Scrappage scheme abused in Germany - bell boy
I said it would happen here too... before this came to light:

Edited by rtj70 on 07/08/2009 at 14:50

scrappage scheme abused - boxsterboy
Whenever governments give out money there will always be abuses. Nature of the beast. Just look at the number of Council houses that are illegally sub-let by the tenants at a profit.

I suppose at least the cars are still serving a use wherever they are shipped to.
Scrappage scheme abused in Germany - TheOilBurner
Good I say. It seems a horrid waste to me. No doubt the cars that end up in Eastern Europe and Africa will go on to live long lives in valued service. Good for the environment (compared to building new cars) and good for the new owners of still usable cars at rock bottom prices.

Seems like a win-win all round. Maybe the German government are angry because they didn't think of it themselves first and tax it?
Scrappage scheme abused in Germany - Lud
Seems like a win-win all round

Not really, because the scheme is supposed to stimulate car manufacture by reducing the number of cars available second-hand. Perhaps it can be argued that if the jalopies are exported 'illegally' the number of cars available in the industrial countries will be reduced and people there will buy more new cars. But I doubt if the industry, which is global, sees it quite like that.

However, I agree that it's a good thing to do, morally if not legally. I am all in favour of people in poor countries having their pick of still-good long-serving jalopies. It is criminal just to crush them. And it isn't criminal - even if it is illegal - to recycle them.
Scrappage scheme abused in Germany - john96
If these older cars are so bad for the environment, why are they being allowed to pollute the air in other areas outside Europe?After all, we breath the same air!! Or is it because in EU Land, we can be fleeced from birth till death more easily??

Edited by john96 on 07/08/2009 at 16:59

Scrappage scheme abused in Germany - Mookfish
The cars that are being illegaly exported will be going to countries where few people can afford new cars, so will be replacing even older cars.

The way I see this Germany is getting rid of scrappage cars to Africa, so dangerous polluting wreck's in Africa will be replaced with safer, less polluting cars. - one man's rubbish is another mans treasure.

This realy should be the official disposal method for good cars being used in the scrappage scheme.
Scrappage scheme abused in Germany - TheOilBurner
>> Seems like a win-win all round
Not really because the scheme is supposed to stimulate car manufacture by reducing the number
of cars available second-hand.

But it still has! Whether the cars go to Africa or go to the crusher, the number of new cars made is going to be much the same. It's not like vast numbers of new cars are registered there, is it?

As said by Mookfish, they'll be replacing ancient Pug 504s probably..
Scrappage scheme abused in Germany - bell boy
the real issue is these cars are being stolen by gangsters and probably their molls too so its an abuse of the whole system and somewhere down the line corners are being cut
i have no difficulty in agreeing that good cars should go to undeveloped countries but the only problem is that someones pride and joy will get nicked and transferred to these countries to keep them going
a very good example is indeed the 504 these were the car stolen of choice 10 years ago and we in the trade all knew they were africa destined in bits or with their roofs chopped off
crime makes crime so unfortunately as i see it these scrappage cars should have their shells crushed..end of just like in america
Scrappage scheme abused in Germany - TheOilBurner
It's only a crime (and in such large numbers) because it's a brilliantly good solution all round and the German government was stupid enough to make it illegal to do anything else with these otherwise fine cars.

It's just like the prohibition in the USA, make something illegal that somebody a) wants and b) is worth good money and you're just asking for crime to spring up.
Scrappage scheme abused in Germany - bell boy
its still a crime
crime makes more crime
Scrappage scheme abused in Germany - Cliff Pope
What a surprise. Whoever would have guessed that that might happen?
Scrappage scheme abused in Germany - 1400ted
Third world folk must be over the moon at getting these cars...and why not ?
Stupid to sacrifice good machines on the spurious altar of global warming.
There's only one thing controls the weather, that big ball of fire in the sky !
Not the meagre output from some '92 Fiesta's exhaust pipe.

Scrappage scheme abused in Germany - Tornadorot
Speaking of ways of subverting the scrappage scheme, if one were to hypothetically order a new car with scrappage discount, does anyone know if there would be any problem if one's old banger was missing a few bits and pieces when one dropped it off (maybe the radio head unit, CD changer, other things one might get a few bob for on eBay...) as long as it was still roadworthy? Just wondering...
Scrappage scheme abused in Germany - bathtub tom
I suggested this to an acquaintance with an old car that's got a current MOT and a blown engine. The engine's been removed and partly dismantled only to discover it's not worth repairing.

It would seem it meets the necessary criteria.

He's ordered a new car!

I don't think he had the bottle to attempt it.