Nr 1 Son's 94 Legacy 2.2 Estate 105K has engine management light flashing : car still drives and sounds absolutely aok.
Anyone any ideas before he takes to dealer for plugging into magic computer????
Tks in adv.
Happy Motoring Phil I
You dont need a 'magic box' for these cars. Above the drivers left foot are two pairs of female electrical connectors which are used to extract flash codes via the engine management light. I'll dig out the info and post it tonight.
Many thanks Andrew. I'll look forward to that.
Happy Motoring Phil I
Just a gentle reminder Andrew I expect you have been busy.
B. Rgds Phil I
Gone off the first page again Andrew
Desperately seeking codes to go with female connections
Phil I
Off the page again Andrew.
Anyone know how I can contact Andrew Moorey(Tune-Up)?
Sorry for delay Phil, been sooooo busy!
Two pairs of connectors black and green.Connect blacks together and switch on ignition. If all ok dash lamp will blink regularly like an indicator. If faults stored it will flash in a sequence of long and short blinks. Long blinks are 'tens' short ones 'units' eg 12 would be bliiiiiink pause blinkblink. See what I mean? Note which code(s) have been generated then start the engine and allow to idle. Watch and note any code(s)Switch off and disconnect black connectors.
Now run engine to temp and switch off, connect greens switch on ignition and lamp should illuminate, fully depress accel pedal then return to 1/2 throttle and hold for a count of two then release, switch 'economy' switch on then off, start engine observe and note any code(s)Drive vehicle for at least a minute faster than 7mph (using all gears if manual) then stop the vehicle but leave idling, raise engine speed to 2500 rpm for one minute and note any code(s). If no faults lamp will blink regularly.
Come back with the codes and lets see what we can do!
I can remember the feeling but now retired do not encounter this syndrome anymore thank the Lord. My thanks to you for the info which I have relayed on to Nr. 1 son. Will come back to u in due course. Thanks again Phil I