If a copper checked physically he probably submitted a CLE2/6 (? if I've got the from no. wrong here DVD will correct me) which is a from a POliceman fills in when he sees a VEL which has run out. He does not need to see the driver/owner as once rec. by LVLO/DVLA will automatically generate a fixed penalty notice to the keeper for no tax and faliure to pay this means that proceedings may be commenced for no tax and SORN offences. If DVLA are having a no tax hate day in your area said burger vendor may well find his van clamped by a bun shaped, wheel sized steel clamp. DVLA/LVLO will know about that the van exists and that it has no tax and no SORN as they hold postcode related records.
Thank you Pugugly.
I am sure that you are correct in what you say but would ask, if he has had a fixed penalty notice and the authorities are aware, then how come he is still driving around untaxed and still parked on the public highway some 18 months later?
Is the van held in someone elses name so that he is not recieving notices ? Has he got it registered in a company name rather than his own ? Is it that the fixed penalty is so small that it is cheaper for him to pay that than tax the vehicle ?
I could go on - and on - and on ---------
I reckon it's an undercover TaliVan. Does he park it on motorway bridges, or skulk up slip roads? Has it got camera portholes?
Examine it carefully and follow him to check movements. If so, you have my permission to torch it one dark night......................
If not, order a burger and leg it without paying.
That's justice, either way.
No, it is not any such vehicle, I can at least confirm that much.
Well, if the DVLA car clamper/crusher brigade visit your town I reckon they will target matey so keep on reporting it. They were in my area a couple of weeks ago and they were clamping cars in droves. Unfortunately they weren't here for nearly long enough for my liking, as this activity is the only way to catch growing numbers of the untaxed, uninsured, unlicensed drivers sponging off the rest of us honest motorists.
In my opinion, this is just another manifestation of that creeping paralysis in our society wherebye "authority" is turning a blind eye to fairly minor offences, although I certainly do not see this particular offence as minor. If there is no road tax, surely, even if there is any insurance it would be invalidated. The blatant ignoring, by many in society, of the basic rules which constrain the law abiding citizen, is now becoming the "norm" and all sorts of laws are being broken, on a daily basis. Cyclists not using lights or, using the pavement instead of the road, seem never to be apprehended The litter in our streets is a disgrace and many motorists casual view of the use of motor vehicles with neither tax or insurance, is now reaching epidemic proportions.
It all has to be stopped but, it may now be too late,
It hurts the law abiding people, just like my elderly neighbour who has no blemish on his 40 year motoring career and had the indignity of being stopped by the arrogant driver of a Police car, issued with a ticket and told to take his vehicle to an MOT approved garage to have a (unknown to my neighbour)blown stop lamp bulb replaced. Meanwhile, not too far from his house, on that very day, some spotty faced scumbag relieved another elderly person of the contents of her purse. Sadly, and strangely,the Police do not have much to go on regarding that bit of larcency and the thief remains unaprehended.
I tried to report an untaxed but regularly used car last week and soent about an hour on the phone getting passed from pillar to post before being told that I'd have to write in to the DVLA giving the location, car details etc. so an inspector could go out and see it for himself !!! The guy from the DVLA saind that there were so many untaxed cars around that it was a real problem dealing with them and many weren't properly registered so any fines were unlikely to be paid anyway.
I'm afraid that as with so many things these days, it's only the ordinary boke in the street who gets collared for things like this - the real crooks are just too much trouble for the authorities !!!
ps the DVLA guy said I could report it to the Police but it would be a waste of time as they really weren't interested in such minor diversions !!
"Not interested in such minor diversions"
I was under the impression that driving untaxed is against THE LAW.
I was under the impression that enforcement of THE LAW is the job of THE POLICE.
Am I missing something here?
"Not interested in such minor diversions" I was under the impression that driving untaxed is against THE LAW. I was under the impression that enforcement of THE LAW is the job of THE POLICE. Am I missing something here?
Personally I would prefer the police occupy their time dealing with real criminals and instead employ civilians or traffic wardens to go around issuing tickets for road tax offences and the like.
I was under the impression that they were already doing this as well. An untaxed vehicle in the local town is far more likely to be spotted and reported by one of the traffic wardens than a Police officer. There are a number of civilian "officers" and we cannot even establish what if any, powers they have.
According to a report in the motoring section f our local rag, driving test applications have halved from 1 million to 500,000 per annum since the test was tightened up.
The conclusion was that there was a strong likelyhood that an increasing number of people are not bothering with formalities such as licences, MOTs, insurance or vehicle tax.
Another, slightly more cynical possibility is that the British education is so poor in some areas, that 17 year old people haven't got the ability to pass the written test! I have heard this mentioned elsewhere and it probably does contribute to the 'driving unlicenced' brigade
an increasing number of people are not bothering with formalities such as licences, MOTs, insurance or vehicle tax.
The scary thing is that they are the sensible ones!
I passed 6 camera's on wednesday. 4 lapses of concetration in one day could have cost me my career.
If I risked the 200 quid fine for driving without insurance and registered the car in a fictitious name I'd have no worries at all.
Funny old world.
These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
If we got rid of car tax and stuck the extra on fuel instead, this would cease to be a problem.The whole system would be cheaper, simpler and more effective, and those that use the roads/pollute the atmosphere the most would pay the most tax. It would however lead to mass redundancies at DVLA, which is why it doesn't happen.
If we got rid of car tax and stuck the extra on fuel instead, this would cease to be a problem.The whole system would be cheaper, simpler and more effective, and those that use the roads/pollute the atmosphere the most would pay the most tax. It would however lead to mass redundancies at DVLA, which is why it doesn't happen.
You could end all fraud by:
a) Abolishing points for speeding and just imposing a fine as percentage of income.
b) Introduce an insurance disc as in Ireland funded by the Insurance companies.
c) As you say Abolish road tax and put it on fuel.
Assuming the govt aren't stupid they must have a vested interest in law breaking to maintain the current system.
These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
"Assuming the Government aren't stupid" !!! What country do you live in TOTH! Former CND activist leading us into war on another country, backed by many members of a cabinet, none of whom have ever served in our Armed Forces! That's just a starter! Dome, CSA, Criminal Records Agency, Passport shambles, Tax returns 'on line', Health and Safety the site isn't big enough to list the foul ups foisted on us by this lot, at our expense.
Putting the tax onto fuel would just move the problem somewhere else. Evidently the latest scam is for the scrotes to nick a set of plates from a parked car, stick them over their own plates, fill up and drive away without paying, then chuck away the stolen plates. Repeat the procedure when more fuel is required. Result - they get a free tank full of fuel. IF the filling station has a working security camera (most are not recording evidently), then all it will show is the stolen plate. IF the police can be bothered to investigate, all they will have to go on is the stolen plate. Result - the scrotes get away with it again, and again, and again........
My mate had his plates stolen, and was told all this by PC Plod. He claimed that each filling station has on average at least one drive-away per day, and that most do not even bother reporting it.
Fuel will soon be so expensive that we will be required to pay for it before we fill up.
Service stations will stock less and less useful car stuff, and instead will be stocked with 158 different types of porn mags, 63 different types of aromatherapy air fresheners, 61 different scratch cards and a shelf of Mars bars, all at least 2 feet long.
I once tried to buy a fan belt at a motorway service station, without success. I did however note that I could buy 21 different types of feminine hygiene product, a map of Bulgaria, a book telling me how to improve my memory, 6 different caffeine drinks and a little pot of tea made from some strange super-heat conducting metal.
Would anyone else care to predict the future?
will be stocked with 158 different types of porn mags
At last. Listening to their consumers!
Hope they've got this month's, 'Readers Newts'!
These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
Hope they've got this month's, 'Readers Newts'!
Don't tell me, you only buy it for the axolotls, right?
Put the road tax on fuel, which is 80% tax anyway, and then they'd need a new disk just to check you have insurance and mot. This would come with a modest admin fee, say £160 per year. Leave things alone!!!
Put the road tax on fuel, which is 80% tax anyway, and then they'd need a new disk just to check you have insurance and mot. This would come with a modest admin fee, say £160 per year. Leave things alone!!!
The insurers have already offered to fund an insurance disc system.
It would generate more revenue for all except the tax & insurance dodgers.
The fact that Jack Straws Son and Brother have been convicted may mean that he had some sympathy with criminals...
These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
"passed 6 camera's on wednesday. 4 lapses of concetration in one day could have cost me my career."
Tut-tut Toad.
A lapse of concentration - surely not.....My understanding was that the whole argument against wholesale innapropriate enforcement was that superior drivers could drive at a speed they felt was right for road conditions/car capabilities and that such superior beings could not suffer from a lack of concentration - one thing speed cameras do is focus the mind !