Compensation cut to speeding motorists ? - welshlad
now i dont think there is any excuse for speeding but if your caught then you pay the price but how long should you have to keep paying the price for a minor offence

Subject line changed to something less vague

Edited by Pugugly on 19/07/2009 at 08:55

Compensation cut to speeding motorists ? - b308
How stupid, this gov are really scraping the barrel...

Now where's MrX when you need him!
Compensation cut to speeding motorists ? - welshlad
thanks for the title change as you can see from the time the original post went up the old creative juices had long since gone to sleep it was just an empty shell typing :-)
Compensation cut to speeding motorists ? - Stuartli
When I first saw this piece on the Mail website late last night, my immediate reaction was to wonder if there were still no limits, no depths to which this ragtag of a so-called government would sink?
Compensation cut to speeding motorists ? - bonzodog
I have never been able to undestand why the victim of a crime should recieve govt funded compensation anyhow. Perhaps someone could shed light on why it is so?
Compensation cut to speeding motorists ? - Pugugly
Anybody seen it reported elsewhere ?

BTW if we start going down the YahBoo politics route - the scalpel will be out.
Compensation cut to speeding motorists ? - martint123
PU asked >> Anybody seen it reported elsewhere ?

Telegraph -
Compensation cut to speeding motorists ? - CGNorwich
I have never been able to undestand why the victim of a crime should recieve govt funded compensation anyhow. Perhaps someone could shed light on why it is so?

I think the logic goes something like this:

One of the duties of the duties of the state is to protect the citizens of the country from crime. If citizens suffer from the effects of crime then de facto the state has failed in its duty and should therefore compensate the victims for that failure.
Compensation cut to speeding motorists ? - Stuartli

The Americans also have similar schemes:

Compensation cut to speeding motorists ? - Mr X
So you are beaten to a pulp whilst some one tries to relieve you of your worldly goods in the dead of night but the compensation is cut because you were once clocked at 36mph in a 30mph zone ?

Doubt it will just be speeding offences either. Fined for having an illegally spaced number plate - then less compo for you. I wonder how long before a parking ticket counts as well ?

Compensation cut to speeding motorists ? - Rattle
If this plan does go ahead it will be the end of this government. Anybody up for some not so pieceful marches outside the houses of parliment? oh they have banned that too.
Compensation cut to speeding motorists ? - Mr X
Not that long ago we were reading proposals that those who failed to pay their child support money should have their driving licences revoked as a punishment because it would be a better way of punishing them. What is it with this govt and their hatred of the motorist ?
Compensation cut to speeding motorists ? - Stuartli
>>If this plan does go ahead it will be the end of this government.>>

It's been doomed for quite some time - the quicker it's sent on its way the better.
Compensation cut to speeding motorists ? - Bromptonaut
In response to X, the child support thing is not just aimed at driving licences but passports as well. Parlaimentary committtees and advisory bodies have advised against on human rights etc grounds and becuase of the relatively low level at which the decisions will be made. Govt still ploughing on however.

Penny pinching on the CI scheme is not just a a Labour vice; Michael Howard cut awards drastically as Home Sec in the 1990s.