Hello all
Could any of you buffs please give me as many reasons as possible to convince my main dealer that HE should pay for the head gasket blowing after only 5 weeks! I am no mechanic but i need to have as many reaons as possible to hit him with so that he can't balme me... I was driving along and then the engine became "clunky" , smoke coming out exhaust BUT NO INDICATION OF OVER HEATING!!!!
What could have caused it? Could it have been soemthing I did? is it reasonable that a car should do this after only five week driving? HELP!!!!!!!!!
The car is a 1.9 TD Xantia(1995)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Blown head gaskets is something that can happen to older cars. No doubt David W, our resident Citroen expert, can give you chapter and verse. As to who pays it depends on whether you got a written guarantee when you bought the car. Read the small print and see what's included.
By the way you would be better off posting this request in technical matters. Some of the technical backroomers don't visit the discussion forum. Oh, and I should have said blown head gaskets are something.....