Buying road tax online, credit/debit card question - Mookfish
Somehow I have managed to lose the cars MOT certificate and the tax runs out today, so I am going to have to tax it online.

I don't have enought in my account to cover this as I withdrew the money this morning to tax it at the post office, a friend has aggreed to put it on his credit card and I give him the cash, will they accept payment from his card or would it be rejected as an anti-fraud measure?
Buying road tax online, credit/debit card question - Rudedog
I don't see why not, I've paid for my wife's car tax using my debit card which is a different bank account.
Buying road tax online, credit/debit card question - Mookfish
I don't think there will be a problem either but I would rather know for certain, as I had an order from an online retailer rejected because payment address was different from the delivery address.

Also as the car is parked on the road I would need to move it accross town to park it off the road, and if I need to do that I should get it done before the relative whose drive I would have to use goes to bed.
Buying road tax online, credit/debit card question - Stuartli
If the MOT is still valid, you can pay at a Post Office where the counter assistant is able to check if the MOT and insurance cover are still valid - a benefit of computerisation...:-)
Buying road tax online, credit/debit card question - Dynamic Dave
If the MOT is still valid you can pay at a Post Office where the counter assistant is able to check if the MOT and insurance cover are still valid

The V11 renewal notice states that you will need to present a valid insurance & MOT certificate (originals, not copies) if obtaining the VED from a Post Office.
Buying road tax online, credit/debit card question - Stuartli
>>The V11 renewal notice states that you will need to present a valid insurance & MOT certificate (originals, not copies) if obtaining the VED from a Post Office.>>

It may well state that, but I renewed my road tax at a Post Office a couple of years ago (before I started to do it on-line) when I had forgotten to take my MOT and insurance certificate (I never leave such documents in my car for obvious reasons) and the computer system revealed that both were up to date.

I walked out about two minutes later with the new road tax disc.
Buying road tax online, credit/debit card question - Stuartli
I've had a delivery today following an on-line order by the younger offspring - he lives seven miles from me, but is at work all day so I'm always happy to oblige.
Buying road tax online, credit/debit card question - Optimist
Move car today while tax is still ok.

Put cash back in bank tomorrow and tax online with your own card if your mate's won't work.

Buying road tax online, credit/debit card question - McP
Yes, you should be able to renew with your friends credit card.
I did it for my neighbour a few months ago.

Edited by Primera 97 on 01/08/2009 at 02:25

Buying road tax online, credit/debit card question - Mookfish
Yes renewed last night with friends credit card, thanks all for the reasurance, do I worry too much about these things?