99 1.9 Expert diesel clutch change advice - stuartl
My Expert Van clutch has decided it doesnt want to play anymore and I need to change it. It is a 1999 non-turbo diesel. Has annyone any experience in a clutch change on one of these? I changed the glow plugs and they were a nightmare. I am just hoping it isnt an engine out job. Any advice very gratefully received. Thanks, Stuart

Edited by Pugugly on 08/07/2009 at 20:59

99 1.9 Expert diesel clutch change advice - bell boy
friend just done one
with the aid of a ramp
took 6 hours that was a hdi though
he doesnt want to do another in a hurry as it took an hour to get a linkage off at a quarter of a turn in 5 minutes of the spanner on the nutsy
we changed the subject then and it turned to holidays
99 1.9 Expert diesel clutch change advice - thomp1983
quite a simple clutch change, access is fairly good only issue i can think of is sometimes the drivers side driveshaft seizes in at it's intermediate bearing but this can be easily solved with a decent drift. id change the clutch cable and driveshaft oil seals whilst your at it too.

99 1.9 Expert diesel clutch change advice - stuartl
Thanks for the replies chaps, that is encouraging. I wonder if I can get a workshop manual for it.
99 1.9 Expert diesel clutch change advice - David Horn
Helped with one on a Citroen Xsara 1.9, believe it's ultimately the same thing?

Suggest you get an OEM one, the el-cheapo replacement we bought is nowhere near as pleasant to use as the old one.
99 1.9 Expert diesel clutch change advice - bell boy
anyone actually looked under the bonnet of an expert?
try doing a slave cylinder on the clutch if you thinks its a walk in the park never mind pulling a box down
this is why i dont often post on technical
stuartl the book time for a bloke who has all the lassoos and air stuff is over 6 hours
please be aware of this before you get too involved
99 1.9 Expert diesel clutch change advice - stuartl
Thanks BB, I am sending it to the garage and getting CPR ready for when the bill comes in! At least it is a garage I can trust which is lucky as the van is 100 miles from home!
