px offered...... grim - barney100
Went out today with a Polo 1.2 2006, full service history, 49k to try to do a deal for a different model with the idea of ours and £6000 on top for the new one. The Polo is ok with pearl paint but I was taken aback with a main dealer offering me £1500 for it. Salesman seemed surprised when I politely declined.
px offered...... grim - gmac
Volvo dealers must be full to busting with £2000 ten year old scrappers.
See HJ's Volvo C30 'popular with scrappage scheme customers' report in News section -->
px offered...... grim - pd
Take 10 nice photos and stick it on ebay.
px offered...... grim - bell boy
take 8 and autotrader it
would you yake 12?
if you wont jake it would you take -------------12 ....

Edited by bell boy on 20/06/2009 at 23:26

px offered...... grim - movilogo
I was also been to a Volvo dealer last week (to look for V50).

Apparently, C30 is their most popular model.

They are not that keen on taking customers' cars - I was not even asked whether I want to p/x or not!
px offered...... grim - niceguyeddy
The car bottom books at £3400 ish assuming its a base model 3 door E model.

At £1500 im guessing it has no engine ??

Personally at £1500 I would have told him to F... O.. !!
px offered...... grim - stunorthants26
Last year I was offered £1000 for a Forester that booked at £6000 by a Toyota dealer. He said none of his contacts would give him more than that. I told him he had rubbish contacts and walked out.
Knowing it was a tough time last year at the height of petrol prices, I was willing to accept under book value, but that was just taking the mick. I got a far more reasonable £5000 from a Daihatsu dealer.

Some just try it on and they deserve to loose a sale because of it.
px offered...... grim - movilogo
Nowadays if someone offers me those kind of p/x offer, I counter offer them that if they can find a similar car even with 10% more (for their profit) I'm willing to buy it right now for my friend. Then they usually try to divert the topic.