Black dots embedded in paint work - pic included - TimOrridge
Washing and polishing car in the fine sunshine today for first time since purchase (3 months) and had a really good nosey at the paintwork. All fine except on bonnet and lower wheel arch where they are are covered in little black dots. I can feel them if I run my finder over them but they would shift even with hard rubbing.

What would be best for shifting them, claybar or bug and tar remover?
Black dots embedded in paint work - pic included - Auristocrat
Looks like tar - try Autoglym Tar Remover
Black dots embedded in paint work - pic included - TimOrridge
but they wouldNT shift even with
hard rubbing.
Black dots embedded in paint work - pic included - TimOrridge
The first two pics are on the bonnet the last two are just in front of the wheel arch. The wheel arch looks like tar but I'm not sure of the dots on the bonnet.
Black dots embedded in paint work - pic included - Fullchat
Looks like tar to me as well.
Can you feel the black bits above the the paint?
Try some WD 40. Spray on, leave for a minute and then wipe off. Same with the Autoglym tar remover, you have to leave it to soak a little while. White spirit may work as well.
Next is T cut or a mild compound.
I'd leave the clay bar out. The black bits have to be shifted first.
Report back next step will be a bit more mechanical.
Black dots embedded in paint work - pic included - TimOrridge
Thanks - Yeah can feel them, feels like sandpaper. I will have a go with the WD40 tomorrow after work and report back.
Black dots embedded in paint work - pic included - bell boy
they normally come of with my thumb nail unless theres loads of them
otherwise its g101 these days
Black dots embedded in paint work - pic included - stunorthants26
Looks like tar to me. I use plain old white spirit, then either wash or polish it after. Works quick, just use a soft cloth, not tissue or anything.