HJ News - Buyers Turn A Profit On Scrappage - Dave_TD

This raises the simple question: Without laying out several thou' is there an easy way to turn my £250 Escort (owned for over 12 months) into c.£1100 cash?

Dave TD

(Mods: If this belongs in the Scrappage volumes please move it, I thought it was more sidebar news related though.)
HJ News - Buyers Turn A Profit On Scrappage - Bill Payer
Without laying out several thou' is there an easy way
to turn my £250 Escort (owned for over 12 months) into c.£1100 cash?

Only if you enter into an arrangement to sell the car before you buy it, and the new owner will stump up the purchase price in advance.

Or you could take a gamble and buy the car on finance, clearing it as soon as you sell the car - the interest charge would be minimal (but watch for fees).
HJ News - Buyers Turn A Profit On Scrappage - Mapmaker
1. Pre-sell the car on eBay.

2. If this is true, "?We expect that some franchised dealers will be pleased to secure unused examples of these popular, newly-registered cars, despite the inflated prices, because their demonstrator stocks have been depleted over recent months. It is likely they would find a buyer quickly and still clear an acceptable profit.?

Try talking to the dealer. He might pay you £750 cash - he'd want to split the profit with you.