New Astra Viral Test Track Footage - cepi
Overtaking the Golf 6 then Focus...
New Astra Viral Test Track Footage - bell boy
dont know if i could live with a blanket on the dash mind,or is that the new "in" thing
New Astra Viral Test Track Footage - Number_Cruncher
This astra has grown into a bit of a monster - it's now longer than a mkIII Cavalier

New Astra Viral Test Track Footage - bell boy
This astra has grown into a bit of a monster - it's now longer than
a mkIII Cavalier
lets hope its as reliable as one though
New Astra Viral Test Track Footage - diddy1234
I had wondered the size as well.

I have had owned two Astra's (Astra MKII and Astra MK IV (G)) and the earlier mark II felt more agile and didn't need power steering !
New Astra Viral Test Track Footage - mike hannon
Astra Viral? I don't believe it.
Where are these people's brains?
The last time I saw the word viral used it was linked to a type of meningitis.
Ah well, I guess you could probably say it will be a difficult car to catch...
New Astra Viral Test Track Footage - L'escargot
Astra Viral? I don't believe it.

So much for the standard of modern methods of teaching English. I can only assume that neither the person who came up with the name, nor whoever sanctioned its use, knows what "viral" means.
New Astra Viral Test Track Footage - Dave_TD
Heck. I've driven the hill route at Millbrook, but at nowhere near those speeds. Unless the video makes it look faster than it actually is.