I Have a Question - Volume 293 [Read Only] - Dynamic Dave

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Edited by Dynamic Dave on 08/06/2009 at 20:16

More on TalkTalk - crunch_time
I have just received a call from them. My service is continuing, with free local (and adjacent area) calls, improved upload speeds etc., but there is a 60p per month increase in the overall charge.

More on TalkTalk - Squeaks
How much do you pay?
More on TalkTalk - crunch_time
Can't recall the exact figure, but it's £17 and some odd pence.

Ultrasonic cat deterrents ~ are they effective? - L'escargot
Are ultrasonic cat deterrents effective? And since the sound emitted can't be heard by humans how do you know if (or when) they are actually working?
Ultrasonic cat deterrents ~ are they effective? - Optimist
Er..........cats are deterred.

Ultrasonic cat deterrents ~ are they effective? - Altea Ego
As they appear not to be deterred, I can only assume they dont work.
Ultrasonic cat deterrents ~ are they effective? - L'escargot
As they appear not to be deterred I can only assume they dont work.

Are you saying you've got one? If you tell me what it is, I'll not buy that particular one myself.
Ultrasonic cat deterrents ~ are they effective? - ifithelps
Can I be the first to post a 'completely unproven but some say it works' method of cat deterrence?

A few 2litre plastic pop bottles filled with water and left lying on the beds/grass.

Any more for any more?

Ultrasonic cat deterrents ~ are they effective? - Armitage Shanks {p}
I cannot comment on the effectiveness of either of these! One is water sprayer with a motion sensor which sprays garden intruders. The other is a sack of lion poo which can be bought in some garden centres and seems to make domestic cats think there are some seriously big cats around!

Edited by rtj70 on 30/05/2009 at 13:33

Ultrasonic cat deterrents ~ are they effective? - ifithelps
Googling the obvious produces:


Does what it says on the tin.
Ultrasonic cat deterrents ~ are they effective? - Armitage Shanks {p}
The link in the last post reveals that Lion poo was rated No 1 (excuse the pun) in a test conducted by Watchdog. As a read across from another thread which discussed the unpleasant olfactory effects of eating asparagus, I imagine that passing water in one's garden might repel not just the cats!
Ultrasonic cat deterrents ~ are they effective? - nick
>>Lion poo was rated No 1 (excuse the pun)

Surely that should be a No 2?
Ultrasonic cat deterrents ~ are they effective? - Armitage Shanks {p}
Yes - I did think of that aspect! Lets put it like this "Lion's No 2 rated No1"
Ultrasonic cat deterrents ~ are they effective? - Robin
We suffered from a local cat using our lawn as nice comfy toilet. Not very nice when cutting the grass. I bought an ultrasonic cat deterrent and hey presto, no more moggy problems. My son, age 8, can hear it so when he is in the garden i switch it off. This is actually what the instructions indicate in order to save the battery. I forgot to put it back on for about a week and next door's moggy was back it its old tricks. From these observations I think they work.
Mine has a test setting so you can make sure it is working; there is also a red light that comes on when it is activated.
Unfortunately I cannot recall the make that I bought. It was only 20 quid or so.
Ultrasonic cat deterrents ~ are they effective? - crunch_time
It was only 20 quid or so

That's what really annoys me about the attitude of the vast majority of cat owners. They expect others to go to trouble and expense over their pets.

Some Canadian states have it right - cats are licensed and the Humane Society will loan a trap to any resident bothered by cats. Once caught, the owner has to pay a fee to collect their pet. Most owners there make sure their gardens are secure!

Ultrasonic cat deterrents ~ are they effective? - rtj70
Our cat goes no further than our property. In fact she is so lazy she is usually in the house.

What annoys us are the cars that come in the cat flap when unlocked!

Just as long as we keep solutions as humane.
Ultrasonic cat deterrents ~ are they effective? - Dynamic Dave
What annoys us are the cars that come in the cat flap when unlocked!

Sounds like a garage door, not a cat flap you've got there Rob ;o)
Lakes, Tarns, Meres and Waters - bintang
Could a Cumbrian resident please explain what these terms mean please? According to one book I have read, there is only one true lake in the Lake District, Bassenthwaite Lake. So what are the other bodies of water? I can't find mutually exclusive definitions anywhere.
Lakes, Tarns, Meres and Waters - Armitage Shanks {p}
Non-Cumbrian resident says that a tarn is a small lake, formed by glacial action
Lakes, Tarns, Meres and Waters - rtj70
It's because Bassenthwaite is the only one with "lake" in its name. There are other lakes in the Lake district.
Lakes, Tarns, Meres and Waters - nick
I seem to recall a mere is a broad, shallow lake.
Lakes, Tarns, Meres and Waters - daveyjp
Meres are also relics of the ice age, formed by melt water collecting in hollows gouged out by ice, or in low lying areas of glacial till. Meres are often isolated and do not form part of the river system.

Hornsea Mere is the largest lake in Yorkshire.
Lakes, Tarns, Meres and Waters - rtj70
To quote:

The word "Windermere" translates as "Vinandr's lake", from the Old Norse name Vinandr and Old English mere, meaning lake.

The official name of the lake is Windermere and not Lake Windermere. It is a lake as are others but do not have lake in their official name.
Lakes, Tarns, Meres and Waters - Stuartli
I live quite close to Martin Mere, famous for its bird life, which has been the venue for the BBC Spring and Autumn Watch series a couple of times. See:

Lakes, Tarns, Meres and Waters - Nsar
Bassenthwaite is indeed the only lake in the Lake District. Innominate Tarn (the last resting place of Wainwright's ashes) is the only lake that isn't a lake in the Lake District that, being innominate, doesn't have a name.

Happy to clarify.......

Lakes, Tarns, Meres and Waters - terryb
All the above reminds me there is only one lake in Scotland too. It's the Lake of Menteith. All the rest are lochs.

Evidently the local laird supported the wrong side in one of the disagreements with England, so they took away his loch and left him with a lake.
Hotel near Bergamo airport - nick62
Can any BR's recommend a good "budget" hotel close to Bergamo airport, (say approx. 20/25 Euro taxi ride)?

I plan to travel to the Italian Lakes with SHMBO plus our two children in August and the flight is quite late arriving, so would prefer to stay just the first night in a hotel close-by, along the lines of say PREMIER LODGE in the UK, i.e. price for 1x large room only with basic, but clean facilities.

I've got the rest of the stay sorted-out, but if we were to go straight to our "main" hotel from the airport, we wouldn't arrive until well after midnight and it's too late. That's assuming the car hire would still be open, etc., etc.
Hotel near Bergamo airport - smokie
No, but have a look at www.booking.com as they list a number of hotels and their prices are usually pretty keen.
Hotel near Bergamo airport - deepwith
Try this idea..... tinyurl.com/knj6y7

Hotel near Bergamo airport - rtj70
I take it you're answering the question that I have wondered about Ryanair. If the plan arrives so late what can you do apart from stay near the airport... no public transport or hire car desks open.

We'd go back to Lake Como sooner but the flights arrive so late.

Autoroute 2007 has 31 hotels listed within a 5 mile radius. Up it to 20 miles and it jumps to almost 90.

I assume the next day you're using trains to get to your destination. So you might not want to venture too far?
Hotel near Bergamo airport - Armitage Shanks {p}
SFAIK Ryanair have a deal with Hertz "Our Car Rental Partner". On that basis Hertz should stay open to serve the needs of any Ryanair passenger, whatever time they arrive. When you get to Bergamo the aircraft wil probably be on its 4th round trip of the day and may be very late. I had something similar last year (Verona to Lake Garda) the car hire desk was open, I would never have found the hotel, in the dark, without satnav and someone in the hotel stayed up to let us in. I guess with children you'd rather have a good sleep and set off in the morning. A hire car might make it easier to get to a hotel near the airport, so long as they will give you a late check-in.

Edited by Armitage Shanks {p} on 01/06/2009 at 21:46

Hotel near Bergamo airport - Stuartli
>>On that basis Hertz should stay open to serve the needs of any Ryanair passenger, whatever time they arrive.>>

Probably the most immediate pressing need of "any Ryanair passenger" will be a desire to use the toilets...:-)
Hotel near Bergamo airport - Altea Ego
Probably the most immediate pressing need of "any Ryanair passenger" will be a desire to
use the toilets...:-)

I doubt it, as they were not fed or watered on the flight it wont be a problem......;)
Hotel near Bergamo airport - Stuartli
>>I doubt it, as they were not fed or watered on the flight it wont be a problem......;)>>

Obviously you've not been keeping up to date with Ryanair's never ceasing bid to make money/cut costs...:-)

This story has been running since the beginning of the year:


Not much fun on a long flight I would imagine.
Dealing with inefficient companies - legacylad
I have a broadband/phone/line rental bundle with a well known company, setting up this bundle in January '09 and paying monthly on my cc. Two weeks ago I began receiving messages on my answering machine saying that I was in arrears and to contact them. I have also received, by post, a 'Reminder' and, more recently, a 'Notice of suspension' threatening a close encounter with a debt collection agency.
My cc company inform me that the first 'overdue' amount was actually paid 3 weeks before the 'reminder' was issued! This is confirmed by my cc statement. The second monthly 'overdue' amount was never applied for, according to my cc supplier. None of my personal, or card details, have altered.
After spending 2 hours making several infuriating calls to the bundle supplier, and my cc company, on expensive 0870 and 0871 numbers from my mobile, I cleared the 'debt' and now appear to have overpaid because the 'bundle' supplier has no record of receiving my earlier cc payment!
Can I invoice these inefficent people for my time and costs involved...phone calls, cc statement photocopies etc. I even receive conflicting accounts of what 'bundle' I am on, and am being overcharged for this also!!
The 12 month contract for the bundle expires in Jan 2010, but because of the multiple errors I really want to change before then.
Any advice please?
Dealing with inefficient companies - Armitage Shanks {p}
Sounds like your supplier is in breach of their side of any contract but I am sure there will be some well hidden weasel words hidden in the contract meaning they aren't! Can your CC company get involved as the service provided is not what you have paid for and costs more than £100 (a year). Finally check www.saynoto0870.com - a great source of cheap or free alternatives to 0845 and 0870 prefix phone numbers,
Dealing with inefficient companies - jbif
Any advice please? >>

I was going to have a good shot at a long detailed helpful reply. But then I realised that legacylad had asked questions on 27 May in IHAQ vol 292, and 26 may in CRQ vol 185, where I and others had given a response but received absolutely NO feedback or thanks from legacylad.

So in answer to ">> Any advice please? >>" - yes, at least give some feedback when people take the trouble to reply to you.

Edited by jbif on 03/06/2009 at 16:05

Dealing with inefficient companies - perro
I'd be inclined to ask Computer Active magazine to take this matter on, or you could write to Ofcom.
I have tried loads of ISP's over the last 8 years and now have a Broadband/phone bundle with Plusnet which I would recommend to anyone.
Dealing with inefficient companies - Robin
Bit of an aside here: I would love to change my ISP but don't know how to deal with the email. One of the reasons I want to change is the amount of spam we get everyday (absolutely due to SWMBO putting her email address on her old school web-site) but I occasionally get email from old contacts etc. Is there a mechanism by which email from one's previous email address can be forwarded to a new one?
Dealing with inefficient companies - adverse camber
some isps will keep the email account open for aminimal fee.

tbh your best bet is to buy a domain and use email forwarding.

I own mysurname.org (and have done since 1996) The registrars pretty much all allow me to forward that to my current ISP so people mail me at whatever@surname.org and the registrars systems forward that mail on to the some_crappy_name_2367@dodgy_isp.com where I collect it.

Costs me around £6/year for that
Problem getting a valid refund from a Credit Card - Armitage Shanks {p}
I'll keep this as short as possible. A friend lost nearly £400 whe Zoom airline went bust in September 08, 3 weeks before she was due to travel. She lodged a claim against her card provider and was, in quick time, refunded about £25 which was the cost of a pre-allocated seat on her 2 flights. In effect they have admitted liability. No further refund is forthcoming and the card company has 'closed' her claim on the basis that a form they sent her in January 09 had not been returned by a due date. If a claim has gone in and been partly paid I don't see how they can refuse part 2, but they have!
She never received the form and never had a hastener so where to now? I am guessing the Financial Ombudsman, whose claim form I have already downloaded from the internet.
Follow up question - are there any published or reliable figures for how many items of mail go missing in a year, please?
I get the impression that a lot of card providers are wriggling and delaying to avoid legitimate and valid payouts!
Problem getting a valid refund from a Credit Card - smokie
Not sure your impression is right - I got paid up pretty quickly when Speedferries went bust, as did some mates who had the same multi tickets. I have no idea where to go from here, but I didn't find the ombudsman that helpful in a claim against PayPal.
Problem getting a valid refund from a Credit Card - Armitage Shanks {p}
Just occured to me - as this is a legally enforceable debt and they appear to have admitted 'liability' by paying part of what is owed ,might the Small Claims Court be the way forward? DVD - where are you when I need you -:)
Problem getting a valid refund from a Credit Card - Stuartli
The latest figures I can find are that Royal Mail "lost" 14.4m letters in 2004 and 14.6m the following year.

There have been letters in the National Press recently from people complaining that if they have put cash or gift vouchers with letters or cards (yes, they realised it wasn't very sensible) these items have gone missing. The mail was still, however, delivered.

Seems that such items are revealed during mechanical sorting and are quickly removed by unscrupulous employees, presumably well aware that the chances of being caught are very slim.

One woman stated she had sent two cards, one containing a gift voucher; both were delivered, but the gift voucher was missing.
Problem getting a valid refund from a Credit Card - ifithelps
A dishonest postie can tell a note or voucher inside most cards by feel or added weight.

Similarly, a publican friend of mine could tell 19 times out of 20 if a £500 pile of fivers was one short or over.

Problem getting a valid refund from a Credit Card - BobbyG
Was told in days when I would send cash in a card, to always sellotape it onto the inside of the card as unscrupulous staff would slit an envelope and give it a shake to see if anything loose inside the card would fall out!

No need to do that now with te advent of internet banking!
Problem getting a valid refund from a Credit Card - Armitage Shanks {p}
Sturatli - thank you for your very helpful information. May I ask where the figures came from, in that we may want to quote them in any legal submission? I have found a useful website where one can submit a small claims case on line. www.claimyourmoney.gov or something close to that.

Edited by Armitage Shanks {p} on 03/06/2009 at 21:02

Problem getting a valid refund from a Credit Card - Stuartli
No problem:




Remember though that even this large number of lost letters is but a small fraction of the actual number posted and then delivered to the public.

Don't know if this ever went ahead:


Edited by Stuartli on 04/06/2009 at 13:49

Problem getting a valid refund from a Credit Card - Manatee
Your friend should make it clear that she is not happy and will tale whatever steps are necessary to get the refund to which she is entitled, starting with a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman, unless they reverse their decision. Give them say 21 days to do this.

They will very likely cave in, as they have to pay the FO £500 for every complaint investigated, win or lose.
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - oldnotbold
I went to vote. Both ballot papers had unique serial numbers, and those numbers were logged against my number on the electoral roll.

Seems my vote is no longer a secret. I guess it's to prevent electoral fraud, but it could be used for other purposes?
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - jbif
I went to vote. Both ballot papers had unique serial numbers, and those numbers were logged against my number on the electoral roll. Seems my vote is no longer a secret. >>

It has always been as described above as far as I know.

Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - cockle {P}
Indeed, jbif, has been like it for at least 25 years since I did a few elections poll clerking.

Actually, quite an interesting experience you should try it. Won't make you rich but you do get expenses, funnily enough the only times in my life anyone has ever paid me expenses, unlike the people who were being elected.......
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - Stuartli
>>Won't make you rich but you do get expenses>>

A friend of mine, now sadly no longer with us, used to work as a clerk at a polling booth when elections came round.

It meant a 20 mile trip each way and a very early and late finish, but he got well rewarded payment wise, plus expenses.

Edited by Stuartli on 04/06/2009 at 19:22

Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - daveyjp
Your vote has not been secret for decades. They have always written your voting number on the stub of the voting slip.

More info about security issues here:

Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - BobbyG
Oh no, don't tell HJ or Mr X !! :)

1) They probably already know
2) Please don't troll

Smokie, Moderator

Edited by smokie on 04/06/2009 at 13:51

Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - bell boy
so they would never get left on a train then?
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - oldnotbold
"so they would never get left on a train then? "

No. they'd leave them in a lay-by, I think, or perhaps chuck them in back of the the dustcart, which then drives down the road with them fluttering out in the slipstream.

Agreed, you need the tally sheet and the ballot paper to connect me to my votes, but it's not that hard, really, Who'd have thought the Telegraph would have access to MPs' expenses records?
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - smokie
"Telegraph would have access to MPs' expenses records" - serious money changed hands I understand.
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - Falkirk Bairn
"Telegraph would have access to MPs' expenses records" - serious money changed hands I understand.

Govt cannot do much about the Telegraph

1) The Govt paid a bank insider for info in Lichtenstein about offshore money from UK People
(double standards!)

2) The Public would not support prosecuting the whistleblowers - a Knighthood is more likely
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - Stuartli
Apparently the information acquired by the Telegraph (scoop story of the century so far) was contained on just one CD or DVD disk.

The paper had a team of 25 working on the information to collate all the stories which have since been broken.

Seems there's still enough sleaze available to keep the paper's coverage going for quite some time yet.

>>serious money changed hands I understand>>

But still less, for instance, than some celebrities are given for book serial rights.
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - Lud
Seems there's still enough sleaze available to keep the paper's coverage going for quite some time yet.

And phenomenally boring it is to a news addict, nothing but tinpot shopping lists. What, I can't help wondering, is the purpose of making the mother of parliaments look a complete venal idiot in front of foreigners who won't really understand, most of them having parliaments just as bad or worse, apart from distracting the populace from the bank meltdown which does have a serious side? Hardly worth buying the paper these days except for Matt and the Garland political cartoons (today's is a lulu).

The election here is Euro, not Local. I wasn't going to bother, but my sister-in-law is under the weather and wants to vote, so I have agreed to drive her to the polling booth at a nearby school. Like my wife she thinks people ought to vote or the whole democratic system could become an empty shell as it is in some third world countries.

I can only agree. And I will probably vote Labour out of sheer intellectual idleness. Just wish Screaming Lord Sutch was still around, campaigning in his hearse.
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - bell boy
Ive voted ,always do ,even if where i live it will do no good.
Its the taking part and being able to hold your head up and say i didnt vote them in.
I really wish we had a system where to vote was the law and a refusal gave you a thrashing ;-)
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - the swiss tony
Its the taking part and being able to hold your head up and say i
didnt vote them in.

By NOT voting I guarantee I can say I didnt vote them in.....
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - the swiss tony
Agreed you need the tally sheet and the ballot paper to connect me to my
votes but it's not that hard really

wouldnt take forever to scan into a computer, then load to a database....
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - gordonbennet
We've just been up to vote...interesting security on the ballot boxes, i'll bet the fraudsters will really struggle to find similar non serial numbered plastic cable ties as fitted.
No wonder we get the individuals we do..;)
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - Pugugly
Vote - lot of people have sacrificed much for you to do.
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - the swiss tony
Vote - lot of people have sacrificed much for you to do.

They also sacrificed much to give freedom of choice.
my choice? not to vote.

IMO it doesnt make much odds who you vote for.

the people who REALLY make the decisions (advisors and civil servants) rarely change.

Politics? never a safe subject to discuss in public. Thats my last word on the subject.
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - Adam {P}
>>the people who REALLY make the decisions (advisors and civil servants) rarely change.<<

Sir Humphrey? Is that you?
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - JH
I don't like the idea of voting for a party rather than an individual and my brain started to turn to jelly when someone started to explain it. Disinterest I think. If it needs to be explained then it can't be right. The guy in front of me wasn't happy about having one vote for 8 seats but I think he was out of order giving the voting clerk (right expression?) a hard time. I guess the system was devised in Brussels and certainly not by the guy handing out the voting forms. So, I've done my bit. I bet a politician gets in :-(
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - AlastairW
I have voted, because I feel I should. However, I would have much preferred to have been given the option of 'None of the above', so that I could indicate an abstention, as it were.
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - ifithelps
... I would have much preferred to have been given the option of 'None of the above', so that I could indicate an abstention, as it were....

They wouldn't dare, because particularly in a Euro election, 'none of the above' would win by a landslide.

The gravy train would then hit the buffers and no politician would want that.

Euro MEP expenses dwarf those claimed by MPs - even the dishonest ones.
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - L'escargot
The European Parliament ballot form was so big that when it was folded it was reluctant to go through the slot into the ballot box. I had to pick uo the clerk's pencil to help to push the form into the box!
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - mjm
>>At the Count, the marked ballot papers are kept face upwards so that no-one may attempt to see the number on the back of the ballot paper.<<
From the security link above.

>>when it was folded it was reluctant to go through the slot into the ballot box. <<

From L'escargot.

If you have to fold it then the number is visible, therefore anyone may attempt to see it.

I noticed the same thing, L'escargot. I did think of complaining to the clerk about it but the polling station was in the skittle alley area of the local pub and the bar was open----

I also read on an official notice that it is a criminal offence to deface a ballot paper. If "they" wish to prosecute then there must be tracability?
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - Stuartli
We only had Euro polling yesterday. When we went to vote, the polling clerk folded the giant form for both of us in advance (to a quarter of the original size) so it would fit through the slot in the quite small canvas type voting box.
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - henry k
When we went to vote the polling clerk folded the giant form for both of us in advance (to a quarter of the original size) so it would fit through the slot in the quite small canvas type voting box.

Interesting comments in earlier posts.

I spent yesterday from 0630 til 2230 working at a polling station so I can speak with a just a little authority.

Please believe me, if you have not been involved behind the scenes, the red tape, processes belt and three braces processes has to be seen to be believed.
The forms that have to be completed, EVERY thing logged and accounted for, the envelopes that have to be labelled and filled is astounding.
I have absolutely no concerns whatsoever in the processes.

All polling forms are numbered. I logged the voter number for each form I issued.
I personally queried what happened to these forms.
The forms I completed are placed in specific logged envelopes and sealed.
These envelopes can only be opened on the authority of (legal) judge in the event of a disputed very close result.

All material from the polling station has to be accounted for, bagged up, closed up and logged.
I was surprised the even the backing cardboard from the pads was collected, logged and bagged.

Re giant forms.
We handed them out totally unfolded or even bent ( in the true sense).
Quite early in the morning we had a firm directive NOT to fold or even bend the forms as UKIP had protested so we were doing things correctly.

In my PERSONAL opinion not enough thought had gone into supplying appropriate / enough ballot boxes for the EU forms at my polling station.
We did have an official embossed long flat "paddle" to push the posted papers further down into the box.

I have previously worked on the count so have also experienced the next part of the process.
This too is belt and three braces approach so I am also at ease with this side of things.

If you have ever seen the TV coverage of any count you will see lots people there.
I was inside the square workingon the count and all those out side were there but not working on the count.
These others are members of the public with a wide variety of interests.
Candidates, TV, press, agents MPs, et al.
I was closely observed by members of the public who are free to comment at any time.
e.g. "you are putting that vote on the wrong pile mate !"

I hope this clarifies things

Remember ANYONE can go to the count and observe things.

Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - daveyjp
I was chatting to a neighbour earlier who also carried out a similar task yesterday.

She had already been on a half day course.

She spent a few hours on Wednesday evening checking everything that had been delivered to her house ready for yesterday.

Up at 5am on Thursday to get to the station for 6am to give herself an hour to sort everything.

At the station until 10pm for 144 voters to pass through the station. She was kept busier redirecting those who came to the wrong one due to changes this year!

She then had to bag everything up as instructed and this was then checked twice when delivering the ballot box and paperwork.

She arrived home just before midnight.

Her pay for this was far less than the minimum wage!

Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - henry k
Two of us on the issuing desk logged over 700 during the day. nearly 100 in one hour
Most but not all entitled to two voting forms.
Plus many queries, e.g carers who assist wheelchair voters in the voting process have to fill in and sign a form. We only had very short breaks for calories /drinks.
We also had to ensure the completed form went in the appropriate box and YES there was a form to fill in for each dear member of the great public who put it in the wrong box.

A small request "Please take your voters form with you as it speeds the look up"
Many homes do not have numbers etc
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - oldnotbold
The clerks at my polling station could not answer my questions about the logging of my ballot sheet serial numbers, and they could not tell me who I could call/write to to get them answered. I think that's avoidable in this day and age.

Edited by oldnotbold on 06/06/2009 at 11:32

Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - ifithelps

Your local returning officer is the man - or woman - to answer your voting procedure queries.

Chances are he will be a senior officer, possibly the chief executive, of your local council.

He is highly paid by the public to serve the public and should be prepared to take your call and/or answer your email.

Ring the council on Monday and I'm sure they will give you a name, if not put you through.
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - oldnotbold
Thanks, but I'm clear now that the procedure is robust and reasonable. It's just a pity that the clerks at the poll were not briefed to answer my perfectly reasonable question, or direct me to the answer.
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - ifithelps
Agreed, v poor performance by the clerks.

If they didn't know, they should at the very least have been able to direct you to a man who did.

Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - henry k
Agreed v poor performance by the clerks.>>
If they didn't know they should at the very least have been able to direct you to a man who did.

I tend to agree with that comment.
Any question I could not answer I called over my boss or directed the person enquiring to him so we could press on.
If my boss did not know or needed to check details at the central office then it was straight on the phone and an answer was obtained immediately.
e.g. question. "My daughter is on the list but not my son so why not?."
A call to the central office and they replied " When the voter registration form was completed you ommitted your son. Would you like to complete a form now so he can vote next time?"
I was very impressed at the immediate answers to any questions raised.

On Sunday evening, for a few hours I will be counting the scrolls or lost under a paper mountain.
Reading my instructions I am not convinced the standard instructions for the normal ballot papers will work for the scrolls. We will see!.

I second calling the local council and they will put you in touch with the correct person to answer your questions. I have always found ours very helpful.

My letter of appointment is signed by The Local Returing Officer who is the Chief Executive of our Borough based at our Civic Centre.
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - drbe
Henry k.
What happened to the European election count? Has it been held over, or has the count been done and the authorities are keeping schtum until the rest of Europe declares?

Do you know the result? Can you be bribed? Would you like a ride - or a drive even, in my new convertible?
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - Rattle
I think the results are being announced tomorrow.
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - Stuartli
Sky News has a programme devoted to the results on Sunday evening from 8pm. No doubt BBC News (24) will be doing something similar.
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - henry k
What happened to the European election count? Has it been held over or has the
count been done and the authorities are keeping schtum until the rest of Europe declares?

It has not yet happened in Elmbridge. I start my counting stint from 17:30 til at least 21:15 at the Xcel Leisure Centre Walton.
Do you know the result? Can you be bribed? Would you like a ride -
or a drive even in my new convertible?

I like your offer but even when I have finished at Walton I probably will not know the result. We may have finished our bit and everyone is happy that the outcome is accurate BUT the grand total appears to be assembled by The Regional Returning Officer in Southampton. ( The South East region?)
I am assuming that he has to await all the Local Returning Officers totals before he uses his abbacus to finalise the grand finale.

So I am honestly not bribable this time as " I no nothin !"
Voted this morning - No longer a secret ballot - ifithelps
The UK count has been delayed so that all counts across Europe start at the same time on Sunday evening.

Sunderland, which has established a name for being one of the first to declare on General Election nights, is once again looking to do a quick count.

This time, of course, it's the North East Euro constituency, but the count is being held in Sunderland's thoroughly un-lovely 1960s civic centre.
Silver Coins - What Are They Worth? - drbe
I have a quantity of 'silver' coins dating back to to the 1920s. I understand that the older coins had a proportion of silver in them, this proportion gradually reduced over the years until in the 1970s? there was no silver in the 'silver' coins.

The older coins have a worth greater than their face value, how can I capitalise on this? Where can I sell the coins to get the best return?
Silver Coins - What Are They Worth? - FotheringtonThomas
If they were minted before 1920, they're Sterling, if before 1946 1/2 silver. After, cupro-nickel.

I don't know what the current scrap value of silver is, years ago it was about £9/oz, probably similar now - as for the coins, first look them up on the 'Net to see what they're worth to collectors.
Pisa or Florence?, part 'due'. - legacylad
Recently returned from our long weekend in Florence as per IHAQ vol 290. We decided to stay in Florence for the duration...scorching hot, way too warm for museum visiting. AE..we found a hotel with a rooftop pool and terrace, fantastic views... the Kraft Hotel, some 200 yards from the Arno and a gentle 20 minute stroll from the centre beside the Arno. Sub £50 B & B pppn in a quiet residential area with plenty of restaurants and local shops.. Adequate breakfast, friendly staff, and an 8 minute walk from the station. Highly recommended. I was concerned initially about us flying into Pisa and a lengthy public transport transfer to Florence, but Stuartli's links proved invaluable...6 direct trains a day from Pisa airport to Florence, and if inconvenient timing, a 2 mile bus hop from the airport to Pisa Centrale where trains run direct to Florence SMN station every 20 mins.
Thanks for advice bellboy, rtj70 et al...next year we may get inside the museums but just wandering around, (and looking up) visiting the Boboli Gardens, plus a walking tour, was sufficient culture for this trip. What a wonderful city.
WW2 Underground Factory - drbe
I watched a TV programme last night (Saturday 6th June) on BBC4(?) which showed an underground factory - in, presumably, Germany - manned by slave labour.

Is the factory still there? If so, what is it used for nowadays?
WW2 Underground Factory - rjr
In reply to drbe:

I didn't see the programme so I can't be sure but during WW2 V2 rocket production was moved from Pennemunde to a new subterranean factory called Mittlewerk. The factory was manned with slave labour from the Mittelbau-Dora camp.


According the the link above the factory has been partially re-opened for visitors presumably as a museum.
Cordless answerphone, two handsets? - FotheringtonThomas
What's a good sort to get, for not too much money? The range available is huge & to me confusing. The main requirements are good sound, and an answering machine. It would be good if reasonably "solid", too.
Cordless answerphone, two handsets? - Xtype
Ive always had Panasonic handsets at work. They have great range and last years, if a little expensive.
You could try the BT branded handsets. I brought a 3 pack from argos a while back and they have proved to work well. There is no anser phone built in - but I use the free 1571 service from talktalk. I think BT have a similar service.
Cordless answerphone, two handsets? - Stuartli
I bought a BT Freestyle 650 (with answerphone base) at around half-price from a local discount store, where its stock changes every few weeks as various brands' models are discontinued. It replaced a Philips model which had very average sound quality and now demoted to the upstairs landing.

However, I would also endorse the suggestion of Panasonic models which can be less expensive than might be believed from outlets such as Argos.

Panasonic models also, according to the younger offspring who has one at home, are less likely to cause any problems with wireless broadband efficiency. As networking is his speciality, such advice is based on experience.

Edited by Stuartli on 08/06/2009 at 11:34

Cordless answerphone, two handsets? - perro
*Panasonic* ... next question?
Cordless answerphone, two handsets? - buzbee
If you are considering a BT Dect one, check the display text for its quality before purchase. Take along a couple of AAA batteries to fire one up, and have a look. It is some time ago now that I returned a BT one for poor readability in favour of a Panasonic -- KX-TGA711E. The BT stylist had paid too much attention to text style and too little to its readability.
Cordless answerphone, two handsets? - SpamCan61 {P}
Yes, we've got some BT branded DECT handsets at home that I bought cheaply from Amazon, they are surviving the various females in the spamcan house throwing them around in very well, no fatalities yet :-/
Cordless answerphone, two handsets? - David Horn
Another recommendation for Panasonic here. Our whole family are long-time users. Occasionally on special offer at larger Tescos.