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Driven - Roger Jones
I saw most of the second half of Driven last night. Rubbish, absolute rubbish. And such a shame after earlier series that seemed half sensible. Was the first half any better? If not, I shan't bother with it again.
Driven - jud
Agree very poor. From first place to last.
Driven - M.M
Yep seems they have set the same format for the whole series, complete rubbish. If they've recorded the whole lot like this the crew must be so frustrated it can't be undone now.

You don't even seem to find out much about the cars, is it that the content is missing or that the style prevents the facts from showing through.

Lets have Top Gear back in the style of about two years ago.

PS. Would like to have a Sk*** Superb on the drive though.

David W
Driven - volvoman
I think these shows are sadly all going the way of the cooking programmes in which the emphasis seems to be far more on farting around with the cameras to produce an array of unnecessay effects than on explaining the products and how they work. So instead of finding out about the cars we get randomly zooming in/out camera shots which focus (or not) on small portions of the cars and produce obscure shots of the presenters' ear lobes, nasal hairs etc. Whereas once upon a time the emphasis was on clear, simple explanations of the facts what we now get is a politically correct mixture of presenters, most of whom seem to be unable to talk in simple English ! I saw a piece on a new car on Top Gear some time ago in which, despite containing numerous oblique views of exhaust pipes, wing mirrors, petrol filler caps and various body panels, never actually showed a clear picture of the whole car !!! What a joke ! The final straw came when I saw some bird trying to manoeuvre an enormous camper type van through a farm gate - I wonder how many takes that took !
Driven - Leanne
I can't wait for Jeremy to come back
Driven - Phil G
It was possible the worst motoring program I have ever seen. That stupid 'Driver' sequence - so sad to see them destroy that nice old Merc - almost brought a tear to my eye.

Bring back Brewer with Deals on Wheels - just saw a rerun on Discovery and it was so much better than any of this drivel.
Driven - P.Mason {P}
I absolutely agree with all the above comments.
Puerile, pointless rubbish - the stupid 'car sumo' pushing match, and as for that takeoff of the 'The Driver' - reversing so gently into the wall that it didn't even dent the(admittedly very effective)bumper.
However, I hear From One Who Knows that we may be seeing JC in TG sometime soon.
Driven - Leif
Too true.
Driven - Flat in Fifth
Looks like two weeks have got the same response in two seperate threads, and as you say David, does not bode well for the rest of the series.

As for the Skoda Superb, looking at one in the dealer the other day, 141,500 sek ie a tad under £10k.

All the kit in UK plus engine heater plus a second set of steel wheels complete with winter spikes.

and they land of abba is expensive!
Driven - J Bonington Jagworth
I didn't watch it this time, having watched last week. Glad to have made the right decision, but sorry to have my worst suspicions confirmed. What a waste of otherwise good presenters...
Driven - Steve G
I only caught the last 10 minutes and could not believe how this once excellent motoring programme has turned into complete rubbish. Watching people eating donuts in the back of a Supra doing donuts ... They obviously think its target audience is 6 -10 year olds.
I see next week we can look forward to people driving cars with a basket of eggs on the bonnet ??
Hurry back JC ....
Driven - Ian Cook
Thank you, backroomers. I've got the programme on tape (unwatched), but my time is quite precious. I'll scrub it.

Ian Cook
Driven - volvod5_dude
I find the presenters on Driven extremely irritating. I would never buy a used car off that "wheeler dealer" type on the programme, I can't remember his name! Needless to say I don't watch it anymore.

I suppose "Mark the Mod" will now delete this because we'll all get sued by Driven! Isn't censorship grand!
Driven - James_Jameson
I haven't seen any of the latest Driven series, but if you want to see themost pointless, moronic "car tests" with wavy camerawork (barely ever seeing the car for more than a fraction of a second at a time), scripts that seem to be taken from the manufacturers' own marketing material, characterless politically correct presenters (I could go on!), then have a look at Sky (and cable?) TVs Men and Motors channel.
Driven - Cardew
I agree with you about the Sky series. However this Driven series, if the first 2 programmes are anything to go by, is worse.


Driven - bigbro62
You were spot on Roger, total rubbish, the don't seem to live in the real world, why can they not get back to compering like with like, thats what HJ does, he should do his own tv program.
Driven - Citroënian {P}

I'll watch pretty much anything with cars in it, and am quite keen to watch Brewer, Mallory and Plato but this programme is absolute rubbish.

THought I'd give it another chance after last week, but just as bad this week. Not sure who came up with the new format but the brief seems to have been "shed as many viewers from our audience as possible in the shortest possible time".

rubbish, rubbish, rubbish.

JC just needs to turn up and do his presenting without having to shout over unnecessarily revved engines to sink Driven. A real waste of presenting talent and a total waste of anybodys time.


Just my opinions you understand! :-)
Driven - dimdip
Bring back William Woollard on Top Gear I say. Down to earth motoring without the cult of personality.
Driven - Obsolete
What I liked about the first series was that it concentrated on issues that I could relate to. How to buy a used car, how to check out a car, reviews of budget and mid range cars.

At that time Top Gear seemed to be about watching an ex racing driver hurtling round a race track in an expensive car, mixed in with reviews of top range cars fimed from daft angles that prevented you from seeing the b***** things anyway.

That said, the spiv, as someone on this site once unceremoniously called Quentin Wilson, was always interesting. Maybe 'cos he could relate to Joe Punter.
Driven - doug_523i
Where did they get a turbo Supra for £1200? There's two for sale around my way, an 89F for £2,500 and a 91H for £2,999, both are just the 3.0i.
Driven - Micky
Was the Merc driven into the wall at 2mph or was it 3mph? Is Plato a girly? Apologies to girlies everywhere.
Driven - RB
Just adding my comments of support re the naffness of this and all other TV motoring programmes.

A pathetic shame about that poor old Merc - OK, so it was a bit rusty round the wheel arches but that was no way to treat a 36 year old car.

And let's get rid of the PC Voxpop bits too.

One thing I don't agree with many of the comments of above, what do you mean "talented presenters". Come on now!! Lucky, I think, is the word we mean!
Supra Turbo - M.M
Don't mean to sound offhand Doug but....

This pricing is typical of a fast old car that is expensive to run and heading for the breakers.

There are real values and there are asking prices. I bet a whisker under £1K is a nearer true trade figure. Try part-exing one!!

If you walk round the breakers they are stuffed full of impressive vehicles like this from the 89/90 era. One big fault and they are driven past the alsation for that last run.

Great fun while they are going though.

David W
Supra Turbo - dan
I have sent the production company the following email:

Oh dear,
You certainly messed that up. Driven has utterly lost any edge it had, possibly even surpassing any attempt to intentionally destroy it as a popular program.

My God what were you thinking, which creative talent died suddenly and left the teaboy in charge? You're being absolutely crucified out here by...erm... yep everyone, oh except for one or two who would also find a shiny coin fascinating.

I expect it is too late to yank this wayward mess back into line before it gets chopped as the last viewer dies from terminal stupidity. Never mind you have deftly paved the way for top gears return...C'est la vie.

Kind Regards,
Supra Turbo - J Bonington Jagworth
Couldn't have put it better myself, Dan. Do let us know if they reply...
Supra Turbo - Citroënian {P}
Well said Dan.

Driven - Steve S
God no. Nothing against William but he wouldn't have been allowed to be critical. JC, love him or hate him, changed all that.
Driven - Steve S
Sorry that was a reply to PDP - replies seem unable to attach themselves to the original post.