Best way to sell an 07 5, dealer or private - carophobe

I have a 2007 Mazda 5 which I'm looking to sell and downsize to a smaller car, just really want some idea as to the best way of approaching this, should I do a private sale or would it be easier to do a trade in at a dealership and get a smaller car from the same dealer? There is no outstanding finance on the car. I like the simplicity of doing everything all at a dealership but am worried that I may end up being completely ripped off. Thanks for any advice.

Edited by Pugugly on 08/07/2009 at 22:48

Best way to sell an 07 5, dealer or private - J1mbo
Doing a trade in will be less hassle, but you must keep pushing for the best price. Work in the "price to change" rather than discount on new car/value of the 5. Don't be afraid to leave your number and walk away. When I was doing a deal on my Mazda6 they phoned me up a few days later (i had gone away to think) to say the value of my trade in had dropped! Lol, told them no way and the paid me what I asked for.

Its all a game so look around the s/h ads and get a feel for the cars value. Once you get the good price to change, push for some mats and fuel to seal the deal.

If your not happy with the deal, go elsewhere, you can always go back knowning you've tried.
Best way to sell an 07 5, dealer or private - TheOilBurner
I've recently sold my car privately rather than trade it in. I estimate I've made an additional £1k over the trade-in value BUT it's been a time consuming process and taking payment for higher-value cars is something of a minefield.

If you're not considering buying another Mazda, you might want to consider asking local Mazda dealers if they want to buy the 5 from you, as they may offer quite a bit more than the trade-in from another marque. Decent stock for the forecourt is hard to come by at the moment, so you'll be in a stronger position than you might think.

Worth a try?
Best way to sell an 07 5, dealer or private - niceguyeddy
but am worried that I may end up being completely ripped off.

As opposed to just partly ripped off ?

Interested to know what your definition off being ripped off is ?