98 Repairing/replacing rear wheel arches? - robert
Hi chaps,

The Omega is noted for rotting rear wheel arches. But, does anyone have any experience of how much they cost to repair?

Thanks ............... Robert

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 19/06/2009 at 15:15

98 any Rear wheel arches - Victorbox
Might be worth asking your question here www.vodc.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=81
98 any Rear wheel arches - SpamCan61 {P}
Having owned 3 leggy old Omegas and hung about on Omega / vx forums for years I've never heard of problems with rear wheel arches :-/
98 any Rear wheel arches - Victorbox
Having owned 3 leggy old Omegas and hung about on Omega / vx forums for
years I've never heard of problems with rear wheel arches :-/

Agree - In fact after I'd posted I meant to add I didn't think Omega arches were a rust issue - do you mean Carlton?