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bad scratches - bulldog
I recently parked my 2002 metallic grey antracite golf under some trees. When i arrived back i found that it was covered in bird crap. I attempted to remove this with warm water but it was that tough i started to use a very light scouring pad!
Bad choice as i have removed some of the laquer and is looking pretty terrible in 4 places!

What is the best cure for this? Any ideas? T-cut or wax?
bad scratches - Paul Mykatz-Tinks
Best cure.............shoot the Low Flying hawks.
bad scratches - volvoman
Don't know what it is about VW's but 2 friends of mine have had similar problems with bird poo on their Passats (1 of which had metallic paint) and neither found a simple remedy for the damage caused.

If you've damaged the lacquer coat but not the paint you might consider spraying a new coat of lacquer over the damaged areas but I'd get advice from 1 or 2 professionals first - a professional job might not be too expensive and a better long term solution !

As regards paint quality
in general, I've heard that the bird poo problem is due to water based paints but I had a new bonnet on my white Volvo only 3 years ago and the paint used has shown no signs of bird poo damage even though I often forget to remove it for days and even weeks !
Neither of my older mettalic cars (Nissan Cherry :-( & Rover 800 :-((( ) suffered any such problems so I wonder if it's a problem with some paints as opposed to all paints.

ps - you might have better luck posting this thread on the Technical Matters forum and I'm sure we'd all like to know how you get on.
Good luck !
bad scratches - Paul Mykatz-Tinks
I didn't say Low Flying hawks, I said Low Flying Sh**ehawks.

Who did that? Boo!
bad scratches - Highway Star
I just checked the instructions on my bottle of metallic T-Cut and apparently you shouldn't use it if the laquer is damaged. If you do try spraying laquer onto it Halfords do a can of the stuff for about a fiver.

Did I leave my lights on?
bad scratches - Simon Templar

It is my considered opinion that waterbased paints used on modern mass produced cars is utterly substandard & the public have not yet realised just what has happened in the name of environmental necessity.It is drastically reduced in thickness,
the elastomers have been removed & the lacquer ( reduced in thickness ) used to ostensibly cover the inadequacies of the base coat.
This is why such companies as Armorfend are so successful in coating frontal areas of premium qualty cars with 3M transparent plastic to offset the inevitable stonechip/scratch damage.

Simon T.