Is this a bargain or a steal? - Falkirk Bairn

Under £7k for a 2 yr old Z4?

Postcode now that of DVLA office in Edinburgh ;-)

Edited by rtj70 on 12/08/2009 at 12:01

Is this a bargain or a steal? - Altea Ego

you have left your post code on that link..............
Is this a bargain or a steal? - Lou_O
It's a well known scam.

The seller will come up with some ruse why the car can't be viewed and most likely you'll be offered the chance to pay and recieve some cash-back in the form of a cheque or draft.

Clearly anyone who does bite will never see the car, or their money, again.

I guess these things work as people can't see beyond the obvious - if it looks too good to be true, it is!


Edited by Lou_O on 12/08/2009 at 11:50

Is this a bargain or a steal? - Altea Ego
Its a typo it should be £16,xxxx not £6xxxx
Is this a bargain or a steal? - Lou_O
Its a typo it should be £16 xxxx not £6xxxx

Are you sure? I'd bet a pound to a penny it's a scam.

This text in the ad makes me suspicious:

"For a quick answer and more info please contact me at: nadonoles228[at]msn[dot]com"

Is this a bargain or a steal? - rtj70
Seems the page has been pulled by Auto Trader. If it comes back at £16k we'll know it was a typo.
Is this a bargain or a steal? - mike hannon
I've reported countless scams like this to ebay. Presumably it has now moved to the Trader.
Just relies on human frailty - it only takes one greedy buyer...
Is this a bargain or a steal? - Altea Ego
>> Its a typo it should be £16 xxxx not £6xxxx
Are you sure? I'd bet a pound to a penny it's a scam.
This text in the ad makes me suspicious:
"For a quick answer and more info please contact me at: nadonoles228[at]msn[dot]com"

Yes it has all the trademarks of a scam, ecept it is priced too cheap and everyone thinks "SCAM" For a good scam it needs to be believable
Is this a bargain or a steal? - Lou_O
Yes it has all the trademarks of a scam ecept it is priced too cheap
and everyone thinks "SCAM" For a good scam it needs to be believable


But in my mind it's a cast iron scam, remember that the scammer is looking for gullible people, by definition someone with a grasp on reality isn't going to get taken in.

There are loads out there for example:
Is this a bargain or a steal? - Blue {P}
The other version of this scam is that they arrange to meet you in a car park or decluded location to do the deal, they insist on cash payment, you turn up with the bag of cash and are promptly relieved of it by force.