Audi R8 in Midlands as unmarked Police car? - Bill Payer
Being commented on in another forum - "seen" with behind the grill blue lights stopping people in Kenilworth .

Surely this can't be true - they're £100K?
Audi R8 in Midlands as unmarked Police car? - Falkirk Bairn
Surely this can't be true - they're £100K?

Could be on loan from Audi as a marketing ploy...........


Buy some A4s,A6s and Q7s and we will give you an R8!
Audi R8 in Midlands as unmarked Police car? - ifithelps
...Buy some A4s,A6s and Q7s and we will give you an R8!....

Yes, although the R8 would nomally end up on the chief constable's driveweay. :)
Audi R8 in Midlands as unmarked Police car? - Dave_TD
If I'm marginally exceeding the motorway limit (cough), I tense a little when I spot a car some way off in my mirror but gaining on me rapidly, then relax when it turns out to be a horrendously expensive sports car. This is because I assume the police could not justify the expenditure on one vehicle, as surely the same money could buy and equip two or three V70s to do 90% of the job of one R8. I'll watch out south of Coventry from now on...

Dave TD
Audi R8 in Midlands as unmarked Police car? - Altea Ego
The surrey police have a habit of having some very exotic machinery, and very well disguised as well. Oft seen on the A3 and A31 hogs back. They had a Lotus Carlton once, seen with M5's and Scoobies.
Audi R8 in Midlands as unmarked Police car? - Waino
R8 - pah! The police are hovering over here every night in a nice new helicopter! I wonder how much it costs per villain it tracks???
Audi R8 in Midlands as unmarked Police car? - zookeeper
essex police have some fast motors, they even have their own show ..and we get to know the officers names ..blah blah ...etc ...etc
Audi R8 in Midlands as unmarked Police car? - Altea Ego
Our local copperchopper does not have much luck. The first one caught fire, and the latest one got smashed up by itinerate tarmac layers

Edited by Altea Ego on 27/07/2009 at 23:49

Audi R8 in Midlands as unmarked Police car? - paul2007
a few weeks back, black, 58plate bmw 5, believe it was a 320 - armed cops, blue lights in grill & blue light on top.

I've even seen them in an unmarked vauxhall people carrier - usual give away, 2 blokes in car & xtra rear view mirror
Audi R8 in Midlands as unmarked Police car? - bell boy
maybe they thought it was full of copper,altea? hego

Edited by bell boy on 27/07/2009 at 23:57

Audi R8 in Midlands as unmarked Police car? - Rover P6B
Our local copperchopper does not have much luck. The first one caught fire and the
latest one got smashed up by itinerate tarmac layers

Where was this, Altea? Sounds like you're in my county...
Audi R8 in Midlands as unmarked Police car? - henry k
>>Where was it ?
- Surrey
some details

The Surrey Police helicopter's been moved to a new base after being targeted by vandals.
It's now operating from RAF Odiham in Hampshire instead of Surrey's Fairoaks Airport in Chobham. They're looking at keeping this base in Odiham as a permanent home.
While at Fairoaks the helicopter was damaged a number of times - the force said the attacks on the aicraft could be linked to two jewellery robberies in the county which happened on 31 October 2008 and 1 May 2009.

The RAF base has more than 2,000 military personnel and is guarded around the clock. The reduced rent and fuel costs definitely will benefit Surrey Police Authority who've had their annual budget capped this year.
Audi R8 in Midlands as unmarked Police car? - guss
A friend of mine is a traffic cop with a police force in scotland which has mainly bmw traffic cars .He says they get the cars at huge discounts as the manufacturer is getting a lot of free advertising with a distinctive easily visible model driving around .They also get their tyres from a well known manufacturer the same way at a price even the trade would be surprised at again free publicity
Audi R8 in Midlands as unmarked Police car? - midlifecrisis
BMW 530d for a tad under twenty grand. Tyres are provided for all the cars at thirty quid a pop.
Audi R8 in Midlands as unmarked Police car? - Martin Devon
BMW 530d for a tad under twenty grand. Tyres are provided for all the cars
at thirty quid a pop.

And why not. Business is business.

ACAB until you want one!

I wonder how much the tyres were for my Dad's (Met) Austin Westminster?

Very best regards........Martin D.
Audi R8 in Midlands as unmarked Police car? - Battles
I wouldn't be too surprised to discover that Audi loaned them an R8 for 'evaluation'. The reflective covering is removable and I'm sure that the speed measurement kit they rely on could be easily fitted and removed.
Loads of Police cars in Lothian and Borders and Fife constabularies are loaners or leased by specialist firms - they look correct but have no L&B or Fife specific markings.

While we're talking 'bout Police cars...
There's usually a white 535d parked in outside my mate's place with blue lights in the rear window and front grille. It looks a lot like a police car but has no kit (Police radio, vascar or whatever) visible inside. On closer inspection, the cabling for the lights behind the grille are joined by black tape that's coming away in places, not heat shrinkable tubing.
The number plate has the name and number of a local Beemer dealer.

My mate lives in a modern estate where the houses have single car driveways and the streets are too narrow to park on so they build little communal laybys for extra cars. This Beemer is usually parked there so it's not clear which house the driver lives in.

Do you think they let Policemen take unmarked cars home with them?
Am I the only one who thinks it's a bit suspect?
Audi R8 in Midlands as unmarked Police car? - BobbyG
Could be a fire chief's car?

My cousin who was a fire chief had a Volvo that had blue lights but no other markings etc, not even a radio in it.
Audi R8 in Midlands as unmarked Police car? - Roly93
Hasn't anyone considered that this may be a seized drug-dealer vehicle ?
I still think it is fantasy that any Audi dealre would lend/give the bill an R8.
Audi R8 in Midlands as unmarked Police car? - seasiders rock
Blackpool plods latest toy, new BMW 5 series unmarked in a light blue metalic.
Parks up off a known 30 mph dual carriage way and lies in wait for the chav boy racers who regularly use it as a drag strip.
Audi R8 in Midlands as unmarked Police car? - captain chaos
Would that be Squires Gate Lane by any chance?