03 1.9 Cambelt replacement warranty/ liability GEN - Speckled Jim

In Aug 2006 I purchased a 130 TDI Avant from a used dealer. As the car had done circa. 59K miles I asked him to get the cambelt changed by the local Audi specialist mechanic he used before handing the car over. This he duly did and charged me around £250 which was itemised on his final sales invoice.

Around a year later however I got my car serviced by the same independent mechanic and he called to let me know the cambelt was due a change. I had only done a further 9,000 miles at that point and pointed out to him that the belt had been changed, by him in 2006. He sounded a little surprised and said he would contact the dealer. I heard nothing more and (probably inadvisedly) didn't follow it up.

The car has now done 82,000 miles and it is playing on my mind somewhat that the change was not actually done. Does anyone have a view on what the dealer's liability would actually be now if the belt snapped? I am obviously loathe to spend a further £250 if is not required but am very much aware that this is cheaper than a new engine or rebuild

03 1.9 Cambelt replacement warranty/ liability GEN - 659FBE
The belt has almost certainly not been changed - the garage trade just don't work like this and the used car dealer obviously saw an easy 250 pounds coming his way.

The belt drive is durable on the PD diesels, so no panic is required but if the belt really has done 82k miles it's time to fit a complete cambelt kit and change the water pump. If you take off the engine cover (3 M6 nuts) and unclip the upper timing belt cover, you will be able to inspect the belt.

A belt which has covered 20 odd k miles will have the maker's lettering visible on the back of the belt - somewhat rubbed by the tensioner wheel. A belt which has done 82k miles will have no lettering visible.

OE belts from VAG are usually made by Continental - occasionally Dayco. If you see a "Motocraftyequip" belt on there, it's been changed - but then I'd fit a new Continental belt anyway.

03 1.9 Cambelt replacement warranty/ liability GEN - alan kearn
If it was me and not bald my hair would have turned grey. At the back of my mind would be VWs recommended cambelt change times of 4 years or 40,000 miles whichever is soonest.

Edited by rtj70 on 29/07/2009 at 18:53

03 1.9 Cambelt replacement warranty/ liability GEN - Roly93
If this was me I would be livid.

I would ask the independant to look back through his records to see if they had done the job, if this cam up negative I would ask the supplying dealer for proof that ti had been changed. m If this cam up blank, I would visually inspect the belt, as if it should have only done 9K miles it should look vastly different from one that has done 80K. If this comes up negative, I would at the very least demand that the dealer gave you your money back.

This happened to me years ago on a Cavalier - I was billed for cam belt swap which had never been done.

Well I suppose we would all like to get £250 for doing absolutely nothing.

Edited by rtj70 on 29/07/2009 at 18:53

03 1.9 Cambelt replacement warranty/ liability GEN - Altea Ego
The car was bought THREE years ago. He asked the guys who was supposed to have done it TWO years ago, and couldnt be bothered to follow it up.
03 1.9 Cambelt replacement warranty/ liability GEN - Roly93
The car was bought THREE years ago. He asked the guys who was supposed to
have done it TWO years ago and couldnt be bothered to follow it up.

Good point, I never spotted the 'purchased in 2006' part !

I suppose it is another case of 9mm round in the foot !!
03 1.9 Cambelt replacement warranty/ liability GEN - Speckled Jim
Thanks for your helpful and contructive messages Poly, Alan and 659.

And thank you for your kind message Altea, very constructive - just what was needed.
03 1.9 Cambelt replacement warranty/ liability GEN - bell boy
AE is spot on though
03 1.9 Cambelt replacement warranty/ liability GEN - Altea Ego
well honestly SJ, clearly you have not been worrying about it for the last two years, its a bit late to start kicking up the dust now.