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Focus Vibrations - JR
A passenger in my Focus (2yrs old, 2.0L, average millage) recently pointed out a problem that had been at the back of mind and slowly getting worse. My car has a vibration at speed. This feeling of vibratiuon has developed into steering wheel twitching at certain speeds which if you release the wheel is clearly visable. Some days are worse than others, which doesn't make sense since a mechanical problem cannot cure its self then reappear at a later stage so I guess it is more related to the road surface etc.

I have had the wheels checked for balance etc - my first thought, since it is the most obvious potential problem, but they are all fine. I have had the car since new, and have not hit a curb or other obstacle that can explain any recent damage!

People; your thoughts?

Focus Vibrations - smokie
I had problems with the Omega tramlining when I got it (23,000). Cured by a new set of tyres, even though the old ones were only half worn.
Focus Vibrations - Andrew Hamilton
Could swopping wheels diagonally show up if tyres were a problem?
Focus Vibrations - svpworld
Had the tramlining problem when I swapped my standard cavalier wheels for TSW 15" alloys with wide profile tyres. It was dangerous to take my hands off the wheel as the car could veer to the right, or to the left, depending on the road surface! I also heard theres a problem due to the wheel offsets, they have to be the same as the manufacturers specs (usually 49mm for vauxhall).
Assuming your focus has the manufacturers wheels and good tyres, I would suspect that the vibration was incorrect wheel balancing. You could also have the tracking checked, though that usually manifests itself as heavier steering. Might be a wheel bearing, failing that see if the disc's are warped.


SVPworld (incorporating PSRworld)
Focus Vibrations - Crinkly Dave
Certainly have the rear tyres checked for balance, but also for out-of-round.
Focus Vibrations - Blue {P}
Isn't it possible to adjust the tracking on the rear wheels of Focus's? I saw a 99 Focus with uneven rear tyre wear at the dealers, it looked like the kind you get on a front wheel when it is out of alignment, could a similar problem be causing this?