M25 J5 to J2 - Civman
Hi Guys,

Does anyone know what type of speed cameras there are between these 2 junctions?

I know when exiting at Junction 2 there is a sign warning of Variable Speed cameras, but this is for people approaching Junction 1.

I have looked on google and the Kent Camera Partnership website but am unable to find any information for this part of the Motorway.

Appreciate any info.

M25 J5 to J2 - Doc
I don't think there are any operational cameras here.
The Variable Speed cameras were used during the road widening works.

M25 J5 to J2 - helicopter
None as far as I am aware between those junctions , I was last round that way August Bank Holiday weekend with Brother in Law in his car .

The only cameras I recollect were specs cameras from Swanley Junction to A2 junction but they may well hav egone id the works are finished.

M25 J5 to J2 - Civman
cheers guys much appreciated.