever)
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - maz64
them there valves sure do open wide (says mr disbeliever)

Not wanting to be a spoilsport, but how come the camera appears to be shaking to much, so quickly (considering it's running at 1000fps)? Just looks odd, but might be a simple explanation.
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - BorisTheSpider
Is it a two stroke?
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - cheddar
Is it a two stroke?

No it has poppet valves, a 2 stroke would not.
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - cheddar
Not wanting to be a spoilsport but how come the camera appears to be shaking
to much so quickly (considering it's running at 1000fps)? Just looks odd but might be
a simple explanation.

Probably because it is vibrating at a higher frequency than 1000fps.
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - maz64
Probably because it is vibrating at a higher frequency than 1000fps.

But in an engine wouldn't most of the vibrations be at engine frequency?
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - DP
Much of the exhaust stroke is missing from the film.

I still find it astonishing that at 7,000 RPM, this entire cycle happens nearly 60 times a second.

Edited by DP on 01/10/2009 at 15:41

1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - maz64
If film is genuine then max engine rpm is 600rpm based on;

cylinder goes up and down in approx 10s video time = 0.1s real time assuming video running a frame rate of (at least) 10 frames per second and frames taken by camera at 1000fps.
1 rev per 0.1s = 10 revs per s = 600rpm

Edited by Focus {P} on 01/10/2009 at 15:44

1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - Lud
Compression/firing stroke is shown, exhaust valve opens but piston not shown making exhaust stroke, inlet stroke then follows.

Engine appears to be detonating as flame doesn't start at the spark plug and starts before the spark. A bit peculiar.
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - Lud
starts before the spark.

No it doesn't. I just looked again. Got that wrong. But you don't see the piston coming up on the exhaust stroke.
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - maz64
Still don't understand why the camera should be shaking at such a relatively high frequency which is unrelated to engine frequency (rpm).
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - perro
>>Still don't understand why the camera should be shaking ...

Single cylinder research engine?
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - maz64
>>Still don't understand why the camera should be shaking ...
Single cylinder research engine?

So I would expect the shaking to be in time with the frequency of the engine ie. roughly follow the piston movement, to which the shake in the video seems completely unrelated.
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - perro
>>So I would expect the shaking to be in time with the frequency of the engine<<

I see what you mean Focus, amazing pics though - I wouldn't wanna be a fly on the wall :)
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - bathtub tom
Harmonic frequencies?
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - bell boy
Harmonic frequencies?

>>>>>>>>.excellant band they were
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - maz64
Harmonic frequencies?

Sorry - only just spotted this post.

Don't know - do you think that's what it is, or just guessing? I would be interested to hear NC's thoughts on this clip.
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - maz64
I see what you mean Focus amazing pics though

Yes - I just would like to be able to understand what I'm seeing. Video is also on youtube, but there's no additional information about its origin.
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - nortones2

Popular mechanics, 1929. Viewed combustion via a quartz window.

More recent use of quartz windows: cylinder liner, pentroof and piston!
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - Rattle
The clip could have been slowed down some what. Still its very cleverly done and the fire ball over the pistons is exactly how I imagine it would look like. The clip also shows how lethal an engine could be.
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - oilrag
" The clip also shows how lethal an engine could be. "

Flies hanging around in the engine bay could meet a terrible end if someone had removed the air filter. Best not to think about the exploratory mouse.. might cause a misfire for a few seconds perhaps if its liver shorted the spark plug.
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - Robin Reliant
The clip also shows how lethal an engine could be.

"Now in all the excitement Rattle, I kinda forgot whether this is a 2.8 litre straight six or a 3.5 litre V8. The thing is, do you feel lucky punk?"
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - macavity
1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - maz64

"Video credit: Original source unknown. Video also available on YouTube and Google Video" :-(

Edited by Focus {P} on 02/10/2009 at 17:19

1000fps camera in a combustion chamber. - FotheringtonThomas
My old "Colortune" wouldn't approve.

What, no overlap?

What's the "jump"?